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When Hankey is pretty much the best player left, you know the BDO is really drained of its juices. I'm not a darts fanatic, but even I can see that the wheels finally seem to have come off this tournament. At least when guys like Barneveld were playing in the BDO there was some semblance of quality. Now, it's shite.

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Yeah i missed the first leg or so so cheers for that.


No worries. Bobby George didn't mince his words again saying he was absolutely awful. Poor fucker will never live it down.


Stephen Bunting is the spitting image of Peter Griffin minus the glasses.


Remember Scott Waites coming out to Scotty 2 Hotty's theme and Gary Anderson to Triple H's The Game? Oh Lord...

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what do you think will happen if ollie croft ever hangs up his boots.a relative of mine went to a pre-tournament meeting to sort out all the venue organisation and reckoned that croft just sat there smiling and did not answer any questions or say a single word!that cant be a good sign , he must have health issues.

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I fucking hate Ted "B.O. Baracus" Hankey. Nice 161 out by Willy van de Weil, probably be the highest of the tournment.


One of my personal favourites is on at 9:15pm. Tony "Fred" West.


When he qualified in 2004, the afternoon show shown him in his garage chucking nails into his dartboard, and claiming he could beat Phil Taylor playing wit 6 inches nails. He appears to sniff his flights when he throws the darts, and said the greatest thing ever about how he got in the game...


"So I was lying there with a punctured lung after getting stabbed. I thught I was gonna die, so I thought I'd do something sensible with my life. So I took up darts..."


Anyway, highlights of "let's all laugh at" Stephen Bunting. He's a young lad, but he's everything the oldschool darts player should be physically, and makes some right faces when he throws. O'Shea looks pretty good though.

Edited by ButchReedMark
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Fair play to Bunting, I stopped laughing at him watching him play like that scoring. But, as they say, Trebles for show, Doubles for dough.


What do you reckon of Woods' chances this year?


They've mentioned Wagner's bodybuilding in the 3rd leg. A new record.

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Yep, yet another example of a largely shit game (doubles mainly) that was incredibly dramatic which keeps you watching....and watching. You get this pain in your eyes watching BDO but it's exciting stuff.


Thought Woods had when he took out 132 but it wasn't to be. Shame as i quite like him in a weird way

Edited by Baz Windham
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Good to see Tony West has regressed in the past 5 years, and now has the technique of a total spastic. This Chisnall is decent though. He's around a 100 average at the moment. Time to drop though.


Edi: Chisnall wins 4-2 with a 97 avg. Not bad at all considering he's likely to get better as the week goes on. I reckon he'll beat Hankey, O'Shea will beat Wagner, and that'll be a decent Semi Final. Shame the other half of the brackets is weak out of Adams and my new choice of Waites.

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After 7 years of making fun of him he's made the Quarters. That was an exciting one too.


Shame that another person I've backed in Woods has gone out though.


I kinda have a soft spot for Wagner, seems jovial. Don't like Brian Woods though, irritates me.


Yep, yet another example of a largely shit game (doubles mainly) that was incredibly dramatic which keeps you watching....and watching. You get this pain in your eyes watching BDO but it's exciting stuff.


Well put.


I'm hoping O'Shea or Adams wins. Has Adams put weight on or am I seeing things? I still remember the Adams vs. Nixon final. Adams looked shocked beyond belief and Sharon looked like she wanted to strangle him. During the last set, she had to stay in the ladies toilets and Juliet Ferrington had to tell her the result. I miss Ferrington, she was great.


Hankey makes me laugh for the sneering and the tantrums.


I showed my Dad the Anthony Fleet's first leg video and it's already hit youtube. I've never seen someone that nervous not being able to pass or hold his darts. I don't know what's worse, getting 5 with 3 darts or going for the triple 20 and getting double 1 which I've never seen at this level before. Things would have being worse if it was a PDC crowd.

Edited by The Natural
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