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Currently in the middle of QT and they should have Brian Cox on the show more often because seeing him rip into that cunt David Starky was a joy to behold.


Why they insist on having that obnoxious, arrogant twat on the show time after time is beyond me.


Ooh thats my next thing to watch sorted forgot about that was looking forward to him being on as well!


Starky really doesnt come accross well the last few times he has been on.. interesting

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A pretty major court case as far as Scottish politics goes started in Glasgow today;


It is destined to be the biggest criminal trial of the year and promises a potent mix of celebrity, politics, and allegations of sordid sex and lies.


Tommy Sheridan and his wife Gail are due in the dock at the High Court in Glasgow today to face claims they lied under oath during Mr Sheridan

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How much tax do you expect "the rich" to have to pay?

Only the same rate as the rest of us.


Cracking. No higher rates for those above

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Great article, Happ, thanks for that. So the top 10% of earners pay over half the total income tax revenue? Interesting. That's probably not at all unreasonable, but it's a sobering statistic.

Edited by Loki
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How much tax are YOU paying?



Do you voluntarily pay extra tax because you think that the government does such a good job? No? Then why do you expect others to?

No, I pay what i'm supposed to.


I don't use loopholes to pay less tax than someone who makes a fraction of what I do.


Do you think the government should crack down on tax avoidance even if it would result in the tax take being lowered overall? Or should they do whatever will result in maximised revenue?

Yes, I do think the Government should crack down on tax avoidance.


Especially when the alternative is to hammer the people who are at the bottom of the ladder through unemployment benefits and disability etc.

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I'm confused as to what you mean; That'd really only work in a directly comparable way; say John earns 10,000 a year and pays 1,000 in a tax, then Ted who earns 200,000 would pay 20,000. The problem is considering tax is more often worked out as pence in the pound, i.e percentages, and not as a per annum flat rate, your way would suggest that John pays 10p in the pound, and Ted pays

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Great article, Happ, thanks for that. So the top 10% of earners pay over half the total income tax revenue? Interesting.


Yeah I echo that as it validates all that Ive been saying recently and then has been glossed over as indecipherable by others with agendas on here.


So 20 quid a week and your earning 44k a year. Gluttony or demise of the freedom for all system.


I love the purpose misquote used by Nick Robinson on the news re cuts of benefits.. no agenda their nick, hasnt been apparent since the before election or anything has it?

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I'm sorry, but has anybody said they disagree with the statement that those who are avoiding paying tax (or the correct amount or whatever) should be made to? I may have missed it...


Because I really don't see that anybody is disagreeing with that. That's not a rich/poor thing. That's a "pay your tax, you bastard" thing, doesn't matter if you earn

Edited by SmokeSoapBar
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