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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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You could tell from early 98 that WWF was miles better than WCW, then again I was always biased in WWF's favour until the end of 2000 when Nitro was better than Raw.


Anyway, I was just looking at the list of Wrestling Observer awards and the winner for most disgusting promotional tactic in 1980 was Tony Hernandez being booked as a monster, I've tried googling it but couldn't find anything so can anyone give me some info on this gimmick and why it won that particular award?

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and Hollywood Hogan took over the Jay Leno show

Leno got paid $1 million for his brief involvement with WCW. The only reason Hogan etc were on the Leno show was because WCW were paying him a stupid amount of money. WCW had a fair bit of success using Dennis Rodman and Karl Malone the month before, and thought they could replicate that with Leno. It was nothing to do with 'how big WCW was'.

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You could tell from early 98 that WWF was miles better than WCW, then again I was always biased in WWF's favour until the end of 2000 when Nitro was better than Raw.


You are surely joking.

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You could tell from early 98 that WWF was miles better than WCW, then again I was always biased in WWF's favour until the end of 2000 when Nitro was better than Raw.


You are surely joking.


No honestly, by autumn 2000 most of the stupid Russo gimmicks had gone, they'd started rebuilding the titles so that they meant something, they didn't have everyone turning every 2 weeks like they did in spring and summer that year, the roster had been cut down so the in ring product was the best it had been in years (no Hogan main events), plus at the same time WWF went stale after Summerslam 2000 until the invasion started

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I was wondering why did Rick Martel never win a singles title in the WWF? Was he ever considered planned to win one?

I doubt it. He was a marginal player in singles. His high point was the Jake Roberts feud, and at that point, Mr Perfect had a stranglehold on the IC title. Martel did have that battle royal finish and match with Razor Ramon for the vacant IC title late in '93, but I remember it being weird at the time because it seemed like he hadn't even been on for about a year before that. This was before Raw was on over here though, so he'd probably just been an undercard loser and I'd not noticed him on the weekend show.


I have to disagree with you there. Going back to the WWF then I can only recall the big players like Hogan and Warrior being the guys to pin him. He seemed to get the win most times during his feud with Tito. Money could of been made in a Heel vs Heel Perfect vs Martel match. They were two guys over and well if they can do a face vs face why not heel vs heel. I remember on Raw in 1992 they had the match but Perfect was the face and didnt have the belt. I do agree on the Razor/martel bit because he hadent been a regular on TV. Had they pushed for the match back in 1990 or even early 1991 I think it would of worked.


Shame they wernt interested in the odd heel vs heel matches as it would of been cool to see a Dibiase vs Perfect match.


Vince didn't originally decide Davey Boy should lose in Britain. Michaels talked him into that *after* Smith had dedicated the match to his cancer-ridden sister. Supposedly he would have won it back in Manchester a few months later but Smith was gone before then.


Isnt that a bit sick on Vince and WWEs part to have a match dedicated to someone dying and then not let them win?


The whole plan that they presented to Bret before he'd asked to leave for WCW, was for Bret and Michaels to wrestle at Survivor Series with either a DQ or a hatchet job of a finish, Michaels to win the title in a four way match a the December PPV and Bret to beat Michaels in a ladder match. Bret and Austin was penned in as the main event for WrestleMania 14 from the previous April. Austin never got his win back on Bret, and Bret never got revenge for Austin putting him in a wheelchair, so the ending to that feud hadnt ended yet. McMahon asked Hart to take a pay cut, and Bret asked what the plans were if he indeed did cut his pay and this was what was presented to him.


The One Night Only PPV was the first ever UK WWF event that we had to pay for, so WWF had to prepare for the next event to make sure it'd draw. A Michaels vs Smith match was the only match they could have done, coming off the insane finish to the One Night Only PPV (also it was in Smiths so called 'home toon' of Manchester). To be fair it didnt need that, because by the time the Mayhem in Manchester PPV came about WWF was the hottest company in the world again.


If that is indeed true I would of preferred in seeing a fatal four way then a Ladder match on PPV than what was proposed to Shamrock getting a title shot and the casket match. How far further did they have Bret schedueled? As for mentioning Angle then Bret would of had to stayed a good 2 years as Angle didnt debut till 1999 Survivor Series.


You could tell from early 98 that WWF was miles better than WCW, then again I was always biased in WWF's favour until the end of 2000 when Nitro was better than Raw.


You are surely joking.


WWF miles better you gotta be joking???? They had DDP vs Savage!

Edited by TheOlympicHero
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You could tell from early 98 that WWF was miles better than WCW, then again I was always biased in WWF's favour until the end of 2000 when Nitro was better than Raw.


You are surely joking.


No honestly, by autumn 2000 most of the stupid Russo gimmicks had gone, they'd started rebuilding the titles so that they meant something, they didn't have everyone turning every 2 weeks like they did in spring and summer that year, the roster had been cut down so the in ring product was the best it had been in years (no Hogan main events), plus at the same time WWF went stale after Summerslam 2000 until the invasion started


Don't get me wrong fella, I was never a WCW hater. They had a couple of good PPV's in 2000, such as Spring Stampede and Slamboree. But the few good things they done that year (and in 2001) didn't really matter. The television product was a shambles. The company was that far gone at that stage, it was beyond repair.

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Anything in particular info you need?

Do you know what was the purpose of WWE Superstars in 2002 after Bottom Line and Afterburn debuted? and when did Raw air when it debuted in '95?


Superstars in 2002 made no sense at all probably to fill a place for a wrestling show with more recapping we didnt need.


As for the Debut of Raw in 1995 I have listed on my tape Friday 15th 1995 on Sky Sports at 5pm. This was back when they didnt air it on a night time. Alough when watching the highlights on Mania I noticed that the Raw had been edited to pit in with the timeslot. Not by much but they had cut out the odd 10 seconds here and there. I guess with 4 commercial breaks it didnt match up with the US time. After a while they did edit violent stuff and sexual stuff out. The debut in the UK show had Sid vs Shawn as the main event. They even showed clips of the upcoming matches for the following weeks show.

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Anything in particular info you need?

Do you know what was the purpose of WWE Superstars in 2002 after Bottom Line and Afterburn debuted? and when did Raw air when it debuted in '95?


Superstars in 2002 made no sense at all probably to fill a place for a wrestling show with more recapping we didnt need.


As for the Debut of Raw in 1995 I have listed on my tape Friday 15th 1995 on Sky Sports at 5pm. This was back when they didnt air it on a night time. Alough when watching the highlights on Mania I noticed that the Raw had been edited to pit in with the timeslot. Not by much but they had cut out the odd 10 seconds here and there. I guess with 4 commercial breaks it didnt match up with the US time. After a while they did edit violent stuff and sexual stuff out. The debut in the UK show had Sid vs Shawn as the main event. They even showed clips of the upcoming matches for the following weeks show.

Do you know if there is any videos of this online?

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No honestly, by autumn 2000 most of the stupid Russo gimmicks had gone, they'd started rebuilding the titles so that they meant something, they didn't have everyone turning every 2 weeks like they did in spring and summer that year, the roster had been cut down so the in ring product was the best it had been in years (no Hogan main events), plus at the same time WWF went stale after Summerslam 2000 until the invasion started

To say it was better than WWF at the time is one-eyed and completely mental. The return of Steve Austin was blinding television, as was Kurt Angle's weekly comedy segments, Mick Foleys run as commissioner, Edge and Christian still on top form as well as characters like Triple H, The Undertaker and the Rock at their compelling best. You also had Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, X-Pac and others filling the mid-card with some top matches. WCW on the other hand had 3 Count's endless feud with the Jung Dragons, BattleDome invading WCW, Beetlejuice from Howard Stern having interaction with Jeff Jarrett and others, The Natural Born Thillaz vs the Insiders who kept referencing Scott Hall even though they werent bringing him back. All WCW had was Scott Steiner being awesome. WCW just looked a sad state of affairs. It hurt your enjoyment watching the show, when you saw Nitro had not only blacked most of the empty seats up, but the ropes were blue because they were taping Thunder after it. It was only when Bischoff and Johnny Ace took over, that WCW showed promise, and that wasnt until about early 2001. WCW looked on top form in February 2001.


I was always a WCW fan, and watched it even when it was on it's arse, but compared to the WWF in late 2000, it couldnt hold a candal.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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No honestly, by autumn 2000 most of the stupid Russo gimmicks had gone, they'd started rebuilding the titles so that they meant something, they didn't have everyone turning every 2 weeks like they did in spring and summer that year, the roster had been cut down so the in ring product was the best it had been in years (no Hogan main events), plus at the same time WWF went stale after Summerslam 2000 until the invasion started

To say it was better than WWF at the time is one-eyed and completely mental. The return of Steve Austin was blinding television, as was Kurt Angle's weekly comedy segments, Mick Foleys run as commissioner, Edge and Christian still on top form as well as characters like Triple H, The Undertaker and the Rock at their compelling best. You also had Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, X-Pac and others filling the mid-card with some top matches. WCW on the other hand had 3 Count's endless feud with the Jung Dragons, BattleDome invading WCW, Beetlejuice from Howard Stern having interaction with Jeff Jarrett and others, The Natural Born Thillaz vs the Insiders who kept referencing Scott Hall even though they werent bringing him back. All WCW had was Scott Steiner being awesome. WCW just looked a sad state of affairs. It hurt your enjoyment watching the show, when you saw Nitro had not only blacked most of the empty seats up, but the ropes were blue because they were taping Thunder after it. It was only when Bischoff and Johnny Ace took over, that WCW showed promise, and that wasnt until about early 2001. WCW looked on top form in February 2001.


I was always a WCW fan, and watched it even when it was on it's arse, but compared to the WWF in late 2000, it couldnt hold a candal.


I'm not saying the WWF was bad by any means, it's just that until around September 2000, Raw and Smackdown were must see TV and then it just seemed to go stale, Austin was terrible on his return until a few weeks before Wrestlemania 17 (Royal Rumble match excluded), Triple H turned heel again even though people were dying to see him have a proper face run, Taker and Kane were treading water, Jericho had the shite feud with X-Pac, it was still watchable but the quality was way down from the previous nine months. On the flipside, WCW was so bad in the first nine months of 2000 that once they slowed things down and the shows didn't give you a headache, they were quite enjoyable.


To be fair to the WWF, they did have one of my favourite wrestling moments ever in this period



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No honestly, by autumn 2000 most of the stupid Russo gimmicks had gone, they'd started rebuilding the titles so that they meant something, they didn't have everyone turning every 2 weeks like they did in spring and summer that year, the roster had been cut down so the in ring product was the best it had been in years (no Hogan main events), plus at the same time WWF went stale after Summerslam 2000 until the invasion started

To say it was better than WWF at the time is one-eyed and completely mental. The return of Steve Austin was blinding television, as was Kurt Angle's weekly comedy segments, Mick Foleys run as commissioner, Edge and Christian still on top form as well as characters like Triple H, The Undertaker and the Rock at their compelling best. You also had Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, X-Pac and others filling the mid-card with some top matches. WCW on the other hand had 3 Count's endless feud with the Jung Dragons, BattleDome invading WCW, Beetlejuice from Howard Stern having interaction with Jeff Jarrett and others, The Natural Born Thillaz vs the Insiders who kept referencing Scott Hall even though they werent bringing him back. All WCW had was Scott Steiner being awesome. WCW just looked a sad state of affairs. It hurt your enjoyment watching the show, when you saw Nitro had not only blacked most of the empty seats up, but the ropes were blue because they were taping Thunder after it. It was only when Bischoff and Johnny Ace took over, that WCW showed promise, and that wasnt until about early 2001. WCW looked on top form in February 2001.


I was always a WCW fan, and watched it even when it was on it's arse, but compared to the WWF in late 2000, it couldnt hold a candal.

That was stupid, why not just have black ropes to suit them both?

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That was stupid, why not just have black ropes to suit them both?

No idea. They could have even switched the ropes if they were taping a double shot. I'm sure it doesnt take that long.


I'm not saying the WWF was bad by any means, it's just that until around September 2000, Raw and Smackdown were must see TV and then it just seemed to go stale, Austin was terrible on his return until a few weeks before Wrestlemania 17 (Royal Rumble match excluded), Triple H turned heel again even though people were dying to see him have a proper face run, Taker and Kane were treading water, Jericho had the shite feud with X-Pac, it was still watchable but the quality was way down from the previous nine months. On the flipside, WCW was so bad in the first nine months of 2000 that once they slowed things down and the shows didn't give you a headache, they were quite enjoyable

So WWF wasn't bad by any means, but WCW was better because it didnt give you a headache? It's all well and good looking back and saying Austins return was terrible, but I remember everyone buzzing their tits off when he returned. WCW was literally piss-poor in late 2000. It was dreadful. At least in mid-2000 WCW had stars on the show. By the end of 2000, it was on its arse. I remember everyone throwing telly's out of the window, when Shane Douglas got squashed by Buff Bagwell I believe and the week after got granted a US title match (which he won). It had the Goldberg and Buddy Lee Parker vs Kronik and Totally Buffed angle, which drew apathy from everyone who expected Goldberg to return within a month. It was still filled with nonesense.

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God I forgot about Sarge teaming with Goldberg, he was terrible. There was some good stuff in late 2000 though, the 3 count/Jund Dragons feud produced some good matches, Lance Storm and Hugh Morrus's feud over the US Title was good, Goldberg and Steiner's pay per view match, Steiner and Booker T's Title feud, there was quite a lot of decent stuff. I know it's all down to personal opinion but for I just thought Nitro was better than Raw at that time

Edited by Dr.PeterVenkman
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Does anybody have a full list of what match edits there are in the early WWF PPVs released on VHS and therefore carried forward onto the tagged classic releases (between 1985 & 1991) ?


For example the Bulldog/Warlord match at WrestleMania 7 is heavily edited compared to what aired on PPV

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