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Posts posted by FLips

  1. On the subject of Video Nasties, my Mum always goes on about how when she was a kid her Uncle brought a video home to watch with her Dad and it she caught a peek of it.

    She says it was all these men sat round a table, and they lopped the top of monkey's heads off like a boiled egg and ate their brains.

    She talks like it was a documentary or real footage (or made to look to be).


    Any ideas you lot?



  2. On the subject of Video Nasties, my Mum always goes on about how when she was a kid her Uncle brought a video home to watch with her Dad and it she caught a peek of it.

    She says it was all these men sat round a table, and they lopped the top of monkey's heads off like a boiled egg and ate their brains.

    She talks like it was a documentary or real footage (or made to look to be).


    Any ideas you lot?

  3. Not the lowest of the low for me but I feel guilty about quitting my first job on the first night. It was cleaning a sainsburys store, I was 19 but felt that it was way to much work for my experience level. it was cleaning 2 massive kitchens and the cafe area. I basically did about an hours work then phoned my boss at 10pm and said I didnt want to do it anymore, he told me to finish and we would talk about it the next day. Instead of finishing I just went home and left sainsburys in a shit hole. He bollocked me the next day but for some reason didnt fire me just gave me an easier job. So it all worked out in the end, not really a low point I guess but I felt bad for leaving the place in a mess and having to have someone else clean it in the morning.


    You don't need experience to clean a kitchen. You just get a mop and a wet sponge.

  4. When I was 12 I kipped round my mate's house, and they let me stay in his sisters room (she wasn't home). His fit, 25-year-old sister. I had a wank in her bed.


    Christ, that sounds so tame next to the rest of your tales.


    Add me to the list of people who've had a wank in a mates house. 2 of them infact. While they were sleeping in the same room.


    EDIT: But I wasn't staring at them, or doing it into their clothes or any weird shit like that.


    Just thought I'd make that clear.

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