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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Cancelled my Prison Planet subscriton today, been an on off subscriber for a few years now but he is clearly pushing an agenda of his own now and is showing his true colours.




Where has Duane been lately? don't think there has been much of him on the forums the last week or so.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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Here's an interesting news item:




US military scientists lost contact with an unmanned hypersonic experimental aircraft on its second test flight, officials said.


The Falcon Hypersonic Test Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) successfully separated from its rocket but lost contact shortly into its "glide phase".


The plane is designed to travel at Mach 20, or 20 times the speed of sound.


The Falcon project is part of the US defence department's plans to develop a rapid-strike weapons system.


A hypersonic plane could potentially enable the US military to hit targets anywhere in the world in under an hour.


The HTV-2 - shaped like the tip of a spear - took off atop a Minotaur IV rocket from Vanderberg Air Force Base in California early on Thursday.


It was propelled to the edges of space where it then separated from the rocket.


The aim by engineers was that it would glide back to Earth at 13,000mph (21,000km/h) - enduring temperatures in excess of 3,500F (2,000C) - before plunging into the Pacific Ocean.


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), which is funding the HTV-2 programme and overseeing the tests, said more than nine minutes of data was collected "before an anomaly caused loss of signal".


"Initial indications are that the aircraft impacted the Pacific Ocean along the planned flight path," Darpa said in a statement on its website.


An HTV-2 plane was first tested last year, and ended with the craft crashing into the Pacific after the military lost contact with the glider nine minutes into the flight.


However, the flight still managed to return 139 seconds of aerodynamic data at a velocity between 17 and 22 times the speed of sound, Darpa said.


"We know how to boost the aircraft to near space," Maj Chris Schulz, the programme manager, was quoted as saying on Darpa's website.


"We know how to insert the aircraft into atmospheric hypersonic flight. We do not yet know how to achieve the desired control during the aerodynamic phase of flight. It's vexing; I'm confident there is a solution. We have to find it."


Maj Shulz said a team of experts would now analyse the flight data and expand "our technical understanding of this incredibly harsh flight regime".


Some analysts say a second uncompleted flight could force Darpa to rethink the entire project, the BBC's Marcus George in Washington reports.


I'm sure this wil spark another round of UFO crash stories :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone else on here watch BBC 3's Conspiracy Road Trip on Thursday? It's an interesting one for those in the truth movement since it features the well known and charismatic Charlie Veitch (Love Police). Someone who until recently was popular with many truthseekers, he flip-flopped and changed his mind on 9/11 being an inside job in a very short space of time following this trip to the States with the BBC.


Part 1 of the programme.


Since Charlie changing his opinion to quick and easily as you can imagine there has been all sorts of speculation as to whether CV was genuine to begin with or controlled opposition, if Neuro Linguistic programming was used or if he's just someone after his 15minutes of fame. CV has previously appeared on TV alongside Anarchists at the March 26 demo, interviewed by ITV when he declared he would protest the Royal Wedding, then was subsequently arrested before leaving his home in Cambridge. He's also appeared on Russia Today and Press TV. Plus his girlfriend Silkie appeared on a reality show.


For anyone interested Edge Media are airing a 3 hour debate tomorrow from 6-9pm, which I'm sure will mention the BBC 3 debunking programme.







Checking through the schedule it appears the channel is devoting most of the day to the topic of 9/11 and False Flag Terrorism.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Isn't that what Duane has been saying? I know he used some far-out terms such as illuminati and the like, but when you get right down to the brass tacks of it all isn't he just saying that powerful people are in cahoots with one another to maintain their grip on power at the expense of the plebs?

You're right David, it's as simple as that. And I prefer the term Elite Globalists :)


Regards to 9/11 and other conspiracies I believe it's more important to focus on the WHY they did it rather than how. We can easily go round and around circles and never know the absolute truth. Even some of those involved won't know the bigger picture since these operations are so compartmentalised.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Seriously not having a go at anyone, but 9/11 was NOT an inside job, it really, really wasn't, ok?


Serious question. Approximately how much time have you spent examining the independent research dedicated to 9/11 before coming to the conclusion that said event wasn't an inside job?

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Serious question. Approximately how much time have you spent examining the independent research dedicated to 9/11 before coming to the conclusion that said event wasn't an inside job?

To put it bluntly, none. I don't entertain the conspiracy theory surrounding 9/11 as a job of that scale was not possibly an inside job.

People seem to think the military and the shadow organisations are like shit you see on TV Or movies, but it really isn't.

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"I can answer that - I spent about 2 or 3 weeks looking at the various theories and "evidence" presented by the conspiracy movement, as well as reading all the official documents and also independent research not picked up by the conspiracy theorists.


The conclusion I came to was that whilst the US government might have had a number of indicators that a terrorist attack was likely, if not indeed imminent, there was absolutely not one shred of verifiable, consistent evidence to suggest that any department of the US government had any hand in the planning or execution of the attack.


Is that good enough for you?


Since Charlie changing his opinion to quick and easily as you can imagine there has been all sorts of speculation as to whether CV was genuine to begin with or controlled opposition, if Neuro Linguistic programming was used or if he's just someone after his 15minutes of fame.


I know nothing about this guy, but even I can immediately see that there's another possibility you've conveniently not listed there - the possibility that as a result of the evidence and testimony he found on that trip, he realised he was wrong.


In fact, isn't that by far the most likely possibility, for more likely than your other ones, Duane?


Whilst we're here, are you going to comment on the Alex Jones video posted on page 71 Duane?


Any chance you'll actually debate these two things, or shall we just book you in for another visit to the thread next month?

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