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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Don't know how many of you live round the Stockton on Tees area, but Who-Ray are having a big Dr Who day this Saturday I think. They've got a full size Tardis, and the longest-serving guy who played Davros doing an appearance and signings and that. I think they've got Daleks too.

  2. Just watched Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind and it was amazing. Only got The Cat Returns on DVD that I havn't got round to watching yet, then I'll have to buy a few more.

  3. Huge fan of anything Studio Ghibli. Even some of their older stuff like Castle of Cagliostro holds up to this day. Reminds me I still have a few dvds to watch!

  4. I would assume he already has them anyway I'd be very shocked if he didn't


    So why are you using "What use are 2-3 policemen" as an argument then?. If you're under the assumption he has bodyguards too.

  5. I do see that though I doubt it would be that easy I would guess he would still have bodyguards and others around to protect him and they would probably have more power to attack then The Police would.


    So you're saying replace the Police at his door with more expensively trained personal bodyguards?

  6. Of course he is but TBH I'm much more worried about the little old lady down the street been able to sleep safe in her bed than I am about him.


    Plus anyone who could really hurt him (terrorists ect) what use would those 2-3 Police officers really be.


    As harsh as it sounds though, that little old lady isn't the Prime Minister of our country and is therefore less important.


    If we got rid of the police outside his house then it wouldn't have to be a terrorist. I could just walk in and stab him to death. You're failing to see that.

  7. the jokes just keep flooding in


    Here they come,

    Running down the street,

    With the latest t.v,

    And a 3 piece suite,


    Hey, hey its the monkeys


    Wish we had a dam.

  8. In London it is safe to say it was mainly them for the first couple of nights as Tottenham, Brixton and Hackney are made up mostly of ethnic minorities. It'd be stupid to think there are no white hood rats joining in the "fun" though.


    I will say when I walked down to Ealing last night they were mostly black and most videos taken from there back this up despite Ealing not being as ethnically diverse as most of the other places.


    It's a tough subject though really. I mean I'm not saying it's right for racism or any race-based namecalling to start happening, but I'll be curious to see how it's handled, or if it's even brough up that the looters are mainly ethnic minorities. Even just pointing it out could cause a load of shit.

  9. To the ignorant and narrow minded maybe. I've seen quite a lot of whites mixed with blacks in the riot scenes.


    At least those terrorists have taken a back seat for a while!


    The thing is though, while there are white people involved, the majority seen on the news and in papers are black or asian. I'm not saying it is mainly them as nobody knows, but that's the images people are seeing and it'll no doubt kick some stuff off.

  10. Where are you getting this from..?


    Was on Sky News just now. There's a load of them (looked at least 50+) all surrounding a local temple. There was a big guy at the front with a sword.

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