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Harry, you're aware they gain money from their European posts? Not to mention political credibility. That's exactly the imbecilic thing you're talking about.

I'm willing to run the risk of them getting a few quid in order to see them over there acting up and generally bringing down the tone.

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We have entered personality politics and the press are making a big deal of Mrs Cameron being up the duff


This election is going to suck.. roll on wednesday.. what times the budget due as I may get some fodder/ booze in to watch in...

Personality politics entered the UK a while back in the form of Thatcher who deliberately made sure that the political focus in the country made her the centre of attention. When she was ousted by her own party, John Major's leadership provide some respite from this though in his favour for that he was more preoccupied in holding the Conservative Party together and he had the image of a quiet, unassuming figure that allowed his cabinet ministers to get on with their jobs themselves more than Thatcher did. The election of Blair brought leadership personality back again that even if Major wasn't a beaten docket by 1997, he would have struggled to come up against Blair even allowing for his successful soapbox campaign in 1992. Now in 2010 you have Brown as PM, for all his faults I reckon that had he been in the position he is now in around 40-50 years ago he would have been looked on more favourably by the press on both the left and right than what he is now especially by the right. However in the modern world his economic policies as Chancellor where he called the end of "boom & bust" proved to be false and he doesn't inspire confidence to lead on another five years with his party in the background about to self-implode possibly even worse than the Tories did in the 1990s. I also shudder at the thought of Cameron getting in if only because he's not very clear about what he stands for on many different issues and that he used to work as a PR man. I also don't think the Conservative Party is as united as they appear, the only big difference is that the strongly Eurosceptic members that were around in the 1990's are now in UKIP, they're only united for the purpose of power. Clegg doesn't give confidence either. He ain't going to be PM for sure and the Lib Dems could have done better than another Blair clone. Vince Cable would appear to be a safe pair of hands if he was Chancellor, but his big problem is that he's too blunt and honest about tackling the current economic problems to many in the City who want to be kept being told "there's nothing for you to worry about" and have everyone else pick up the shit they've left behind.


I can make one confident prediction for the General Election, that is it will have the lowest percentage turn out of voters for any General Elections since World War II.

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Personality politics entered the UK a while back in the form of Thatcher who deliberately made sure that the political focus in the country made her the centre of attention. When she was ousted by her own party, John Major's leadership provide some respite from this though in his favour for that he was more preoccupied in holding the Conservative Party together and he had the image of a quiet, unassuming figure that allowed his cabinet ministers to get on with their jobs themselves more than Thatcher did.


Examples please Mr Quagmire


The election of Blair brought leadership personality back again that even if Major wasn't a beaten docket by 1997, he would have struggled to come up against Blair even allowing for his successful soapbox campaign in 1992.



Bullshit. I reckon Major was on a hiding to nothing. Great Chancellor shot leader.. more of a custodian as no one else wanted to be scapegoat after Thatcher/ John Smith galvanised the party and provided the beginnings of change had he not died it would have been Smith to Blair potentially..



Now in 2010 you have Brown as PM, for all his faults I reckon that had he been in the position he is now in around 40-50 years ago he would have been looked on more favourably by the press on both the left and right than what he is now especially by the right.


Doubt it the british press have forever been strong on orators... Brown is a shit orator, he is essentially reprising the Major role above as fall guy.


However in the modern world his economic policies as Chancellor where he called the end of "boom & bust" proved to be false and he doesn't inspire confidence to lead on another five years with his party in the background about to self-implode possibly even worse than the Tories did in the 1990s.


Labour have been threatening this all along tbh. Take your pick from a number of Ministers and hangers on from Vaz to Mandy to Jowell and so on and so on. There has been more scandal in 'New' Labour than under the Tories.. whether that is new media or a different society is certainly an argument that is worth pursuing though and something I wouldnt like to call.


I also shudder at the thought of Cameron getting in if only because he's not very clear about what he stands for on many different issues and that he used to work as a PR man. I also don't think the Conservative Party is as united as they appear, the only big difference is that the strongly Eurosceptic members that were around in the 1990's are now in UKIP, they're only united for the purpose of power.


Ken Clarke says Hi... Torys havent been united since Peel repealed the Corn Laws if you examine closely.


Clegg doesn't give confidence either. He ain't going to be PM for sure and the Lib Dems could have done better than another Blair clone. Vince Cable would appear to be a safe pair of hands if he was Chancellor, but his big problem is that he's too blunt and honest about tackling the current economic problems to many in the City who want to be kept being told "there's nothing for you to worry about" and have everyone else pick up the shit they've left behind.


Nick Clegg is a nothing man.. he has strong values and is a great politician, but isnt a leader. Chris Huhne should have potentially won the leader ship voter.. there is also a valid case to get Charlie back as leader.


Vince Cable would make an excellent Prime Minister.. No shit, takes no prisoners and talks sense. Whomever was the next government would be a fool not to invite him to be at least Chancellor.


I can make one confident prediction for the General Election, that is it will have the lowest percentage turn out of voters for any General Elections since World War II.


I duno this could be the election that breaks the Camels back.. dependant on the Budget tomorrow you may see alot of protest votes and a squew parliament returned.

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Harry, you're aware they gain money from their European posts? Not to mention political credibility. That's exactly the imbecilic thing you're talking about.

I'm willing to run the risk of them getting a few quid in order to see them over there acting up and generally bringing down the tone.

This is a really weak argument, I think. For years now, one of the typical posts about the BNP from all sorts of people on all sorts of forums is

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This is a really weak argument, I think.

It's more a statement than an argument really. I'm 100% against the European situation, and as such have no problem seeing people like Griffin making a mockery of it.


Once we get our referendum on the situation i'll start to take it seriously.


For years now, one of the typical posts about the BNP from all sorts of people on all sorts of forums is
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This is a really weak argument, I think.

It's more a statement than an argument really. I'm 100% against the European situation, and as such have no problem seeing people like Griffin making a mockery of it.


Once we get our referendum on the situation i'll start to take it seriously.


The problem being that they make money from it. And you're against them making money, on the basis of it being imbecilic.


Your statement about thinking anyone helping financially support them being idiotic does not make any sense when you help vote them into a lucrative European role.

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The problem being that they make money from it. And you're against them making money, on the basis of it being imbecilic.

I'm not "against" them making money at all, i'm simply saying that anyone who actually puts their own hard-earned cash into the BNP of their own free will are imbeciles.


The Euro money is already going into the pocket of a politician, isn't it? If not Griffin, then someone from another party.

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It's very unlikely this will be the lowest turnout ever as historically turnout is usually much higher when the election is likely to be closer.


If, however, there's a hung parliament and we wind up with a second election within a year, you'll probably see a slump in the turnout along with a big drop in the Lib Dem vote.

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The problem being that they make money from it. And you're against them making money, on the basis of it being imbecilic.

I'm not "against" them making money at all, i'm simply saying that anyone who actually puts their own hard-earned cash into the BNP of their own free will are imbeciles.


The Euro money is already going into the pocket of a politician, isn't it? If not Griffin, then someone from another party.


So, anyone that gives them money is an imbecile, but anyone that helps them get money isn't?


Oh, and the only 'statement' you make by voting for the BNP is the statement that you support the BNP. How you can support them, while supposedly being against them, is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.

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Oh, and the only 'statement' you make by voting for the BNP is the statement that you support the BNP. How you can support them, while supposedly being against them, is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.

I wasn't making a statement by voting for the BNP, I was making a statement when I posted;


I'm willing to run the risk of them getting a few quid in order to see them over there acting up and generally bringing down the tone.

Like I said, if we get a referendum on the European situation i'll take it seriously. Until then, i'm happy to see the likes of Griffin walking their corridors and spending their money.

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