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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Which would be all well and good if he was like Derren Brown, simultaneously exploiting and revealing, but he's never given an indication that he's "in" on the "joke". He's an idiot lucky enough to have stumbled into the position to make money from other idiots. Nothing more, nothing less.

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A few years ago, I recall that a fair criticism of Alex Jones was that the wackier and clearly spurious stuff he said would detract from all the times he was absolutely dead-on, which was more often than you would think. However, the last few years, he's become so much more fantastical and, at the same time, so much more commercially-exploitative so I can see why you guys now hate him so much.

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I can't remember specifics but this was in the era of when Jon Ronson was profiling him for Them! and the accompanying TV series the Secret Rulers of the World. He seemed out there but much of what he was saying was pretty much right. A specific thing, erm... there was a thread on here about the Obama Deception. I watched the documentary and agreed somewhat with the crux of what he was saying; Obama's rhetoric doesn't match his policies, he's pro-Wall Street whilst railing against it in speeches, he's just continuing Bush's policies. The problem is, he takes that to the absolute nth degree, talking about FEMA Camps, forced national service, a Hitler Youth-esque pro-Obama civilian force and warrantless wiretapping. Then again, you see whistleblowers like Edward Snowdon and the NSA Prism project, you have to wonder just how fantastical these claims are?

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So, the same sort of rubbish everyone comes out with, then?

I'm not so sure that believing that powerful & wealthy people conspire and work together to ensure that they become more powerful and wealthy can really be considered "rubbish". I mean, I know the whole Bilderberg meetings are part of Jones event calendar and a favourite holiday destination of conspiracy theory fanatics, but the fact is that these meetings do happen.The event in Watford has been financed by the likes of Goldman-Sachs (according to the Guardian), and if you look at the attendance list for last years event it makes for interesting reading;Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European CouncilFu Ying, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Ambassador to the UK and Australia for ChinaJohn Kerr, member of the UK House of Lords and Deputy Chairman of Royal Dutch ShellPeter Mandelson, UK Business SecretaryThomas E. Donilon, US National Security AdvisorDick Gephardt, former US Congressman and House Majority LeaderJohn Kerry, United States Secretary of StateHenry Kissinger, former United States Secretary of StateRobert Zoellick, former Deputy Secretary of State and former President of the World Bank GroupKeith B. Alexander, Commander US Cyber Command; Director, National Security AgencyDavid Patraeus, former Director of the CIAHenri de Castries, Chairman and CEO of AXAMat Edited by David
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So this super secret conference produces a guest list does it?


As the Guardian says, it's a policy summit.


What would be more scary - important politicians, generals and business leaders sitting down to discuss important world affairs.... or important politicians, generals and business leaders not sitting down to discuss important world affairs?


The UN is such a whorehouse of self-interest and politicking, it's actually reassuring to think that there are actually forums for people to discuss shit in private and maybe find some common ground. As you can see in places like Syria or Palestine, the worst thing is people not talking.

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What would be more scary - important politicians, generals and business leaders sitting down to discuss important world affairs.... or important politicians, generals and business leaders not sitting down to discuss important world affairs?The UN is such a whorehouse of self-interest and politicking, it's actually reassuring to think that there are actually forums for people to discuss shit in private and maybe find some common ground. As you can see in places like Syria or Palestine, the worst thing is people not talking.

I guess it depends what you believe they're all meeting up to discuss. Personally (and I may just be getting cynical with old age) I tend to believe that they're a collection of wealthy and powerful people who's only interest is ensuring that they stay that way. Perhaps they'll be discussing which middle-eastern country needs liberated next? Or which attendee should benefit from said liberation? I think it was Cheney who profited from Iraq last time, so it'll no doubt be some else's turn.
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What would be more scary - important politicians, generals and business leaders sitting down to discuss important world affairs.... or important politicians, generals and business leaders not sitting down to discuss important world affairs?The UN is such a whorehouse of self-interest and politicking, it's actually reassuring to think that there are actually forums for people to discuss shit in private and maybe find some common ground. As you can see in places like Syria or Palestine, the worst thing is people not talking.

I guess it depends what you believe they're all meeting up to discuss. Personally (and I may just be getting cynical with old age) I tend to believe that they're a collection of wealthy and powerful people who's only interest is ensuring that they stay that way. Perhaps they'll be discussing which middle-eastern country needs liberated next? Or which attendee should benefit from said liberation? I think it was Cheney who profited from Iraq last time, so it'll no doubt be some else's turn.
They all profited, and it's all their turn, all of the time.
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