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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Don't see how that's Ricky Gervais being a twat, seeing as he only says about 3 things and they're all replies to Karl. I thought the segments were really funny but if anyone should be to blame for how they were it should be Karl. Even if Ricky scripted it, Karl was the one who said it on Comic Relief.


    It was much funnier than the Upstairs Downtown Abbey shit that got about 30 minutes airtime all night.

  2. Disabled people usually make me uncomfy too. Not because of their disability specifically, but because you seem rude if you look at them. I usually look at people who I walk past anyway, whether they're disabled or not. I don't stare, but a casual glance. When you glance at a disabled person and they see you, you always think they must think you're staring at them because of it.

  3. Touching on a point Woyzeck made earlier, I find the people who post nonsense chain messages about "Everyone is talking about Charlie Sheen while *insert list of recently killed soldiers* don't get talked about at all" much more annoying than people posting about their kids.

  4. Why hasn't Tennesse Stud been banned for telling Butch to get cancer? That was probably the most offensive I've seen on here, but because he was a past poster it seemed to have been glossed over.

    Have you pressed the report button? If no, then go do so.


    Or don't, because the Mods might do something!

  5. Not a game nomination, sadly. An update for all you retro lovers though. This coming weekend I'll be uploading a huge Shadow of the Beast article that will look at all games in the trilogy, the impact they made, and legacy they left and there'll be an exclusive interview with Tim Wright. Also loads of cool artwork and stuff.

  6. For all you retro fans I'll be posting a huge Shadow of the Beast article this coming weekend. A look back at all 3 games, the impact they made and the possibility of a future remake or sequel. There's also an interview with Tim Wright, and some really stunning artwork.

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