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If the BNP could somehow lose the skin-head, chav image it has and actually be able to back up a lot of their pledges with well thought out policies then I'd gladly vote for them.


So for you, it's just a matter of image, is it? The thinly-veiled racist policies and drive to send Britain back to a totally agrarian economy are things you'd consider worth voting for? Despite your claim you've never voted before and that voting for anyone outside Labour or the Tories is a wasted vote?




If he's really lucky, much like you he 'won't give a shit', but will keep desparately seeing what's been posted and reply to it all the time.

You've not exactly been difficult to find in this thread recently either Chrissy boy.


In all fairness, Chris hasn't been trying to be difficult to find - he's actively seeking to engage people in this debate.

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If the BNP could somehow lose the skin-head, chav image it has and actually be able to back up a lot of their pledges with well thought out policies then I'd gladly vote for them.


So for you, it's just a matter of image, is it? The thinly-veiled racist policies and drive to send Britain back to a totally agrarian economy are things you'd consider worth voting for? Despite your claim you've never voted before and that voting for anyone outside Labour or the Tories is a wasted vote?





Yep, got it in one!

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I loath the BNP but I can see the point that Harry is making the EU "Democracy" is a complete fucking joke.


Is that point an important enough one to make to warrant funding the BNP?


To harry obviously but not to me though since the EU machine is in full motion and there is pretty much bugger all we can do about it other then wait for the inevitable implosion of the whole thing.


I personally dont agree with harrys vote but its his choice.

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QT tonight



Julia Goldsworthy making politics seem fun



Other than that Liam Byrne, Baroness Karsi Martin Sorrell and some Scottish guy with delusions of grandeur are biorng us to tears

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This is a really weak argument, I think.

It's more a statement than an argument really. I'm 100% against the European situation, and as such have no problem seeing people like Griffin making a mockery of it.


Once we get our referendum on the situation i'll start to take it seriously.

So rather than voting for a party who wants a referendum, you're voting for one which doesn't. Excellent.




I'm of the belief that instead of trying to rid ourselves of the BNP by simply badmouthing them and telling them to "fuck off", we maybe have to look at why people are voting for them.


Also, the patronizing idea of having to "educate" people doesn't wash with me either.


Trying to solve the problems that the people who vote BNP have is perhaps a better idea.

I must have misread your initial post. You only want them to act up in Europe, as if the rampant and blatant bribery of European officials and everything else that's gone on in the last few years isn't enough. There are already fascists in the European parliament, and it hasn't really made much of a difference to it. So I'm not sure what you're getting at.


I've also never suggested that we can get rid of the BNP by badmouthing them or telling them to "fuck off" - a pathetic straw man attack, par for your course.


My friend is a socialist councillor up in this neck of the woods, and I've been out to help him campaign a few times, as I have done with other people in Birmingham, Leicester and here in Chesterfield. Going out on the knock, I was surprised how many people don't understand what the BNP are really about - if you get your news from the tabloids and don't watch TV current affairs, then it becomes more understandable. I'm not saying it's worked every time, but quite a lot of people become disgusted when they find out what the BNP is really about - as did the Church of England and the British Legion, neither organisation exactly hotbeds of radicals and socialists. So your patronizing comment holds no water, and just shows your real level of involvement and interest in politics.


I agree that we should be solving the problems of people who think voting for the BNP is a good idea. However, you seem intelligent enough to realise the BNP will not solve those issues (if you genuinely think forced repatriation will solve our problems, I feel sorry for you) and you're still advocating a vote for them. The way to solve the problems it to take the billions we spent on war, and propping up banks that only failed because they were too fucking greedy, and spend it on social housing, hospitals, schools and job creation. The BNP would not do that.

Edited by Famous Mortimer
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So rather than voting for a party who wants a referendum, you're voting for one which doesn't. Excellent.

As has been mentioned in this thread before, we aren't getting a referendum on the situation. The Government have signed us up, and we are already involved.


This means i'm never going to be taking the EU seriously, and any voting for a party who wants a referendum is simply a waste of time, getting no response from the public or the Government.


A vote for the BNP in this instance however get's everyone talking, and suddenly the turnout for the election is brought into the spotlight, people are looking at this election in more detail when before the majority of people couldn't be arsed even voting.


That all happened because the BNP got two MEP's elected.


I must have misread your initial post. You only want them to act up in Europe, as if the rampant and blatant bribery of European officials and everything else that's gone on in the last few years isn't enough. There are already fascists in the European parliament, and it hasn't really made much of a difference to it. So I'm not sure what you're getting at.

The fact that the EU is still operating and being accepted as a legitimate entity is evidence that what has gone on in recent years isn't enough.


Maybe at some point there'll be enough fascists and fools in the European Parliament to make people actually take a serious look at the situation and realise that it's a bogus system.


Making a protest vote in the traditional sense won't work in this instance unfortunately, with the only real way to draw an apathetic publics attention to whats going on is to make them angry, and having representatives from the BNP pocketing Euro cash will do exactly that.


I've also never suggested that we can get rid of the BNP by badmouthing them or telling them to "fuck off" - a pathetic straw man attack, par for your course.

I never said that you personally suggested that, I was making reference to your post about the British Legion and the Church Of England.


Those two organisations, especially the latter, have a fair degree of influence over the public in this country. A more well thought out and considered approach may have been better in this instance instead of simply going along with the mandatory over the top show of disgust.


I agree that we should be solving the problems of people who think voting for the BNP is a good idea. However, you seem intelligent enough to realise the BNP will not solve those issues (if you genuinely think forced repatriation will solve our problems, I feel sorry for you) and you're still advocating a vote for them.

Despite what a few others in the thread seem to want to believe, i've never voted BNP in any other election except the one i've mentioned, and i've stated my reasons for doing so a few times now.


I'm not "backtracking", or "making excuses" for voting for them, i'm simply telling you how it is as far as i'm concerned. Everyone has the right to disagree with me, and to believe that I should have taken another course of action, and that's fine.


I also have the right to disregard their opinions as readily as they disgregard mines.


I know that the BNP are a shambles, and that they have no solutions to any of the problems we have in this country. I've stated many a time that they will forever be a fringe party in UK politics, because when it gets right down to it they are only good for "patriotic" soundbites and opportunism.


To suggest that I would consider voting BNP or "supporting" them in a UK election when it's blatantly obvious from what i've posted in this thread and others that i'm a Scottish nationalist who wants independence is just plain stupid, and it indicates that certain people are more than happy to only draw a conclusion that fits with their argument when they read anything i've written.


The way to solve the problems it to take the billions we spent on war, and propping up banks that only failed because they were too fucking greedy, and spend it on social housing, hospitals, schools and job creation. The BNP would not do that.

Do you expect me to disagree?


I'd also like to point out that in the 2010 election thread, the BNP have 7% of the votes already.


Maybe some of you would like to ask who is willing to vote for the BNP in the upcoming election, and why?

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is what i dont get from Labour.. how is going back to the 1980s a bad thing? per se

Kajagoogoo, Timmy Mallet, Jim Davidson fronting light entertainment shows, the IRA, four TV channels and Kendo Nagasaki hypnotysing his opponents...

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This is what i dont get from Labour.. how is going back to the 1980s a bad thing? per se





Poll Tax Riots were 1990, Poll Tax introduced in Scotland 1989, rest of the country in 1990 iirc


3 Million Unemployed.. We have more than that now, the figures then were more transparent as they were as massaged/criteria changed every 5 secs afaik


17% interest rates? When?

On a personal level the cost of living has shot up way more within the last 5 years than it ever did in the 1980s Prices for some stuff now are just insanity.

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Poll Tax Riots were 1990, Poll Tax introduced in Scotland 1989, rest of the country in 1990 iirc


3 Million Unemployed.. We have more than that now, the figures then were more transparent as they were as massaged/criteria changed every 5 secs afaik


17% interest rates? When?

On a personal level the cost of living has shot up way more within the last 5 years than it ever did in the 1980s Prices for some stuff now are just insanity.

Poll Tax wasn't introduced here, it's still the Rates system.


Unemployed - both the Tories and Labour in their current & last periods of power were happy to massage figures to suit their agendas, Tories in the 80's did try to get some unemployed on to IB to try and keep UB figures artificially low.


Can't comment about interest rates except that they were definitely higher back in the 1980's than they are now. Main cost I've seen shoot up in the last few years has been house prices which in some places went insane. Rising price of crude oil also affects many other parts of our cost of living too, and that's going to be a problem in the long term regardless of who is in power - better to tackle that problem sooner rather than later and reduce the UK's dependence on importing fossil fuels.

Edited by Glen Quagmire
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