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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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He said "this coming year" meaning 2011. Because its only January, most people havnt had their birthday yet (you and me have), and therefore would still be the age they turned last year. This coming year, is this year. Your 21, born in 1990. 21 + 1990 = 2011. It works for you too, just like it will work for everyone.


Get it?

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He said "this coming year" meaning 2011. Because its only January, most people havnt had their birthday yet (you and me have), and therefore would still be the age they turned last year. This coming year, is this year. Your 21, born in 1990. 21 + 1990 = 2011. It works for you too, just like it will work for everyone.


Get it?


I get it, I just don't use the phrase "this coming year" the same as everyone else by the look of it. Same as if someone said "this coming week" I'd assume they meant next week, not the week we're in.

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I think context is important in cases like that. If it was the first day of the week, I would regard "this coming week" to meaning the week we are in. If it was the last day of the week, I would consider it to mean next week. When the phrase "this coming year" is used in the first two weeks of the year, common sense would dictate that he doesnt mean next year.

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Is there not also some tribes out there who tie rope or something around the head of young kids to alter the shape of the skull? or did I dream that?

No, you got that from the eminent scientific journal "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008).



It still takes place in some parts of the world, though the Wikipedia article on artificial cranial deformation neglects to say by whom.

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To follow on from Duane's magical maths mayhem, some lad I know posted this abridged version of the nonsense on his Facebook:


if you add your age on your next birthday with the year you was born the answer is always 111

Below are the word for word replies from a few of his mates:


Nah mine adds to112 born in 83 will be 29 next year

read the question xx it means ur next bday x ie this yr or have u already had it x it is true what ian wrote xxx

Ah but it states next birthday

38 + 73....gold star u ian next time i see ya at mcdonalds in crewe tis your shout sun haha

ok mine is 1977 and i will b 34 this yr xx xx 111

oh theres selina tryin make me jelous again first it was 'ive got a nice cold bud'...now its frigin ime 34 this year!!...r u tryin damage me lol x

It only works on the 31st December each year for everyone!!

Looks like Duane isn't alone on whatever planet he's on. And I need new friends.

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  • Paid Members
Is there not also some tribes out there who tie rope or something around the head of young kids to alter the shape of the skull? or did I dream that?

No, you got that from the eminent scientific journal "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008).



It still takes place in some parts of the world, though the Wikipedia article on artificial cranial deformation neglects to say by whom.


It's not quite the same, but the pre-Revolution Chinese used to bind women's feet tightly to slowly break and re-set the bones into a pointed shape, which they called "lily feet". Absolutely horrible, but then if you look at the way a lot of women have been treated throughout the millennia, and even still now, in most societies, it's pretty shameful.

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To follow on from Duane's magical maths mayhem, some lad I know posted this abridged version of the nonsense on his Facebook:


if you add your age on your next birthday with the year you was born the answer is always 111

Below are the word for word replies from a few of his mates:


Nah mine adds to112 born in 83 will be 29 next year

read the question xx it means ur next bday x ie this yr or have u already had it x it is true what ian wrote xxx

Ah but it states next birthday

38 + 73....gold star u ian next time i see ya at mcdonalds in crewe tis your shout sun haha

ok mine is 1977 and i will b 34 this yr xx xx 111

oh theres selina tryin make me jelous again first it was 'ive got a nice cold bud'...now its frigin ime 34 this year!!...r u tryin damage me lol x

It only works on the 31st December each year for everyone!!

Looks like Duane isn't alone on whatever planet he's on. And I need new friends.

It's the age you are or going to be this year - 2011. It's as simple as that. No one one I've tried it with does not come to 111. Perhaps it's 110 for last year? Maybe it always happens...


EDIT Yep. 34+76 110.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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This amused me from David Icke's newsletter:


David Icke Newsletter Preview






... 'FORUM MAN' The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

Firstly, let me make it clear that I am not criticising or condemning Internet forums. They can be a great source of interaction and information exchange by some very intelligent and aware people. But through this medium has emerged a mentality, what I call Forum Man, that we need to be aware of and, more than anything, Forum Man needs to be aware of.


I say 'Man' because from what I have seen this mentality is expressed mostly through the male mind, though certainly not exclusively. Forum Man sits at his computer hiding behind log-in names, often hurling abuse in all directions, and claims to be streetwise about life and world events while talking the most monumental bollocks ...


... 'Sovereign', bless him, also wheels out the headshaking mentality that I have experienced virtually the entire time I have been on this road. He says that I get programmes about me on the BBC (I don't, but fingers crossed) 'while other researchers get taken out'. I love this one. This is a step on even from the 'if you are well known you must be a front man for "them"'. Here we have reached the Twilight Zone in which to be really credible you must be dead.


These people, and they are extremely large in number, are not able to conceive of other forces at work intent on bringing down the walls of suppression and control because they are stuck firm in the conspiracy version of the victim mentality. Theirs is the world of the valiant hero who fought so bravely against all the odds with God, truth and justice on his side, but then was tragically taken out by the forces of evil, or the 'Feds', which is basically the same thing.


'Jaaaahn's dead, folks, what more proof do you need that he was right?'


'You still alive? You must be one of "them".'


It reminds me of the old ducking stool where they used to hold alleged witches under the water and if they drowned they were accepted not to have been a witch, but if they didn't die they were convicted. I think they call it Catch 22.




Oh really? What's your name?'


'Woo, Woo.'

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