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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I reckon this topic is probably the best place to get some recommendations:


Since Neil Armstrong died I have found myself becoming more interested in theories that the moon landings were a hoax. Can anyone recommend particularly good books or documentaries on this subject?


And while I'm at it - it's that time of year again - any interesting books or documentaries about 9/11 conspiracy theories? I've always found the documentaries that come around each September interesting, but have never looked into the conspiracy "It was the government, you marks!" side of it.

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The only advice I can give you is, if you somehow have the means to, ask Alex Shane about the 9/11 stuff. He's an absolute fanatic on it. To the point where he shows videos about it to people when they come round his house, even if that's not the pretense under which they were invited.

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I reckon this topic is probably the best place to get some recommendations:


Since Neil Armstrong died I have found myself becoming more interested in theories that the moon landings were a hoax. Can anyone recommend particularly good books or documentaries on this subject?


And while I'm at it - it's that time of year again - any interesting books or documentaries about 9/11 conspiracy theories? I've always found the documentaries that come around each September interesting, but have never looked into the conspiracy "It was the government, you marks!" side of it.


My friend is into all those conspiracy theories but says much of it gets removed. I have however, found this website http://www.antinwoalliance.com it may be useful.

Edited by niff
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  • Paid Members
I reckon this topic is probably the best place to get some recommendations:


Since Neil Armstrong died I have found myself becoming more interested in theories that the moon landings were a hoax. Can anyone recommend particularly good books or documentaries on this subject?


And while I'm at it - it's that time of year again - any interesting books or documentaries about 9/11 conspiracy theories? I've always found the documentaries that come around each September interesting, but have never looked into the conspiracy "It was the government, you marks!" side of it.

Loose Change is THE documentary on 9/11, and it's on YouTube. Once you've watched it though, look up the documentary that debunks the bits where they squiff the facts to suit their needs.


Moon landing stuff is more difficult, because the ones that have anything remotely reasonable and well argued is also full of stupid stuff that even household pets wouldn't believe.

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Dopper, if you're interested in going off the deep end, sign up on Prisonplanet and have a look around. Here's a thread on how The Matrix, The Simpsons and especially Heroes give away the NWO's secret plans: http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=104147.0


Neo's passport expires on September 11th, 2001!!!


I used to be a paid up member of the Alex Jones Cult but thankfully I grew up.


On Jones I found a site a while back that does a good job ripping a lot of what he spews to shreds.




At times it also highlights what a backwards piece of work Jones really is take this beauty of a quote for example on Schizophrenics.


"They're inherently evil people. They call it 'psychological' or 'mental' - whatever, they're a demon. And that's the end of it."


The man is a fucking menace.

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The man is a fucking menace.

That's a bit harsh! :laugh:


It's all entertainment, isn't it? David Icke, Derek Acorah etc.


Alex Jones in my opinion is real nasty piece of work, other than shape shifting Lizard people I'm not too familiar with Icke to be honest and I have never heard of Acorah.

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The man is a fucking menace.

That's a bit harsh! :laugh:


It's all entertainment, isn't it? David Icke, Derek Acorah etc.


I do find Icke quite entertaining actually, one suggestion on Icke is that you can read him has swiftian satire, if you don't take everything he says literally there can be some merit to what he says on some level he can work well for inspiration and motivation too. Also the story about his change around about the time of the Terry Wogan interview is quite interesting.


However as a proponent of psi research and as a fan of the likes of Radin and Sheldrake I find Acorah as more of a problem, fraudulent mediums such as Acroah do more to progress scepticism than Randi do's.

Edited by Prince Nana
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