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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Watched season 1 of torchwood last week, not really a fan of the DW new series but quite liked this, but after watching 1 season 3 caught my eye (i already knew s2 spoilers) but didn't know what to make of season 3, then i just got done watching season 2, ending for me was a real tear jerker.


i honestly think there will be a season 4 or 3.2

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I'm not into vampires or shit like that but quite enjoy True Blood, annoyed that this week was a repeat.

I quite liked True Blood caught it on anytime telly, Sky + is the dogs proverbials ;)


Saw Kings of Kung Fu on Bio, the Bruce Lee programme is well worth seeing, available on anytime TV.


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I found it interesting as I've tried spiritual healing for my headaches. It's like someone said on the programme it is very good to relax you even if it isn't a mircale cure. But the other bloke who was a tree surgeon claimed to have his cluster headaches got rid of by someone called Stephen Turoff a Psychic Surgeon in Chelmsford.

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Now that I have a good Broadband connection again I'll be hitting Dollhouse pretty hard. I liked the pilot episode and a lot of people have said that was the weakest one, so I look forward to it.


Curse you elegia for mentioning another show when I have so much to keep up with. I will look into this "Hung" of which you speak anyway.


I also have Dexter Season 2 and Weeds Season 3 to watch.


However, the real reason for this post is that I done downloaded the first season of True Blood last night. Watched the first two episodes so far and I enjoyed them very much.




- Anna Paquin is magnificent. We knew this already from previous roles but I don't think she's ever been quite as likeable as when she's Sookie. "You shut your nasty mouth mister!". Heheh. She pulls off the blonde southern belle thing very well (though she still looks prettier as Rogue) and, as a happy by-product of that, looks smokin' hot in pretty much every scene. All of these are good points.


- The first two episodes were like Twilight, or at least how I'd imagine that movie to be if everyone in it wasn't an insufferable whiney cockface. It captures the allure and romance of the vampire myth, sprinkles in the appropriate levels of fear and distrust from the "normals" and also has that small town mentality going on.


All of these it has in common with Twilight, but the upside is that the townsfolk are already more interesting and memorable from two episodes than those in Twilight, the leading lady isn't hateful and the main vampire in question isn't specifically designed to moisten the undergarments of jailbait teens.


True Blood also shares the synthetic blood, vampire groupies and vampire blood addicts with Blade. I think they're all perfectly valid parts of the modern Vampire tale though. If real life vampires were outed now I'd imagine that all three of those issues would be pretty major.


- The opening credits sequence is cool as hell.


- It's HBO, which means that the language, violence, sex and general unrestrained and undiluted feel are all present and correct. I love HBO.


- The Vampire rights movement woman has only been in a couple of scenes so far but she's fantastic. The picture of non-threatening sincerity yet there is something very unsettling about her. I'm intrigued.


I might end up marathon-ing the rest of the series - it was hard to turn off after two episodes last night and go to sleep because the opening has been totally absorbing and, as Sickboy says, just that little bit trashy, and it makes for compelling viewing.

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You know what else I've been meaning to download? Carnivale. Also Deadwood. Two shows I totally missed out on and heard endless gushing praise for. I will watch them, but in both cases, just how heartbreaking is it that they were cancelled before their time? I hear it's particularly horrendous for Carnivale, but is it so frustrating that I shouldn't watch or is the stuff that they DID make so good that it's unmissable even without resolution?

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