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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Visionaries! Knights of the magical light!


Now Holograms are, in this repliers thoughts, perhaps a little too far fetched. Evidence shows that the buildings did collapse as they would have if there had been explosives placed throughout the floors. And the attack on the pentagon was a missile attack Footage has shown this (yet noone seems to care!) So I`m in the conspiracy camp but Holograms!

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I can't believe that anyone would deny 9/11. Seriously, get some fucking brain cells. Holograms, and controlled explosives? Planes flew the fuck into the towers! There's footage of it happening for fuck sake. This thread is full of absolute cretins. I bet half of you deny the holocaust too.

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It was worth metnioning. This is a conspiracy thread, and you informed us all of another conspiracy about 9/11. I don't see what TripleA's problem is, Did anyone say they actually believed it? Did I miss it?

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It was Jimmy Kahoona's post that set me off when he said that holograms were far fetched, but there's evidence that it was controlled explosives. Personally i'm in the "we all saw planes fly into it, lots of people died, stop making up conspiracies something else happened when it obviously didn't" camp.


EDIT: He's not the only one in the thread saying he doesn't believe what happened either.

Edited by TripleA
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I can't believe that anyone would deny 9/11. Seriously, get some fucking brain cells. Holograms, and controlled explosives? Planes flew the fuck into the towers! There's footage of it happening for fuck sake. This thread is full of absolute cretins. I bet half of you deny the holocaust too.

You're the fucking cretin, believing in anything just because 'there's footage of it'. I suppose all the footage of UFOs means they're definitely aliens yeah?

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It was Jimmy Kahoona's post that set me off when he said that holograms were far fetched, but there's evidence that it was controlled explosives. Personally i'm in the "we all saw planes fly into it, lots of people died, stop making up conspiracies something else happened when it obviously didn't" camp.


EDIT: He's not the only one in the thread saying he doesn't believe what happened either.

Lots of people did see planes fly into each building. Lots of people within the buildings, who survived, stated that they heard sounds akin to numerous explosives being detonated. Footage shows 'detonations' throughout at-least one of the building just after the plane made impact, which to some documented experts appeared, 'controlled'.


Now, I'm not silly or arrogant enough to believe that I KNOW whether God exists, that fairies don't or that David Icke has it all right. Neither do I believe that those in positions of power are looking after our best interests at all times, and that the furthest thing from their minds would be mass-extermination of their own citizens for some gain on their part.

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The problem with the no plane theory is the little matter of 1000s of pieces of Boeings found all over Manhattan including the tops of other skyscrapers. Where did they instantaneously appear from?


How on earth did they rig up 2 of the biggest skyscrapers on earth with that much explosives without a single person seeing anything or without a single person involved in the whole cover up ever saying a word about it? It would need a cast of thousands of people all of whom had no conscience or sense of right and wrong whatsoever to put that into effect. Now there might possibly be a couple of politicians like that but you'd struggle beyond that.

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How on earth did they rig up 2 of the biggest skyscrapers on earth with that much explosives without a single person seeing anything or without a single person involved in the whole cover up ever saying a word about it? It would need a cast of thousands of people all of whom had no conscience or sense of right and wrong whatsoever to put that into effect. Now there might possibly be a couple of politicians like that but you'd struggle beyond that.


Not really, all it takes is a plant who is "fixing" the elevators to install them in the carriages for example, that is IMO one of the easiest things that could have been done.

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