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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Out of sheer bordem and interest I often look up random, sometimes un-heard of and forgotten wrestlers past and present on wikipedia and read their bio, its a great way to learn about fueds and how wrestlers started and ended there careers, titled they held and territories and promotions they worked for. Just today Elix Skipper came to mind and I quickly glanced through his page (I read more in depth when it comes to older wrestlers with a more fasinating and longer career) it ended with him being released for TNA in I believe 07....so it made me wonder what ever happened to 'Primetime' Elix Skipper?


I can't say iv seen many of his matches but from the ones I did see, he seemed like a pretty good hand and pretty much and all rounder when it came to his in-ring abilities. I read also that his young song was sadly killed by an intruder who broke into his house in I believe 09, perhaps this event took Skippers mind away from wrestling, I don't know....does anybody know what happened to him or what he's doing now?

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Isn't talented enough to be booked on delivering excellent matches. Also, doesn't have the name value or the gimmick to command bookings based on his reputation. TNA was barely paying him enough to live on, so I can't see the indies giving him enough to live off. If WWE and TNA don't want you, you are pretty much fucked. There's loads of former WWF wrestlers working normal jobs now. There's not much money in wrestling outside the WWF these days.


Also, being 44 years old probably finished off any dreams of main eventing WrestleMania.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I've just heard Monsoon refer to "Sid and saint Justice". Can anyone explain the "saint" part to me, or was Gorilla just temporarily driven insane by Heenan as per usual?


Is there still a lot of money to be made in Japan for foreigners?


There isn't a lot of money to be made by anyone over there at the moment, most of the industry is in decline apart from New Japan was which has been slowly recovering from some serious decline, but is still nowhere near where it was.


Having said that, having any name value whatsoever, or a current worker that puts a word in for you, means most gaijin can at least get their foot in the door. Alex Shelley got himself booked again after a couple of years absence and after not-much-time is now one half of the junior heavyweight tag team champs. Vance Archer has been working there for a couple of years and has just won the tag belts with Davey Boy Smith Jr (Harry/DH Smith) who has virtually only just turned up. MVP got a go and got so over they created a new Intercontinental title to give him. Shelton Benjamin got a go in the G1 Climax and they were confident enough that he'd prove himself worthy of future tours that they let him go over a couple of their big names.


So yeah, if you've been on telly in the States or used to drink with Devitt or Karl Anderson, you can probably get yourself a chance at least.

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Just watching the Best PPV Matches 09/10. What was the crack with Cena throwing Edge into the front row during the Backlash '09 LMS match? Were they all plants? It didn't look like like they intended to catch Edge if so. Was Cena meant to just drop Edge over the rail? Or did Cena actually throw Edge the wrong way? If so, was there any comeback from the crowd? One guy was down all the while the camera stayed on the incident.


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Sorry for lateness, but I just had to jump in on the SummerSlam Spectacular/SummerSlam Fever :


Fondest memory of the 1990 version was the Mr Perfect/Ron Garvin match, only for the finish which has one of my favourite finishes EVER. It's not complex, it just looks great and for my money makes Perfect look a brilliant wrestler against whom you should never let your guard down for a second. Garvin hooks P for a suplex, and in one fluid motion the champ blocks and muscles him over into the Perfect-Plex. I don't know why I love it so much, but I think it's smooth as silk.



Other noted memory is the 1992 SummerSlam Spectacular featuring a non-title Bret Hart vs Skinner match which somehow worked its way onto the Bret Hart's Greatest Hits tapes (complete with incongruous JR commentary) when it really didn't belong. But then again, he also wrestles Headshrinker Fatu (with JR, Brain and Savage in place of the original Raw commentary) and Blake Beverly, so who cares. Fuck me, he only beats Blake on a Dusty DQ finish.


Actually, it's about as far from Greatest Hits as you can imagine. Only the title win against Flair and the usual match he always had with Bam Bam that they could have in their sleep are worth watching. With a brief Yokozuna match and dull Luger match, might as well have just called it Bret Hart's A Few Matches From The Last Six Months.


ANYWAY the real star of the SummerSlam Spectacular 1992 match is the would-be Ultimate Maniacs against the Nasty Boys. Flair and Perfect come out and the two big babyfaces get the shitkicking of their lives. I'm not sure why I loved it, I just did. Savage always took a beating but it was refreshing seeing Warrior beaten within an inch of his life.

Edited by air_raid
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Just watching the Best PPV Matches 09/10. What was the crack with Cena throwing Edge into the front row during the Backlash '09 LMS match? Were they all plants? It didn't look like like they intended to catch Edge if so. Was Cena meant to just drop Edge over the rail? Or did Cena actually throw Edge the wrong way? If so, was there any comeback from the crowd? One guy was down all the while the camera stayed on the incident.


Yes they were definitely all plants.


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ANYWAY the real star of the SummerSlam Spectacular 1992 match is the would-be Ultimate Maniacs against the Nasty Boys. Flair and Perfect come out and the two big babyfaces get the shitkicking of their lives. I'm not sure why I loved it, I just did. Savage always took a beating but it was refreshing seeing Warrior beaten within an inch of his life.


Shit, I had forgotten all about that until you mentioned it. I felt like the unluckiest person in England when SS 92 happened as I was ironically on holiday in America when the WWF had their only ever big PPV in the UK. I was one pissed of 11 year old.


However I did get to watch the Summerslam Spectacular when it aired in the US and the beating they took was awesome. One of the best heel beatdowns I'd ever seen at that point. I might have to track that down.

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However I did get to watch the Summerslam Spectacular when it aired in the US and the beating they took was awesome. One of the best heel beatdowns I'd ever seen at that point. I might have to track that down.


There is, IIRC, a decent amount of footage on the SummerSlam 92 tape. Stick that on.


I've pretty much watched every pay per view between SummerSlam 88 and WrestleMania VIII over the last week in a fairly random order, and this afternoon watched SNME from November 92 with Money Inc/Maniacs, Bulldog/Michaels and Bret/Shango and am now severely tempted to watch Year In Review 1992 until it's time for Reading v Aston Villa Nill.

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However I did get to watch the Summerslam Spectacular when it aired in the US and the beating they took was awesome. One of the best heel beatdowns I'd ever seen at that point. I might have to track that down.


There is, IIRC, a decent amount of footage on the SummerSlam 92 tape. Stick that on.


I've pretty much watched every pay per view between SummerSlam 88 and WrestleMania VIII over the last week in a fairly random order, and this afternoon watched SNME from November 92 with Money Inc/Maniacs, Bulldog/Michaels and Bret/Shango and am now severely tempted to watch Year In Review 1992 until it's time for Reading v Aston Villa Nill.



here it is...



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here it is...




Quality. Vince and Heenan did much more justice to the Bret/Skinner match than JR/Savage/Heenan did on Coliseum. Presumably because Heenan was dozing off watching a match he'd already seen, JR was depressing himself remembering old Fabulous Ones matches, and Savage was high as a kite.

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here it is...




Quality. Vince and Heenan did much more justice to the Bret/Skinner match than JR/Savage/Heenan did on Coliseum. Presumably because Heenan was dozing off watching a match he'd already seen, JR was depressing himself remembering old Fabulous Ones matches, and Savage was high as a kite.


I've grabbed it for a later watch. I remember nothing bar the tag match and beatdown, so I'm pretty much spoiler free. Quite impressive for a WWF show from 20 years ago.


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