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New Doctor Who


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I hope not, to be honest. Peter Davidson looks fine, but these days Colin Baker is a fat old man, Sylvester McCoy and Tom Baker look far too old, Eccleston would be a hypocrite (and probably unwelcome) after he slagged it off, and the rest are dead. Besides, there's no need to do a line up comparison to detract from how great Matt Smith has been lately.


I'm not sure what I'd want from it. If it were still Russel T Davis, then he'd be aiming for the "epic" again by cramming every known enemy into the story, bringing back Rose again somehow, and generally going overkill.


Maybe splash out on some top class actors, like they did with Timothy "should have been The Master - oh, what a missed opportunity" Dalton.

Edited by bAzTNM#1 Fan
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I think McCoy looks pretty good actually.


Tom Baker has said he would like to appear in it but not as the Doctor. Maybe have the Doctor's spotted around playing different characters could be fun. I think most would jump at it. But Moff seems like the type of person who wouldn't want a multiple Doctor episode, it would seem too likely given its the 50th.


What they may do is have the Doctor confront his past crimes, and be faced by his former selves.

Edited by GalaxyV.2
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I would actually like to see McCoy being given some decent dramatic lines again (he was surprisingly excellent in the Dr Who movie), but I don't think there'll be a suitable opportunity.


Bring back Davros. He was great in Journey's End.

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Be a nice excuse to get Paul Mcgann back and flesh him out a little bit, hes mentioned a few times he'd like to do it, throw in Tennant, Davidson, McCoy and maybe Eccleston and you've got a nice little bridge between new Who and old Who

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Most of the speculation I've seen is they'll do a multi-doctor special but only with Ecclestone/Tennant/Smith. Problem with doing the older doctors is that you've had so much time pass -- Hartnell was dead by the Five Doctors, while Troughton had only aged from 49 to 63. If you had Tom Baker now, you'd have to explain (or get complaints about the lack of explanation) for him looking so utterly different.

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Hardly a day goes by when I don't speculate on what Moffat's plans are to be honest! I think having previous Doctors record some audio for it is a smart move, with possibly a separate animated online story featuring all 11 Doctors or something.


*Fan Hat On* The Doctor has to call upon all his former selves to defeat Davros and the Daleks who have forced open the gates to the Time War! */Fan Hat Off*

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If I was to have a guess at what the 50th anniversary might be, Steven Moffat would probably want to do a tight knit, emotional story with a epic bad guy, with connections to the past.


So my guess is this:


After the Valeyard comes into being (played by an epic actor), he seeks to destroy his "good" self timeline, which would bring about a destruction of time (of some kind). With a few of his past regenerations murdered, the doctor is in a state of flux. Using a recall signal, to try and save what is left of himself, the tenth answers. Guided by the other past doctors (in some kind of limbo ghost form) the tenth and the eleventh must work out differences in order to defeat a man who is themselves.


Well, that's my guess anyway.

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I hope not, to be honest. Peter Davidson looks fine, but these days Colin Baker is a fat old man, Sylvester McCoy and Tom Baker look far too old, Eccleston would be a hypocrite (and probably unwelcome) after he slagged it off, and the rest are dead. Besides, there's no need to do a line up comparison to detract from how great Matt Smith has been lately.


I'm not sure what I'd want from it. If it were still Russel T Davis, then he'd be aiming for the "epic" again by cramming every known enemy into the story, bringing back Rose again somehow, and generally going overkill.


Maybe splash out on some top class actors, like they did with Timothy "should have been The Master - oh, what a missed opportunity" Dalton.


I'm sorry but the vast majority of this is the biggest pile of wank imaginable.


I hope not, to be honest. Peter Davidson looks fine, but these days Colin Baker is a fat old man, Sylvester McCoy and Tom Baker look far too old, Eccleston would be a hypocrite (and probably unwelcome) after he slagged it off,


It's easy to get around both Bakers looking old and fat. It's the 50th, probably the one night where you can most get away with some bollocks because it's a celebration. And given how Moffat is he'll just go "oh, well, timey wimey" and nobody in their right mind will actually care for once because it means some of the old favourites are back together having fun. And the Eccleston being a hypocrite thing is incredibly off the mark. He wasn't happy with the direction of Doctor Who and doesn't really like going back to past roles, if he does go back to it for a one off I'd say all the power to him. That's not him being a hypocrite, that's him changing his mind for a one off occassion And given how fantastic he is as an actor I doubt he'd be unwelcome in the slightest except by morons.


Besides, there's no need to do a line up comparison to detract from how great Matt Smith has been lately.


A rolling eyes smilie will probably suffice. :rolleyes:


If it were still Russel T Davis, then he'd be aiming for the "epic" again by cramming every known enemy into the story,


Except RTD hasn't done that. And even better, Moffat, who presumably will be in charge of the celebrations, did it in his very first finale.


bringing back Rose again somehow, and generally going overkill.


Like how the Ponds had left last series but were brought back? Twice. And surely the overkill thing is incredibly easy to apply to Moffat? I'm not trying to turn this into a Moffat vs. RTD debate because I'm a fan of both, but it seems rather deluded to say those things about the last writer when the current one is either just as guilty or more guilty of all of them.



Maybe splash out on some top class actors, like they did with Timothy "should have been The Master - oh, what a missed opportunity" Dalton.


It wasn't a waste, in the slightest. It would have been a waste not to give John Simms and Tennant a real chance to act together. And Dalton got to play the leader of Timelord society. That and it was a role which allowed him to deliver strong powerful monologues, something that's rather playing to his strengths.

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And the Eccleston being a hypocrite thing is incredibly off the mark. He wasn't happy with the direction of Doctor Who and doesn't really like going back to past roles, if he does go back to it for a one off I'd say all the power to him. That's not him being a hypocrite, that's him changing his mind for a one off occassion And given how fantastic he is as an actor I doubt he'd be unwelcome in the slightest except by morons.

He didn't just criticise the direction. He laid into production staff and called them bullies, and claimed that he quit as it would have been against his morals to remain. For him to now say, "Fuck my morals, where's my cheque?" would make him a hypocrite.


Maybe splash out on some top class actors, like they did with Timothy "should have been The Master - oh, what a missed opportunity" Dalton.

It wasn't a waste, in the slightest. It would have been a waste not to give John Simms and Tennant a real chance to act together. And Dalton got to play the leader of Timelord society. That and it was a role which allowed him to deliver strong powerful monologues, something that's rather playing to his strengths.

But John Simms was shit. The Master has always been so much more than a cocky wannabe gangster. Dalton would have been an ideal successor to Delgado and Ainley, able to deliver his lines with believable menace.

Edited by bAzTNM#1 Fan
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