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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Just want to throw in that, back in the Memphis nobody got flown in. It was a million miles around the world in a car if it saved a few quid. The Rockers always got flown in by Ronnie P. Gossett. Not alleging anything, but thought I'd throw that out there.


It's a shame he got lost in the shuffle in early 1998 WCW too, he was in pretty good shape at that point - had quite a few spirited little tv matches v the likes of Benoit, Jericho and Raven. It's especially shitty when you consider the likes of prince Iaukea was getting plenty of exposure with PPV matches at the same time.


He disappeared for a bit in the summer before coming back in neon pink and green for a couple of matches too. I take it that wasn't a firing as i'd imagine he wouldn't have been rehired if it was?

I dont even know if he was even hired by WCW. Might have been, but he continued doing indies around his WCW schedule. I think he was used as a jobber to the stars safe in the knowledge WWF wouldn't hire him and if they did nobody at WCW cared.


EDIT: Just did some checking. Being WCW, of course Jannetty was hired on a contract. Silly me. Probably getting more than Rock and Triple H as well, knowing WCW. He stuck around until 1999 as well. Christ. I should have really been more shocked they released him, than that they hired him.


Looking at the time line, WCW hired Jannetty, Crush, Davey Boy, Neidhart and Bret Hart and rehired Ed Leslie in the same six week period. Someone must have had their Supertape 91 in the player at the CNN Centre.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Looking at the time line, WCW hired Jannetty, Crush, Davey Boy, Neidhart and Bret Hart and rehired Ed Leslie in the same six week period. Someone must have had their Supertape 91 in the player at the CNN Centre.


WCW was mental like that though wasn't it? Working for the WWF instantly meant you were a bigger deal than you would be on your own merits regardless of what position you had occupied there or how long ago it was. Remember when they had to say Bubba and Wallstreet hadn't signed legitimate contracts to wrestle for the nWo as a reason for them not being in it anymore? Might as well have just flashed a message up on the screen saying "Yeah, we weren't really going to have Big Boss Man and IRS in our cool groundbreaking new heel stable. We were just fucking with ya."


Plus you could always count on a Valentine or Berzerker making up the numbers at World War 3.

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Fucking hell, Jannetty has got to be one of the biggest fuck up stories in wrestling. So much talent, so much waste. I loved Marty as a lad and was convinced one day he'd make good of his worth.


1996 WWF seems like such a fascinating time and place, particularly around that Survivor Series. Such a transitional period, the roster was a right old mixture at this time, with both Attitude-esque guys and guys from the New Generation cartoon era still knocking about. So, so much changed over the next 12-18 months its incredible.

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I might be going mad but wasn't there an episode of Nitro (sometime during the New Blood vs. Millionaires Club storyline) where the referees went on strike so Russo made all the matches count your own pinfall matches? It definitely happened and but i'm unsure on the time period. Might have been around the time of Kanyon & DDP being mates

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Couple of odds-and-ends questions:


1) Has Hacksaw ever received a World title shot in either WWE or WCW? If so, how many? (If there was a big house show program, I'll understand if you can't be bothered listing them all)


2) What would the UKFF say is the Harris Brothers' best matches in both promotions? There must be something decent they have done.


3) And have $5 Wrestling ever put on an actual live wrestling card with some of the people featured in their commentaries, or am I just making that up?

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Couple of odds-and-ends questions:1) Has Hacksaw ever received a World title shot in either WWE or WCW? If so, how many? (If there was a big house show program, I'll understand if you can't be bothered listing them all)

He had a title shot against Slaughter on The Main Event in February 1991, and a few more title shots (maybe ten or thereabouts) on the road around that time. He'd have had more, but those house shows were meant to be headlined by Warrior vs Savage, and Macho was injured so they put Warrior vs Slaughter as the main and Jim would beat General Adnan or someone in the semi-main instead. Duggan beat Slaughter by DQ on the televised one, and it was usually the same result on house shows.I don't think HJD would've had any title shots before that. Slaughter was the first heel champion in Duggan's tenure to that point, and their gimmicks made them natural opponents. Well, Savage as champion was heel for a month or so before WrestleMania V, but all his matches then were against Warrior, or heel vs heel matches against Bad News Brown. I'm assuming those were booked before the heel turn and just not changed.There's a chance that Hacksaw had a title shot somewhere against Flair in 1992, but I don't think he did. He was teaming with Sgt Slaughter during Flair's first reign, and Flair's house show matches were mostly against Hogan and Piper. In Flair's second reign after SummerSlam, he was defending against Undertaker and Warrior on the road.Duggan did wrestle Yokozuna a lot in 1993, and the last month or so of that, they could've been title matches. They definitely had a good few matches on the road after Yoko beat Hogan for the championship at King of the Ring, but I don't know if the belt was on the line.

3) And have $5 Wrestling ever put on an actual live wrestling card with some of the people featured in their commentaries, or am I just making that up?

They've done an iPPV:5 Dollar Wrestling PresentsStraight Outta ComptonCharlestown Civic Center2/1/13 1. One Horned Liger vs. War Dawg2. Dyn-O-Mite vs. Rolla Samoa3. Bubblelious vs. Johnny N4. Burke County Boys vs. $5 Mega Powers ("Macho" Freight Train & Hulk Lil Donnie) w/ Black Miss Elizabeth5. Jimmy the Snake Roberts vs. The Shiek6. Jeff Hart vs. Portland Phantom7. Big Donnie vs. Cliff Compton Edited by King Pitcos
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He actually wore his usual colours for a bit when he debuted, I'd guess that's what he's asking for. If it was different it must've only been in terms of minor stuff like patches and badges as I remember just thinking it was his WWF outfit.

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Hi guys, I'd be very grateful if someone could post a picture of Boss Man when he debuted in WCW wearing the outfit that was kinda like his WWF Big Boss Man get up but not quite. Can't seem to find one online.

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I've never seen that before! Is that literally just his WWF outfit but with the name on his badge blacked out?

Yeah. He's what I wrote last year in one of my Boss Man rants:

The Boss Man was penned in to return to the WWF to referee a match between Jerry Lawler and Bret Hart after Survivor Series 93. But Lawler was serving some hard times of his own. I wonder if Boss Man was the one who alerted the authorities of Lawler's wondering eye. So that was put off. Boss Man actually returned to the WWF in December to referee the main event of a Arrowhead Pond house show between Bret Hart and Jeff Jarrett. So it was a big shock when he showed up on a WCW TV taping to wrestle Rick Rude, because WWF officials had him returning at the Royal Rumble in 94. WWF assumed they had him under contract, but after Sid and the Bulldog left WCW, they made a money play for Boss Man and they got him. Its a misconception they got rid of him in a Duke Drose/Terry Taylor-esque clearout. He got a better offer and told them where to go.

So he was still doing the Boss Man gimmick on house shows in the WWF and was in the WWF's plans up until he signed for WCW. I imagine he just ran a black marker over his top pocket.

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