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Hasn't she got a future version of a sonic screwdriver so I would guess she could fix it herself.


Not yet she hasn't. She gets that on (from her perspective) their penultimate meeting, before she goes to the Library. And it's explicitly stated that the Doctor gives it to her, which means he has to have it first.



Yeah I remember now it does get confusing when your seeing River's life in a different order to The Doctor's and the shows



As for Cap Jack I would like to think he let the things be stolen because he knew they were needed to help The Doctor and I do remember now he did fix his vortex manipulator during The Children Of Earth

Edited by Smeg_&_The_Heads
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I've finally watched Saturday's episode after missing it and then I've had internet issues with iPlayer which have been a bit of a pain. So am I right in thinking that The Doctor deliberately took them to this building so he could learn about The Flesh, knowing full well that Amy was one of them? Bit confusing, but it's slowly making sense now.


I'm not too sure on the idea of having a mid-season finale. I know this series is being shown in the States at the same time and mid-season breaks are fairly popular over there, but after the six episodes we've had so far, I don't want to have to wait a couple of months to finish this current series off. I'd much rather get my full dose from The Doctor (and Amy Pond) in one go. We'll see how it pans out on Saturday though. The trailer/prequel on the website make it look like it's going to be a pretty huge episode and I can't see us not getting left with another gigantic cliffhanger. I wonder if it'll be the reveal on River Song's big secret or something...

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I've finally watched Saturday's episode after missing it and then I've had internet issues with iPlayer which have been a bit of a pain. So am I right in thinking that The Doctor deliberately took them to this building so he could learn about The Flesh, knowing full well that Amy was one of them? Bit confusing, but it's slowly making sense now.


I'm not too sure on the idea of having a mid-season finale. I know this series is being shown in the States at the same time and mid-season breaks are fairly popular over there, but after the six episodes we've had so far, I don't want to have to wait a couple of months to finish this current series off. I'd much rather get my full dose from The Doctor (and Amy Pond) in one go. We'll see how it pans out on Saturday though. The trailer/prequel on the website make it look like it's going to be a pretty huge episode and I can't see us not getting left with another gigantic cliffhanger. I wonder if it'll be the reveal on River Song's big secret or something...

I like the split into two halves as it will give less of a wait between the end of this series in the winter, and the start of the newest series next year.


The rumours floating around about Amy are interesting, and I cannot wait to see what happens with that, and to finally learn who River is.

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On the Amy kidnapping on Confidential they said she had been a ganger at episode 1 which means she was nabbed before that. If it's the silence then it must have happened in the Lodger episode, which might explain the return of Craig (James Corden) in the second half of the series or and my guess is around the time of the Amys Pregnant episode with the Dream Lord. Everything's been a bit screwy since then.


Also the BBC have confirmed the baby's name as Melody. Anyone see the linkage?


Melody Pond/River Song..

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Yeah, I saw that too and a lot of places are running with it as set as stone. I'm also going to suggest that the girl we saw regenerate in episode 2 is probably the daughter, too.


Though, if the daughter is timelord does that mean it's the doctor's daughter; and if so, why is she snogging the doctor later in life...?


I'm doing my best to avoid spoilers, though my intrigue is causing me hassle...

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The answer to that would be something to do with if she was concieved in the tardis. could be Rory and Amy's child, but with the Tardis and travelling through time and space these things can happen supposedly.

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Great ending, at one point I thought River was the Doctor! But he was obviously looking in the cot at the name. What a fantastic ending, and 'LET''S KILL HITLER' was just amazing. The episode itself was a bit 'meh' but did well to set up what is to come. And Smith just gets better and better

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Also, the next episode has a swashbuckling female character called 'Jenny'. I won't, but does anyone need that spelling out...?


I'm sure if you follow the daughter path, you'll get there.

I dunno where they got the idea that she was called Jenny, actually. She was called Lorna. Very odd.

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I still think it could turn out she was the regenerating kid though in the future we have seen her death in the future maybe as she's not really a Time Lady she only got a 1 or 2 regenerations or maybe she's not as dead as we thought she was.


Now we know who she is I doubt they will go the route that sometime in the future she marries The Doctor as I don't think they ever confirmed it just hinted.

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