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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I was outside of a building last night that announced on a banner, "Coming Soon: Museo el Boricua del Barrio" [note: approximate reference, should have taken a photo] - I asked the wife, who studied Spanish, what Boricua meant, and she told me "beautiful". Knew straight away she was wrong.




Savio really found his metier there.

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I was actually referring to when Edge and Christian were Los Conquistadores and apparently Jesus was the other guy who wasn't Christopher Daniels when it wasn't E and C under the masks.


Iuns joke has made me actually wonder if Los Savios ever had a split angle rather than just disappearing. I'm sure they couldn't have been important enough for it and just vanished post Gang Wars. They should have had Savio kill them all like he did a few lads in the Brawl for All later on and then when he was brought in for his big No Way Out push team Stone Cold would have shat themselves.

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On July 1, 2013, Alejandro Franqui, the president of a promotion named Perfect Stars Wrestling (PSW) announced that its first show would serve as a homage to Los Boricuas. The event was scheluded for August 24, 2013, and would also support SER de Puerto Rico, a non-profit organization. This was followed by a series of skits where Savio Vega started recruiting the members of Los Boricuas. On the first, released on July 6, 2013, where he visited a surprised Castillo at a gym, remembering some of their time at WWF. The second aired two days later, depicting him confirming Castillo to Franqui and contacting a similarly surprised Estrada trough Skype, who also confirmed his presence. This marked Estrada's first wrestling-related appearance in years and his return to Puerto Rico in a decade. The final segment was published on July 9, 2013, instead featuring P
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Ah. I was getting Jesus (Castillo Jr, Boricua) mixed up with Jesus (Aaron Aguilera). Not sure how that happened.


Anybody remember Eric Escobar?

Edited by air_raid
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Iuns joke has made me actually wonder if Los Savios ever had a split angle rather than just disappearing. I'm sure they couldn't have been important enough for it and just vanished post Gang Wars. They should have had Savio kill them all like he did a few lads in the Brawl for All later on and then when he was brought in for his big No Way Out push team Stone Cold would have shat themselves.

I think they all got legit injured and released. I think one of them was injured at WrestleMania. He started the match on the floor in the battle royal and never got up. One was injured by Edge in his debut (I think) and Savio was badly hurt in the Brawl for All. I remember at least 3 of them were put on the shelf long term.

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I was actually referring to when Edge and Christian were Los Conquistadores and apparently Jesus was the other guy who wasn't Christopher Daniels when it wasn't E and C under the masks.


Iuns joke has made me actually wonder if Los Savios ever had a split angle rather than just disappearing. I'm sure they couldn't have been important enough for it and just vanished post Gang Wars. They should have had Savio kill them all like he did a few lads in the Brawl for All later on and then when he was brought in for his big No Way Out push team Stone Cold would have shat themselves.


They last appeared on the Sunday Night Heat pre-show of Judgment Day 1998 losing to the Oddities. After that nothing, they may have appeared on Super Astros possibly.

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Aye Carumba! That's right, they did all get proper injured. I actually remember that now. Forgot they was around that long initially, but remember them being in the battle royal and one of them somehow injuring themselves before the match even started. And certainly remember Edge hurting one of them in his debut and of course Edge didn't debut until about early summer '98 I think. I caused myself to believe they went well before that by thinking about Savio being the mystery partner at No Way Out. To think he was still with the Boricuas at the time makes that seem all the more of a nuts solution to replace Michaels.

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They might have gotten away with Savio if they'd played it differently. He was used to a good fight in kayfabe. If they'd have just said at the start words to they effect of "the match is now no holds barred, so Hunter and the Outlaws have picked someone they know is useful in a fight - Savio Vega, who's had some real wars in Puerto Rico." Set your table early, fine. He was a decent enough choice (in kayfabe) from what was left of the roster not already wrestling in the card. However, the fact they made a show-long mystery of it was a poor decision, and got most of us expecting Warrior or Sid or something massive.


On the subject of No Way Out - remember they billed the Shamrock/Ahmed/DOA vs Nation match as a "war of attrition?" That phrase made me go "ummm..... OK." Seems a really strange "un-wrestling" phrase to use. Even if people understood what attrition warfare was/is, I don't think it fits considering that one side wasn't really a regular unit and DOA only lost a man (Crush) because of, in kayfabe, Kane, not the Nation, and the Nation themselves hadn't lost anybody.

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Cheers, thought it must have been before the Mayhem match as he wasn't wrestling heel at all in that match, plus as you say he wasn't booed much then anyway, seem to remember Power Slam commenting at the time that he never acted any different after his heel turn so can't really blame the crowds I suppose

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Luger turned on him during a match against the Filthy Animals, when Luger faked an injury so Sting would get beat up and wouldn't advance in the WCW title tournament. Sting was rarely booed throughout his heel turn anyway.


I remember vividly the night after Havoc, Sting came out to piss and moan about losing the belt to Goldberg and make excuses, and the fans seemed to sympathize with him. Then when JJ Dillon announced the belt vacant instead of giving The Stinger the belt back, Sting beat the crap out of him which on paper is a heinous heel act, but the live crowd cheered like mad. They still resented JJ because he was constantly getting in the way of the nWo's fun two years previously - and the order had made him look completely impotent. Goldy comes out to brawl with Sting, and instead of trying to salvage some of Sting's heel heat and having him scarper like a coward, he and Goldberg had to be separated by security. Best of all later in the show, instead of going through some young babyface to advance in the title tournament - possibly by cheating - Sting waltzed through over-the-hill heel Brian Knobbs. Clueless.


To be fair at the time, the second they started having him come out to that Seek And Destroy instrumental, they lost any chance of me booing him, ever. I thought he was so fucking cool at that time.

Edited by air_raid
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Cheers, thought it must have been before the Mayhem match as he wasn't wrestling heel at all in that match, plus as you say he wasn't booed much then anyway, seem to remember Power Slam commenting at the time that he never acted any different after his heel turn so can't really blame the crowds I suppose

It also didn't help that the crowd popped like it was New Years Eve when Sting twatted the Hulkster with his baseball bat the night he turned heel. Fans just didn't want to boo Sting. There was definitely a sense of loyalty at the time. Because loyal die hards made up the core audience of the ticket buyers during the bad years of WCW. And fair play to Russo, because the first move he made when he came on board was to set Sting's face turn in motion. Typically it happened 90 minutes into a throw away episode of Nitro.

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