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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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What were the pink bands a few people were wearing at Bound For Glory?

Breast Cancer awareness month?


Cheers mate, thought it may have been that due to AJ's tight having the pink Breast Cancer Awareness logo on. I thought Foley had a pair of pink socks on at first when I seen his around his ankle.

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How many wrestler's have held titles in ECW, WCW, WWE and TNA? At the moment the only two that I can think of are Mick Foley and Raven.



The Dudleys won the WCW Tag belts, but that was in WWE so I guess it doesn't really count, but their all can think of.

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How many wrestler's have held titles in ECW, WCW, WWE and TNA? At the moment the only two that I can think of are Mick Foley and Raven.


As well as those already mentioned: Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, Saturn, Storm, Douglas can be added.

Edited by dopper
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Here's one that just came to me the other day, and that is as much a discussion point as it is a question. Who holds the record for playing the same character (or at least maintaining the same name and near-enough look) across most federations? I ask this, because Raven leapt to mind with ECW, WCW, WWE, TNA, ROH and countless indies, and I couldn't think of others. There are plenty that skipped between WCW and WWE, but ECW, TNA and ROH stints make his pretty impressive. Anyway, who else can do better?

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