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Scientists are claiming that a new life form found on earth is a vital clue to Alien biology.


Sky news link


I don't think it's such a vital clue, more like a bridge to what could be a clue. To me it's a pretty sure thing that 'alien biology' could and will be different to our own and the chances of it being associated with this particular strain of microbes is slim. If we were to find it on another planet though it would be an extra link even if it is only a small one.


I do find it very interesting though that it can not only thrive when exposed to arsenic instead of phospherous, but incorporate it into it's DNA. That's pretty damn cool.


Huzzah to the Americans though for officially calling anything other than our life form 'Weird Life'.

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I honestly think though, that these are baby steps toward something bigger. First some scientist saying that without question there is life on other planets, us discovering microbes on Mars or some other planet in the solar system and then the natural progression to something bigger

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What are people's thoughts about premonitions?


If you think about it rationally, statistically in your life time there are bound to be several times when you 'daydream' about something and that ends up happening. (i.e. the classic one where you're thinking about someone and they call you) This is what happened last month to me.


I was walking the dog with the wife and I started daydreaming about a holiday we were about to take in Cuba, and quite vividly started picturing us sitting next to each other on a plane that was going down. I'm not a nervous traveller - in fact I'd been abroad 7 other times this year - so it was odd enough that this thought would enter my mind. The thought was interrupted by my wife asking "do you believe in premonitions?" then reeling off a pretty compelling anecdote on the subject from a colleague at work. I dismissed this as coincidence and carried on preparing for the holiday as planned


A week later however a tropical storm/hurricane had formed and was potentially going to give the east of Cuba some shitty weather while we we there. (It was a guided tour of Cuba starting in the east, ending in Havana). So, we decided to fly into Holguin, stay the night and follow our guided tour to Santiago de Cuba, then catch an internal flight from there to Havana. On the morning we were due to drive up to Gatwick, with the weather in Cuba worsening we decided we weren't going to go at all.


If we had gone and stuck to our plan, we'd have had a choice of two flights from Santiago.

Flight #1 was with an airline called Cubana, which officially has the worst safety record of any airline. We knew this ahead of time, so would have chosen the alternative...

Flight #2 was with Aerocaribbean. And it crashed and killed everyone on board.


I appreciate there are plenty of 'ifs' here - maybe our car would have broken down and we'd missed our flight, maybe I'd have lost my money/passport and wouldn't be able to book the flight, maybe I'd have tripped and ended up in hospital, and so on - but if we'd stuck to the plan there's a strong chance we'd have ended up on that flight.


Flame away, call bullshit, refer me to the film Final Destination, etc. My friends who I've told about this seem pretty evenly split - half thinking I'm reading too much into it and/or going mental; half thinking I was given a sign. I don't know what to make of it, if indeed I should read anything into it. I hope though that this might stimulate some sensible debate and/or encourage people on here with similar experiences to speak up.

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I am a firm believer that dreams are far more important then we think they are. I spend a lot of my time taking various supplements so that I will dream more vividly and bizarrely, but most importantly more lucidly, so I am not unwilling to believe that somebody could have some sort of premonition. But coincidence should never be overlooked.

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I am a firm believer that dreams are far more important then we think they are. I spend a lot of my time taking various supplements so that I will dream more vividly and bizarrely, but most importantly more lucidly, so I am not unwilling to believe that somebody could have some sort of premonition. But coincidence should never be overlooked.


I agree with you, but in relation to my story I wasn't dreaming, I was walking about when the thought popped into my head and the fact my wife immediately switched the conversation to premonitions was very jarring. If my dreams were a premonition, sadly I'd be spending most of my days dodging flying bananas or suddenly finding myself in a public venue sans clothes, and so on.


Having said this and divulged the previous story, another instance comes to mind although I don't think this was a premonition or anything, I guess more a sort of demonstration of how the subconscious mind works beyond what we can comprehend. On my wedding night (or rather, in the early hours of the following morning) I awoke with a profound sense of sadness that my uncle had died. Except, as far as I'd have known at the time he hadn't. So, the next day when I was told (my uncle's immediate family kept the news from us until after the wedding), the news came as no shock to me whatsoever because I'd already accepted it. He was very ill (hence not being at the wedding) and I did know that he would not have long left, but it was a bit odd that I had such a strong sense that he'd gone that day which turned out to be correct. My timing was off by a couple of hours though, so it's not especially astounding I guess.

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I am a firm believer that dreams are far more important then we think they are. I spend a lot of my time taking various supplements so that I will dream more vividly and bizarrely, but most importantly more lucidly, so I am not unwilling to believe that somebody could have some sort of premonition. But coincidence should never be overlooked.


I agree with you, but in relation to my story I wasn't dreaming, I was walking about when the thought popped into my head and the fact my wife immediately switched the conversation to premonitions was very jarring. If my dreams were a premonition, sadly I'd be spending most of my days dodging flying bananas or suddenly finding myself in a public venue sans clothes, and so on.


Having said this and divulged the previous story, another instance comes to mind although I don't think this was a premonition or anything, I guess more a sort of demonstration of how the subconscious mind works beyond what we can comprehend. On my wedding night (or rather, in the early hours of the following morning) I awoke with a profound sense of sadness that my uncle had died. Except, as far as I'd have known at the time he hadn't. So, the next day when I was told (my uncle's immediate family kept the news from us until after the wedding), the news came as no shock to me whatsoever because I'd already accepted it. He was very ill (hence not being at the wedding) and I did know that he would not have long left, but it was a bit odd that I had such a strong sense that he'd gone that day which turned out to be correct. My timing was off by a couple of hours though, so it's not especially astounding I guess.

I think there are things involved in the human mind that we may never understand. The statistic which says we only use 10% of our brains is shocking, and raises a lot of questions about what we would be capable of should we be able to unlock and use the other 90%. I have De Ja Vu (sp?) all the time, but what that is, despite the scientific theories, knocks me a bit when it happens.

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Although it's wikileaks related, I've put it here as it deals with paranormal subject. Julian Assange was asked a question as to whether he's received documents relating to UFO phenomena and he provided this response which I thought was quite interesting. Although we don't know what the references are, it would be interesting to see.


"Julian Assange:

Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.

1) that the documents not be self-authored;

2) that they be original.

However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs"

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