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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Regarding the invasion, what about TEMPORAILY turning Austin heel getting him back as Stunning Steve, Jericho as Lioneheart and maybe a couple others, Farooq as Ron Simmons, Big Show as The Giant, etc. evening up the odds and telling a story that made WCW important? Once WCW had been acquired, as a brand, it would have made sense to make it look as important as possible. Obviously you would still have all the real WCW guys, but it would have helped immensely IMO.


That's either a satirical masterwork, or you've been at the bath salts.


I'll admit it. Rereading it myself I started seeing how ridicolous part of the scenario would have been, so I tried to remember where it was from and I think I read it on some forum, at the time, and for some reason I thought it was one of the very few shortcuts they could have taken (too much buzz to delay the storyline unfortunately).


Steve Austin would have been an awful idea. True. I can't believe I wrote that.

But I don't see how The Giant is such a step down from Big Show (especially if you are trying to get heat) or even Y2J returning for a while as being Lioneheart and deliberately annoying, well I think I've seen worse in wrestling, it's not exactly like derailing Hulkamania.

Ditto from Farooq to Ron Simmons, how could that be so devastating? Breaking up the popular APA for a while (before a big reunion down the line) with Simmons getting all fussy about his All American Seminole background.


So fuck the Austin turn, that's worse than the Ding Dongs, but involving guys with a real history in WCW could have been tried, I still think that Angle on Team Alliance and Big Show and Jericho on team WWE was a bit strange, even if Jericho had left WCW with such animosity.

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It was defo Benoit vs Liger, I also had it on tape on a Best of NJPW on Eurosport comp a few years back. Pretty sure it was from 1993. I had a look on Youtube but can't find that particular match.

Come to think of it, if anyones got a copy of Rob Butcher's old video list the date of the match might be in there. I know he used to sell these shows when they first started airing, but as I (foolishly) binned his lists, can't remember if he noted the dates the matches took place in the listings.

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Back in about 1995 when Eurosport used to show NJPW wrestling, I remember watching a Pegasus Kid/Chris Benoit match and distinctly remember Benoit doing his diving headbutt off the top rope to the floor. A friend of mine swears something this stupid would never have happened and that it must have come to me in a dream.


Anyway, while I can picture the whole situation now, I can't for the life of me remember who Benoit's opponent was. Does anyone else remember this happening and even better, know if the match in question is on YouTube?

It definately happened as I remember it myself (and had it on video at one point, but taped over it). Benoit's opponent was Jushin Liger, but I have no idea of the date of the match.


It was defo Benoit vs Liger, I also had it on tape on a Best of NJPW on Eurosport comp a few years back. Pretty sure it was from 1993. I had a look on Youtube but can't find that particular match.

Oh well! At least someone else remembers and it's not me going mad.

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Does anyone remember that you could have a Tesco Clubcard match on Smackdown! 2? It was an Action Replay code, and was a passer match where the aim was to grab the clubcard. My mates, bar one who played it with me, don't believe me.

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I absolutely swear down that I managed to get a 'Tesco Clubcard' match on SmackDown! 2, as ridiculous as that sounds. Can someone back me up on this? I used an Action Replay to get it as someone had posted a lot of codes, like barbed wire rope matches and inferno matches, on a forum. I'm not sure the Tesco Clubcard was an accurate representation, I just remember it being a ladder match with a blue rectangle as the prize. It might have looked like a card, I'm not sure. My mate just doesn't believe me whatsoever still after 10 years +.


Odds that Sphinx is Pepper Plunge?

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Does anyone know what the 2 date swing ECW done at the Hammerstein Ballroom was called where they done the tag title tourney in 2000?


That's if it had a name not sure if it was released as a commercial tape


August 25/26.


The 26th was TNN tapings.

Edited by Rule One
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Back in about 1995 when Eurosport used to show NJPW wrestling, I remember watching a Pegasus Kid/Chris Benoit match and distinctly remember Benoit doing his diving headbutt off the top rope to the floor. A friend of mine swears something this stupid would never have happened and that it must have come to me in a dream.


Anyway, while I can picture the whole situation now, I can't for the life of me remember who Benoit's opponent was. Does anyone else remember this happening and even better, know if the match in question is on YouTube?


Pegasus Kid vs. Liger - no date



It looks like they faced each other around 6 times between 1990 & 1993 in Japan. This match was in Tokyo Ryogoku, which narrows it down a bit.

Edited by cactus40
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Does anyone know what the 2 date swing ECW done at the Hammerstein Ballroom was called where they done the tag title tourney in 2000?


That's if it had a name not sure if it was released as a commercial tape


August 25/26.


The 26th was TNN tapings.


Cheers for that just downloaded the 25th show which was the tag tourney but no seeds have popped up for the following nights show I remember reading both cards were class when Powerslam reviewed it

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Back in about 1995 when Eurosport used to show NJPW wrestling, I remember watching a Pegasus Kid/Chris Benoit match and distinctly remember Benoit doing his diving headbutt off the top rope to the floor. A friend of mine swears something this stupid would never have happened and that it must have come to me in a dream.


Anyway, while I can picture the whole situation now, I can't for the life of me remember who Benoit's opponent was. Does anyone else remember this happening and even better, know if the match in question is on YouTube?


Pegasus Kid vs. Liger - no date



It looks like they faced each other around 6 times between 1990 & 1993 in Japan. This match was in Tokyo Ryogoku, which narrows it down a bit.

Thanks for trying - I'll track it down eventually. The picture proves it happened though. It also proves Benoit was never quite the full shilling.

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I wished I had saw that unexpectedly. Would've been an awesome spot, especially in the context of a Benoit/Lyger match.


Got me thinking about dives from the top to the floor. There can't have been too many of them in the US big leagues. Fatu inexplicably done it in a meaningless squash. Psicosis onto Rey Jr too at BATB96. Chris Daniels from a springboard in that spotfest with Modest on Nitro. Then there was Pierre Oullett with his cannonball once in TNA. And more recently, Jeff with the swanton onto Angle.


There must be a few other examples, especially from all those x-division nutters over the years.

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I wished I had saw that unexpectedly. Would've been an awesome spot, especially in the context of a Benoit/Lyger match.


Got me thinking about dives from the top to the floor. There can't have been too many of them in the US big leagues. Fatu inexplicably done it in a meaningless squash. Psicosis onto Rey Jr too at BATB96. Chris Daniels from a springboard in that spotfest with Modest on Nitro. Then there was Pierre Oullett with his cannonball once in TNA. And more recently, Jeff with the swanton onto Angle.


There must be a few other examples, especially from all those x-division nutters over the years.


I know it isn't quite the same but I absolutely loved it when Randy Savage did the Double Axhandle from the top rope to the outside.

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