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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I'm looking for a good new comedy to watch but i'm pretty stumped, Iv'e worked my way through the classics like Frasier, Cheers, Arrested, Seinfeld etc etc and currently keep up with the likes of Big Bang and HIMYM, Eastbound and IASIP, was just wondering if anyone had any good recommendations for something I might have overlooked? I'm pretty open and need something to watch now i'm off for Easter.

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30 Rock is good, and there's loads of it so it should keep you busy for a few days.


Modern Family also good.


I've been meaning to work my way chronologically through the whole of Malcolm in the Middle as I only ever watched it on TV. I need to actually download it first though.

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30 Rock is good, and there's loads of it so it should keep you busy for a few days.


Modern Family also good.


I've been meaning to work my way chronologically through the whole of Malcolm in the Middle as I only ever watched it on TV. I need to actually download it first though.

Aye I keep up with 30 rock it's excellent, Alec Baldwin is fantastic, don't usually get that kind of character in many sitcoms. I watched Malcolm in the Middle the same way but I find the mother too annoying to ever give it a proper viewing. I hear good things about Modern Family so might give that a go, is Trailer Park Boys much cop? Have never seen that. I like some weird shows, absolute love My Name is Earl. One of my favorite shows ever, was gutted when it was cancelled. Bored to Death was another I couldn't believe they canceled, I really enjoy some non traditional sitcoms.

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Trailer Park Boys is good, but is pretty damn non-traditional! It took me a little while to get into it.. I generally don't like "reality" style sitcoms (a la Office) but this is probably my favourite one.


Bored to Death went a bit off the rails for me in the 3rd season anyway so I wasn't as gutted as I should have been when it was cancelled.


Do you like animated comedy as well? Archer and Ugly Americans are well worth checking out if so.


Last night I got hooked on the Fresh Prince marathon that was on TV. That show was really fucking funny. It hasn't aged too badly at all for the most part... I was having proper belly laughs, frequently.

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Trailer Park Boys is good, but is pretty damn non-traditional! It took me a little while to get into it.. I generally don't like "reality" style sitcoms (a la Office) but this is probably my favourite one.


Bored to Death went a bit off the rails for me in the 3rd season anyway so I wasn't as gutted as I should have been when it was cancelled.


Do you like animated comedy as well? Archer and Ugly Americans are well worth checking out if so.


Last night I got hooked on the Fresh Prince marathon that was on TV. That show was really fucking funny. It hasn't aged too badly at all for the most part... I was having proper belly laughs, frequently.

Aye the third season wasn't up too the standards of the other two but Ted Danson in that was class, one of my favorite characters in anything. Took me years to be able too look at Ted Danson without hearing George Costanza crying out about jets and shit in my head. I'm a big fan of animated comedy aswell, all the obvious ones and I love Archer, haven't quite got caught up on season three after the Burt Reynolds episode so i'll get downloading, not even heard of Ugly Americans though so i'll look into that aswell. Don't think anything will be able too top King of the Hill in the animated comedy stakes for me though, just a fantastic heart warming show. Got most of the Fresh Prince on dvd, another great show with likeable characters, has aged well but there's so many one liners that are about random shit happening in America at the time that totally went over my head, can't help but cringe at it sometimes.

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Yeah, Danson definitely steals the show...


There are loads of episodes of King of the Hill I've never seen due to only catching it on TV, not having always had Sky, and it getting shunted around the timeslots and channels. It's a great show - I'd love to get all of those at some point and work my way through.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Yeah, Danson definitely steals the show...


There are loads of episodes of King of the Hill I've never seen due to only catching it on TV, not having always had Sky, and it getting shunted around the timeslots and channels. It's a great show - I'd love to get all of those at some point and work my way through.

The first five seasons are usually going rather cheap in HMV and places, generally about a tenner each. They only released the first five over here, surprised they even bothered with that don't really think there's a market for it over here hence why it was constantly shunted around Channel 4.

Edited by Inspector Paul Solo
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Anybody watched Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip? Opinions?


I downloaded all of the first season earlier looking for some new American TV to get my teeth into, then after reading up on it I realised that was the only season. Is it still worth watching, knowing it will probably finish with loose ends, or is it good enough to justify watching just the one season?

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Anybody watched Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip? Opinions?


I downloaded all of the first season earlier looking for some new American TV to get my teeth into, then after reading up on it I realised that was the only season. Is it still worth watching, knowing it will probably finish with loose ends, or is it good enough to justify watching just the one season?


Yeah I loved it. It's the only Sorkin thing I've watched but if his other stuff is as good (as I've heard the West Wing is) I'm going to get onto more of his stuff. Got a bit of a rough deal coming out the same year as 30 Rock I thought, despite being very different styles and tones. For viewers who hate characters talking quickly while walking quickly through corridors, you'll hate it. I liked it and enjoyed several moments.

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I really liked Studio 60 as well. been dithying for ages over whether i should get the dvd. Great cast playing intriguing characters. early on the show is excellent but towards the end it gets very very dramatic from what i remember and the "show" was barly mentioned at all instead focusing on situations that would just come out of nowhere plus a heavy focus on religion for some reson.


been a few years since i watched so i will probably get the series cheap someday and see if it still holds up.


anyway here's the trailer for sorkins next show

which starts this summer. it looks great
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