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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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I think this video perfectly captures the mania of 9/11 theorists.




Wowsers, that guy is...wow. Given that it's obviously not "a ball" with a CGI plane on top; what do people think this pod underneath that plane is?


"9/11 was the biggest psy-op in history" Smashing.

Edited by Wideload
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I once registered on a conspiracy nut forum and asked how people got involved in it all. The replies all accused me of being a journalist.

That is a bit like when, as discussed in another thread, a girl signs up to a wrestling forum. You either get people fawning over her and posting old pics of themselves to impress her, or you get "Fuck off, love, you're a 40 year old called Graham".

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That is a bit like when, as discussed in another thread, a girl signs up to a wrestling forum. You either get people fawning over her and posting old pics of themselves to impress her, or you get "Fuck off, love, you're a 40 year old called Graham".




No girl has ever signed up to a wrestling forum.

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In my time spent occasionally browsing AboveTopSecret, which is probably the biggest catch-all forum for the wackier side of stuff like this, I remember a huge thread about how someone had noticed that whenever he was browsing the site, he'd be getting hits on his firewall from the government. Of course, they all agreed that not only was that possible, but it was definitely happening to everyone who visited, but they weren't surprised.

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Haha, wow. There needs to be a website featuring the tales of ex-conspiracy types, because with the utterly pointless, circular nature of these arguments, where their viewpoint just gets stronger with each "they're in on it!" debunking, I'd love to know at what point people have actually gone "Oh hold on. I see. It's all bollocks, isn't it?"



Does anyone who gets properly deep into the conspiracy stuff ever come back? I've not heard of a case..

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I'll admit that I was pretty heavy into the whole conspiracy stuff not sure when or even why but one day I just thought to myself none of this makes any sence when you really stop and think about it and even if "they" are in control then there is really fuck all I can do about it anyway and that was that now I just pop on the odd site when I'm bored.

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But why would they not accept it?


It's not about assuming that everything you hear is a lie. Far from it, Kris. But when you encounter evidence that you feel brings something that you've been told into question, it's natural that you might want to dig a little deeper - even if only to solidify the original story you were told. As much as some people feel that those who believe 9/11 to be an inside job are doing so just to feel big, clever and important, I don't romantise such things. If anything the terror of 9/11 reminded me of my mortality and insignificance. How did the events of 9/11 make everyone else feel?


I like to think someone is being honest unless I have a reason to disbelieve what they are telling me. Many people won't question the 9/11 official story because they have no reason to do some. Why question something that makes so much more sense than any other theory?


What have our democratic governments done to earn our undying trust though? In theory, those who we elect are our servants and servants should always be monitored closely. That's not just our right. It's our duty. Each of us has made a decision to accept whichever theory makes the most sense to us personally based on the evidence we've encountered. The work of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth compels me to believe that there are discrepancies in the official 9/11 story.


How can you pretend to crash a plane into the Pentagon when surely there would be so many people about to say it didn't happen?


Does any clear footage actually exist of American Airlines Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon? I don't mean that flippantly. I'm just interested to know. I don't know masses about the Pentagon situation. Much of Richard Gage's research is centered around the other atrocities of 9/11.


But how do you think it would be easier?


Easier in that I don't see how al-Qaeda would have had the acumen to pull off such an extraordinary feat. Why haven't we seen more extreme acts of al-Qaeda violence and destruction in the U.S. during the last decade if they have the power to pull of 9/11?

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With respect RotM, my post (#1145) related to corroded steel, not melted steel.


As I mentioned earlier in the thread, even the official 9/11 reports have been unable to explain some of the aspects of the building's collapses, describing such things as the corrosion of steel beams as unexplained events. The FEMA report stated that the severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of multiple steel samples from the collapsed buildings was very unusual and that no clear explanation for the source of the sulphur they discovered could be identified.

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WTC 7 wasn't "ravaged by severe fires" though, hence people thinking something dodgy went on with it. The news crew announcing it had collapsed rather prematurely didn't help.


According to the official FEMA report, WTC 7 sustained relatively light damage prior to it's collapse. So why did in go down and again how many examples can you find of steel-frame high-rise buildings that have been ravaged by severe fires collapsing as a result of said fires?

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Why haven't we seen more extreme acts of al-Qaeda violence and destruction in the U.S. during the last decade if they have the power to pull of 9/11?

Why haven't we seen more extreme acts of Illuminati violence and destruction in the U.S. during the last decade if they have the power to pull of 9/11?

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