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Posts posted by FLips

  1. I've recently changed to Firefox and now everytime I navigate away from the site and then come back on i'm logged out, despite saying to remember me. I used to be logged out every now and then but not when nipping from site to site. Is this normal? or is there something a computer thickie like me can do to stay logged in? at least for good while.


    I have firefox but don't have that problem. Not sure what it could be :/

  2. Another review, this time of a really fun little iPod game called Game Dev Story.






    The iPhone/iPod Touch is possibly the most underrated gaming system of this generation. Whether you want to throw birds at towers of pigs, cut rope (a lot more thrilling than it sounds) or sink hours into an RPG, the iPod has it all. Sadly mixed in with all these quality games is a burdening pile of rubbish which smacks you across the face like a comedy fish every time you log into the App Store.


    Every now and again though, you

  3. I do, but I've been refraining from posting them on here to avoid the obvious stream of shite that would flow my way. Only a few of the people on here have a link to them. Here's the one I did for DP back in November though.


    When news started spreading of the cult game that is “Deadly Premonition”, I found myself wondering if all the things I had heard about it was true. Ranging from “Worst game ever” to “10/10″ it was apparent that this was the marmite of survival horrors. The minute I received my copy I stuck it in the Xbox and began what is now my worst experience as a gamer ever. The game is a mix between Resident Evil 4′s controls and movement, and the free-roaming of a GTA game. The only problem with this are that it’s more like Resident Evil 4 if Leon had his face caved in with a shovel, and Liberty City had been nuked and all that was left was a mishmash of disfigured characters and empty space.

    The game looks and handles awfully, to say the least. It looks at best like a BETA of an old Dreamcast game; from the terrible animations and clippy, monotone graphics to the appalling voice acting and dreadful glitches. You can bet that if a character is talking, their lips will never move in time. Speaking of characters talking, any acceptable dialogue in this game (there’s not much, trust me) is drown out by random bouts of unfitting music. At one point I was sat opposite an old woman at the end of a 20-foot long table as she shouted bad dialogue at me, all the while a cheerful whistle played over her. I assume she was talking about something grim, but even now I’m not sure.




    In the game you play as Agent York, an FBI agent sent to a remote town to investigate the murder of a woman. The story sounds simple enough but is executed so badly. You spent a large amount of the time talking to your imaginary friend “Zach”. You have conversations about the crime, old 80s films, and everything in between with him. This would be fine filler, if he was actually a person who could reply. Nothing at all in my experience as a gamer is as dull and pointless as driving a disturbingly bad-handling car to a destination 8000m away whilst your character talks to himself about “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”.

    The majority of the game is spent doing stuff like I’ve mentioned. Poorly wrote cutscenes, awful driving sections through empty countryside and horrendous investigation sections in which you character talks to himself for 30 minutes (real-time) about something you’ve just witnessed with your own eyes.




    However, at interventions throughout all this you will be given actual action parts to play through. Whilst they’re not exactly on par with your “Resident Evils” or your “Silent Hills”, they are the saving grace of the game. They don’t handle too bad, the enemies are comical yet strangely creepy in the way they move and it’s in these sections that you feel like this game could have been so much more.

    Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t comparable with your top of the range survival horrors, but they work. There are odd parts of the process still, such as the poor quicktime events and the way a wooden box takes 5 shots to break but this could be nit-picking.


    I really wanted to like this game, not only because they were nice enough to send a jar of pickles and a letter from the police along with a copy of the game, but because there are genuine sections of game that could have been so much more. Deadly Premonition is a game that hides among pointless actions like shaving your face, shouting at old women and talking to yourself and sadly isn’t executed as well as it could have been. There are some genuine spooky moments but they’re ruined by the laughable dialogue, ugly graphics and boring gameplay.


    If this was released as a paint-by-numbers shooter as opposed to a free-roaming mess then this could have been playable. I don’t seriously recommend this to anyone. It could be seen as “The Room” of gaming, so if you have that sort of morbid curiosity then go ahead and buy it, the price tag is more than acceptable for a video game.


    This game is truly a horror to survive.



  4. Anyone played Deadly Premonition? I'm not far into it and despite its many, many flaws I'm somewhat loving it. It's basically Twin Peaks meets Silent Hill with graphics worthy of the Dreamcast and controls reminiscent of Resident Evil 1. The story is utterly bizarre and the lead character appears to be mentally unstable. I should think it's rubbish but something about it keeps drawing me in.


    The devs sent me it when it came out over here, along with a jar of gherkins and a fake police note from "Zach". I couldn't stand it as a game but it was absolutely hilarious at times. Long story short I didn't write the most complimenting review about it.

    Have you got to the chase sequence or "sinner sandwich" parts yet?.

  5. Does anybody know a decent and reliable place to stream Raw live please? Also, what time does it start here in the UK? I've been watching the last few on You Tube the following day.




    2am, usually on either




  6. He said "this coming year" meaning 2011. Because its only January, most people havnt had their birthday yet (you and me have), and therefore would still be the age they turned last year. This coming year, is this year. Your 21, born in 1990. 21 + 1990 = 2011. It works for you too, just like it will work for everyone.


    Get it?


    I get it, I just don't use the phrase "this coming year" the same as everyone else by the look of it. Same as if someone said "this coming week" I'd assume they meant next week, not the week we're in.

  7. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.


    Utterly dreadful. If there ever was a game whats reviews and legacy were completely powered by buzz and fanboyism, Majora's Mask would be that game.

    It's awkward, complicated, and some of the glitches break the game. I've only done the first dungeon so far, but some of the things that have annoyed me include the edges of lily pads not being solid meaning you can fall through them and land in the water, and if you happen to be stood near an enemy when the day passes into night, the enemy re-spawns back on top of you. Not a problem on it's own, but the enemy in question was on a small platform on a stealth section meaning I got knocked back down a floor and had to re-start the entire section.


    I can see myself trying to stick it out, because I paid for it. Repeatedly playing the exact same 3 days over and over on a loop though is just not fun at all.

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