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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Am watching last night was the drizzling shits but tonight the sounds, unplugged phones going off, correct info from the psychic and general mystification of Keiran O Keefe the parapsychologist means this is probably gonna be the best night.

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When I looked out of my window first thing this morning, I saw a pram pushing itself! Going along the street with nobody behind it like in Ghostbusters II.


Except, of course, I didn't. A woman was pushing it, she just wasn't immediately visible. But still, it's good to know that when I see a baby going for a little stroll all by itself, my first thought isn't how much dangerous this could be and how I could help, but rather 'I'll be able to post this in that UKFF thread about ghosts and shit'.

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I may have mentioned this to you before Woyzeck, but that exact thing happened to a friend of mine, hence my pop psychology. He started getting really obsessed with 9-11, even going so far as to organise a conference on it. He forced me to watch that shitty documentary on it, and when I pointed out a lot of the logical flaws in it he got quite angry.


6 months later he had a massive mental breakdown and was committed. He's been in and out ever since, unable to hold down a job or a relationship, and is really not the same person any more.


Which came first, the conspiracy nutdom or the mental illness I don't know, but they definitely fed off each other. This is why I'm quite anti-conspiracy theories - they are quite dangerous and life-altering if you're not clear-headed enough to understand them as the urban mythology they really are.


That's really interesting, because mental illness and interests in conspiracy theories go hand in hand a fair bit. I tend to think that people with serious mental conditions will latch onto this kinda thing, in the way that a lot of people with severe learning difficulties have a "thing" like trains or wrestling that they're obsessed with. Conspiracy theories become dangerous because so many other people buy into it that they're not told they should stop, but rather that they're the only ones seeing the truth, unlike those sheep out there. If you're a bit crazy and into digging around about conspiracies you probably feel as though they're figuring something out like a detective, falling deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole and wanting to share this big, world-shattering truth with others, then becoming frustrated when they don't see it. Can't help feelings of paranoia and detachment from society either.



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Sickboy, re: Shayler, I'm way pissed off now. I read that book about MI5 that he was involved with years ago and I was very, very intruiged by the whole thing. At the time I was aiming for a certain amount of grades because I wanted to apply to join, and his book kinda put me off (that and the fact that I didn't get those grades, got arrested a bunch of times and a couple other reasons) but now I find out he's a lunatic.


Yeah, that's a sad case. He claims he got the evidence he was looking for, but forgot to save it. Oops!


If only he'd been running Vista. That cunt won't let you do anything without a whole bunch of "are you sure??????????????????????"


Anyway, as far as ghost/Halloween shit:


I used to live in a block of flats in Finsbury Park, North London and one night my mums life partner got up to go to the toilet or something and she happened to walk into the front room. The Christmas tree lights were flickering, though they were off at the plug, and there was a breeze in the room, though there were no open windows. She looked out onto the balcony and saw a man and two children, all dressed in black with veils over their faces, they looked at her for a moment then threw themselves off the balcony. She went out onto the balcony and looked, but there was nothing.


Anyway, a while later I found out that in that flat a longish time before we moved in a woman had killed herself by jumping from the balcony and her husband, in his grief, had later thrown himself and their two children off the same balcony. There was something weird about that place, people who might come to visit used to say they'd seen all kinds of weird shit. I myself never saw anything, though once I was laying in bed and the whole bed started rocking like somebody was pushing it back and forth and there was no logical reason for it.


Strange but true.

Edited by JobberToTheStars
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Most Haunted Live has been AWESOME this week.


Yesterday, Yvette shat when the sceptic parapsychologist returned from answering a phone - from a supposedly unconnected phoneline no-less - to tell her that when he'd answered, it had spoken to him in her voice.


So tonight they set up a dedicated phoneline between the location they were in and the production van, so the floor manager could call it and they could leave it off the hook to record any ghost voices or whatever. It started ringing without the van calling through and freaked everyone out, because supposedly the only person who'd be able to call it is the guy in the van. The ringing kept going, and started up everytime the guy in the van tried to call it, so Yvette asked for them (ie the ghosts on the phone) to speak with her voice again. It rang, and it did, playing back what she'd just said down the line with her voice. This went on for a while, with the phone going haywire and Yvette asking it to ring a certain number of times, and so on.


It was only when the voice on the other end said "Get fucked, you silly old cunt" they realised it's probably just some lads having a laugh.


Earlier, Paul Ross sobbed with fear during a seance.

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It was only when the voice on the other end said "Get fucked, you silly old cunt" they realised it's probably just some lads having a laugh.


I'm sure that Karl was the one who actually said "get fucked you silly little cunt" in response to the caller, was he not?


Still, it doesn't explain how someone has managed to get through to a dedicated phoneline, does it?

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It was only when the voice on the other end said "Get fucked, you silly old cunt" they realised it's probably just some lads having a laugh.


I'm sure that Karl was the one who actually said "get fucked you silly little cunt" in response to the caller, was he not?


Still, it doesn't explain how someone has managed to get through to a dedicated phoneline, does it?


He was repeating back what they'd said, and I'm sure he thought he wasn't doing it loudly enough for the mics to pick up on it, using the c word as he did. Just before that, Ciaran heard laughing and someone saying "I'm on the phone," presumably to whoever else was in the room with the prankster.


I don't know how they got through to a dedicated phoneline, but the fact they never mentioned it again during the whole show shows that they knew it was a prank and completely dismissed it.

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Do you guys watch Most Haunted like you watch Lost or wrestling, i.e with a suspension of disbelief thing going on? I can't see that programme without immediately noticing how incredibly faked and staged it all is.

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He was repeating back what they'd said, and I'm sure he thought he wasn't doing it loudly enough for the mics to pick up on it, using the c word as he did. Just before that, Ciaran heard laughing and someone saying "I'm on the phone," presumably to whoever else was in the room with the prankster.


I don't know how they got through to a dedicated phoneline, but the fact they never mentioned it again during the whole show shows that they knew it was a prank and completely dismissed it.


Ah, I see.


Did you see Stuarts face during that initial seance? He looked incredibly pissed off.

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Do you guys watch Most Haunted like you watch Lost or wrestling, i.e with a suspension of disbelief thing going on? I can't see that programme without immediately noticing how incredibly faked and staged it all is.


There's no suspension of disbelief at all, it's just entertaining. Like I said, I watched TV's Paul Ross sobbing with fear. I'm fucked if there's anything with that much entertainment value anywhere else.


It's fun predicting when the bald guy is going to leap onto the floor and say he's been thrown there by a ghost, for example. It's usually fifteen minutes before the end.

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