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Posts posted by FLips

  1. [He] has to stay male and if they announce a woman I will boycott

    Is it possible for a white Timelord to regenerate into a black timelord? You'd have to say no, but in todays PC world and with the BBC having a ridiculous policy of casting all roles colourblind its just gonna happen for the wrong reasons here isn't it? They will do it simply because they want to make a point and no doubt everyone will jump on the defence being that he was the best man for the job but I can't help but think its wrong and it will be done to be PC.


    I'm not racist/sexist but... :laugh:


    You couldn't make it up!


    I read that as him meaning that the BBC will cast a black person or a woman just for the sake of trying to look PC.

  2. Ever thought Tennant could be throwing people of the scent by specifically saying This Chap?


    And Duane, the correct term nowadays is Actor, for both male and female.


    Actress isn't used anymore? How odd.

  3. This guy wouldbe genius and i bet he couldfix the chameleon circuit











  4. Medievil on the Ps1, fantastic game.

    Bastard, now I'm gonna have to go and find myself a copy of the damned thing, I'd forgotten how great that game was.


    You got any old Ps1 games? we could swap once i've finished with it.

  5. He also pointed out that you missed the entire point of the film, which you spectacularly did.


    Its hard to fully grasp the concept of a film you're not enjoying a minute of.


    Bullshit. You're an idiot.


    Hey look everyone, Kendal mint cake is chatting shit again. Awesome. You must have had something to drink, or have just decided to be incredibly (and randomly) abusive towards me for no reason. In either case though it's a bit of a waste as you and anything you have to say are of the very littlest interest to me.

  6. KooKoo - Why would you want people snapping pictures of you whilst going through all that pain? Seriously I went through all that last week and if I aimed a camera at my Mrs. and said "smile honey, heres one for the UKFF" she would have attacked me. It was like a scene out of The Exorcist.




    But to be fair, there have been alot worse posted on here over the years.


    Like that picture of ToiletDuck looking cool on what seemed to be a girls bed. I think it was ToiletDuck anyway, if he's the one that looks like Carrot Top.

  7. ts like a film that is trying to celebrate rape and violence by throwing in 60's style softcore sex stuff and pretentiousness.


    Congratulations on missing the entire point of the film, retard. A Clockwork Orange is a masterpiece and in todays world is seeming more and more relevant year by year.


    Oh no. LaGoosh called me a retard. Ouch. :bored:

  8. I just found it to be too artsy and "cultish". Things like being battered to death with a giant penis, or the benny hill style scene. By "cultish" I mean in the way like Napoleon Dynamite is "cultish" in which people talk for most of it, and nothing much of note happens. The stuff that does happen in this film though are the things i've mentioned such as the penis death and the benny hill sex scene, mixed in with rapes and beatings. Its like a film that is trying to celebrate rape and violence by throwing in 60's style softcore sex stuff and pretentiousness. To be at least a little fair, if it is anything like Napoleon Dynamite I could learn to like it with repeat viewings, except I have no desire to watch this again.

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