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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Can anyone recommend me any Black comedies?.. Im really into them at the moment.. Things like Barbershop, Friday, Norbit, Tyler Perry Movies, etc etc.

    You lost me at "Norbit"I watched Eagle Vs Shark the other day, I thought though strange and amusing, it wasn't on the levels of Napoleon Dynamite, though you can tell it tries to be. Definately worth a watch though!.
  2. Yeah, I havn't been posting for that long but i've found as long as i'm not a dick and don't say ridiculous things then everything goes well, and i've had no problems so far.

  3. Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but does this mean that WWE for example may start showing clips or bringing his name up again, most possibly in the long run, since we've found he didn't do what he did because he was a bad person or evil or anything?.Obviously what he did is still horrible, but at least we know he didn't do it with a right mind.

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