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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Has anyone watched Eastbound and Down yet?.. Its already aired in USA, but the premier in UK starts on Thursday on FX.


From what I've read so far it has all the makings of a hilarious show. With the Anchorman team behind it.. it should be pretty awesome!

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Has anyone watched Eastbound and Down yet?.. Its already aired in USA, but the premier in UK starts on Thursday on FX.


From what I've read so far it has all the makings of a hilarious show. With the Anchorman team behind it.. it should be pretty awesome!

This is why these big-ass threads are sometimes a problem - this exact show was discussed one or two pages back. I'm disappointed that fewer people are getting to read my riveting thoughts on it, too :)

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Great news I only discovered last night. Series 2 of Lie To Me starts over here on Sky 1 on October 8th! Just thought I would mention it here for anybody that may have enjoyed the first series. I certainly did, it was a winner.


Also, Series 6 of The Office US has been ace so far. 2 fantastic episodes out of 2.

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Finished season 2 of True Blood. I can't decide if Eric, Jessica or Lafayette is my favourite character. Loved Evan Rachel Wood's turn as the ultra-decadent vampire queen who is clearly totally bored after being alive for far, far too long. SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Oh, and Godric was wonderful. I was proper well sad when he died. :(



All the Fellowship of the Sun stuff is great, but the Mary-Anne antics were even better.


I love stories where small towns descend into madness because I've experienced small village/small town life where everyone knows everyone's business and I always identify with the premise.


Won't go into more rambly detail but season 2 was so much fun. If you left the show after season 1 then I urge you to get back on it because it destroyed the first season and left me craving the third like a (vampire joke goes here).


Summer 2010 is too far away. :(


Also watched the season 8 premier of Family Guy and thought it was fantastic. The Disney sequence was staggeringly good and most of the universe-hopping gags hit the mark with me.


The pilot of The Cleveland Show was a mixed bag but I'll give it a chance to develop. The bear could be fun and there were a few other snippets of potential and decent gags but it'll have to improve a great deal to fare as well as FG or American Dad.

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Episode 2 of The Cleveland Show was much better than the pilot as I expected/hoped. Plenty of decent gags and some fleshing out of the supporting cast. I like the little midget alpha male guy.


Favourite gag was the insane scene that culminated in Cleveland yelling "RUUUUUN!" at the squirrel. Genuinely laughed out loud at that.


Enjoyed Family Guy as well this week. They seem to be trying a whole lot harder to tie the gags together with at least some semblance of a plot and it's been beneficial because the cut-away gags were getting a bit too lazy. Loved that they addressed the idea of a Quagmire spin-off. Plenty of good gags but my favourite was:


Meg: Mom, is sodomy illegal if you're Jewish?

Lois: I hope so Meg. I really do.

Peter: It's not Lois... It's not. ;) ;) ;) ;)


The look on his face combined with the amazingly sleazy voice made for the perfect example of Family Guy making an easy and obvious joke but executing it so well that I still laugh. Oh, and Peter's attempt at a Macbeth cut away gag was magnificent too.


Also working through season 2 of Terminator: The Sarah Conor chronicles. Highlights are (as in S1) any scene involving Summer Glau as Cameron because she has nailed that role, and most of the scenes with Shirley Manson (yes, she of Garbage fame) playing the scary liquid metal lady with the sketchy agenda.

Edited by JLM
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Has anyone watched Eastbound and Down yet?.. Its already aired in USA, but the premier in UK starts on Thursday on FX.


From what I've read so far it has all the makings of a hilarious show. With the Anchorman team behind it.. it should be pretty awesome!


I watched the first episode and wasn't impressed at all. I'm not really a fan of Danny McBride and it just wasn't funny at all.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention a bit of brilliance from Sarah Connor Chronicles. The last episode I watched has John, Sarah and Cameron driving through the desert. They stop the car because Sarah needs to get out and throw up. Before returning to the car, Sarah finds a turtle on its back that would have been run over had they not stopped the car. She turns it over and sends it plodding on its way. Cameron and John have a talk about it later because Cameron can't understand why Sarah would do that. John explains that humans do that. If something/someone is hurt or in trouble, people help them. Cameron identifies this as empathy, then says that not all humans would do that. Some would leave it there, some would intentionally drive over it etc. John asks if she'd have crushed it. She says "it didn't seem like much of a threat. We're not built to be cruel". I then forgot about this scene.


Later on, John and Cameron go to this guy's house to interrogate him and Cameron gives him a good beatdown before choking him until he's very nearly dead. John calls her off because he feels certain that the guy doesn't have what they're after. Cameron reluctantly agrees and leaves him on his back, surrounded by broken glass, barely conscious and unable to move. Then, just as they're leaving, she turns him over onto his front and looks really pleased with herself. I wub Cameron. :wub:

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Has anyone watched Eastbound and Down yet?.. Its already aired in USA, but the premier in UK starts on Thursday on FX.


From what I've read so far it has all the makings of a hilarious show. With the Anchorman team behind it.. it should be pretty awesome!


I watched the first episode and wasn't impressed at all. I'm not really a fan of Danny McBride and it was wasn't funny at all.


Largely agree with this. Will at least give it one more, but a painfully average show, with only one or two even remotely funny bits. I don't know what they're aiming for with the main character, but he's neither so obnoxious you hate him nor so obtruse that he's funny. We'll see how it goes this week, but I'll be out by Episode 3 I think, if it doesn't get much better.

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