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New Doctor Who


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Back on topic, not happy with the choice for a new Doctor I think I would have prefered Patterson Joseph, first thing is I think the guys far to young, 26! Come on! the Doctor lectures people all the time, aliens, generals, Kings etc I can't see this guy pulling that off looking so youthful. Second he just has too much of David Tennant about him, although they don't look alike facially the fact he's a skinny young guy with big hair just makes you think they didn't want to depart to far from Tennants look.


Would of much rather an older Doctor, this guy is just too young......go on call me out on discriminating against young people now!

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Back on topic, not happy with the choice for a new Doctor I think I would have prefered Patterson Joseph, first thing is I think the guys far to young, 26! Come on! the Doctor lectures people all the time, aliens, generals, Kings etc I can't see this guy pulling that off looking so youthful. Second he just has too much of David Tennant about him, although they don't look alike facially the fact he's a skinny young guy with big hair just makes you think they didn't want to depart to far from Tennants look.


Would of much rather an older Doctor, this guy is just too young......go on call me out on discriminating against young people now!

I'm sure the same things were said when Peter Davison was cast but if theres anyone who can accentuate the positives and hide the negatives of a younger actor its Steven Moffatt.

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Moffatt is a great writer but I think now its gonna be very interesting to see who is cast as the first regular companion, I don't think it will be someone older like Catherine Tate was as the combo would look weird so they're likely to go for some young teen girl. I get the horrible feeling it could turn into a whole teens in the Tardis type series!

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Moffatt is a great writer but I think now its gonna be very interesting to see who is cast as the first regular companion, I don't think it will be someone older like Catherine Tate was as the combo would look weird so they're likely to go for some young teen girl. I get the horrible feeling it could turn into a whole teens in the Tardis type series!

That's the newest spin off planned.


A group of chavs knife Tennant and throw him in a dumpster to regenerate.


While he's in the dumpster, they knick the tardis and go on wacky chav teen adventures to be shown on the CBBC channel


Dr Who will then simply comprise of Matt Smith trying to cope with normal British life while trying to find the tardis with the help of Torchwood.

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Moffatt is a great writer but I think now its gonna be very interesting to see who is cast as the first regular companion, I don't think it will be someone older like Catherine Tate was as the combo would look weird so they're likely to go for some young teen girl. I get the horrible feeling it could turn into a whole teens in the Tardis type series!


That just reminds me of Stargates 200 episode - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iULvH7HrD9c :confused:


It's going to be really hard to judge until it's seen... if he did that well in the audition there must be something to him that fills Team Moffat with confidence. But it's going to be had to take him seriously - based solely on first impressions - as a figure of authority, or even a grieving survivor. They'll likely make light of his age to cover it... I'll see how it goes.


It's going to be a horribly long wait to get that fist impression though :/

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Having thought about it a bit more, I think it's a bad choice because he's too similar to Tennant. They had the chance to go with something really different, and they took the safe route by getting someone as Tennanty as possible. I wish they'd gone for a women or a black guy for the sake of it even, because that would of least have shaken things up. As it is, he'll have further to go now because it will be easier to compare him to the gurner.


I don't get the people making the "He's always been white" argument, at all, in the face of people repeatedly pointing out that he's a shape changing alien who could easily be a non-humanoid, let alone a non-honky.

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Matt Smith was an awesome footballer before a serious back injury turned him to acting, he was in the youth academy of Nottingham Forest & Leicester City.


He went to my upper school and played for the same local football team as me in the year above. Spoke to him a few times and he is a really decent bloke. Im pretty sure he marked me in a pre season friendly once and I think his parents drink in the local pub where my Mum used to work and my Dad still drinks.


Couldnt care less about Dr Who though, just caught the program earlier by mistake - might give it a watch now though !

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Having thought about it a bit more, I think it's a bad choice because he's too similar to Tennant. They had the chance to go with something really different, and they took the safe route by getting someone as Tennanty as possible. I wish they'd gone for a women or a black guy for the sake of it even, because that would of least have shaken things up. As it is, he'll have further to go now because it will be easier to compare him to the gurner.


I don't get the people making the "He's always been white" argument, at all, in the face of people repeatedly pointing out that he's a shape changing alien who could easily be a non-humanoid, let alone a non-honky.

Just because he "looks like tennant" doesn't mean hes going to play the role the same as he did. Also theres no need for him to be a woman or a monster or whatever, within the continuity of the show theres no need to change it for the sake of changing it, I can understand why you'd think that if your a non fan but what he looks like has never been the selling point, it'll never come to the point where its Doctor Who...oh look now hes a woman because he has a backstory and it wouldn't make any sense to retcon all of it, just to "be different".

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I can live with being older than the England captain.


I can just about cope with being older than the WWE champion.


But fuck off am I meant to be older than Dr Who.


^^ THIS!!


Absolutely wretched casting.


How can you say it's 'wretched casting' where you've only seen what he looks like, with no performance of him as the Doctor to refer to? The age of the actor portraying the character is ultimately irrelevant, as was mentioned in the programme just now. It's the hybrid of young and old attitude mixed with quirkiness and serious emotion that the actor BRINGS to the part that defines the character of the Doctor, not how old the said actor is.


Smith looks very promising, he gives off the vibe of the Doctor, whilst also looking different enough to create his own edge on the character, can't wait! :thumbsup:


Quite easily when age and look are very important in the role of The Doctor and considering I am a sci-fi geek and Doctor Who was my first sci-fi television love over 22 years ago and thus have since amassed a collection of Doctor Who VHS and DVD's that would put an end to any social life I think I'm entitled to my opinion same as anyone else is - geek or otherwise!


Also any chance he had of winning me back ended when I heard his voice. And the whole "The age of the actor portraying the character is ultimately irrelevant, as was mentioned in the programme just now" is just a load of spin like that whole program was...Constantly felt (though undestandably) that they spent 90% of the program justifying their decission to hire such a young person to play the part when really all they needed to say was - young girls + children =

Edited by DannRead
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At the end of the day, the way the actor looks dictates to a certain extent the way the character will be written; if only in the sense that this is the thing a lot of other characters in the story will be immeadiatly be reacting to. We've gone from a young, attractive man to another young, attractive man, so the difference is minimal in that sense, regardless of how he is later written. Since the restart, they've got consistently younger and prettier as the show has settled in appealing to a demographic. I think it would be better for a show that is based on ideas, and that will be six years old since its restart, to try some different things for a while - having something radically different from the last incumbent (OK, maybe not to the extent of giving him a womb) would immeadiatly throw open a lot of new story quirks. It's a shame they've plumped for what's really a safe option.

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