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Posts posted by FLips

  1. I was pointing his errors out for his sake, not yours. I just don't see how an adult of his presumed age can not have a grasp on spelling yet. See, this is why I prefer the new UKFF, because there is a nice lack of absolute, self-loving tossers like you buzzing around on it.

    And a nice lack of decent posters as well, since this place re-opened and most people (sensibly) came back here. It is odd to me that it's still going at all...Oh, and don't forget it has a healthly dose of total retards. However much of a jerk Herbie ever behaves he makes a lot more valuable contributions to discussion than you.
    Congrats to Herbie :smug:
  2. mendoza.jpg34 - Mike MendozaHere's a guy that runs to the ring much like The Ultimate Warrior, but at least the Warrior had a character and some rope shaking traits to fill in time once he got there. Mendoza spends most of his time in the ring standing around like a lemon. A very camp lemon. He's a charisma vacuum who can't sell or work. He botches all his moves, and he just does bad, pointless and random tech. Why does he feature on telly? Is it because Jon Ritchie uses the promotion to advertise his shit Dropkixx trainees? Is it because Sanjay Bagga fancies guys with a tan? Who knows?

    sorry last one was wrong quote, but still got there in the end. Mike Mendosa your free to make your own choice. As for Ritchie and Dropkixx shit trainee's your well off the mark. Mendosa was Hammerlock and nothing to do with ritchie and time he spent there.This was an ----->uneducated<---- bitter swipe from someone thats obviously a letdown in his own world.Just the fact that Brookside, Ashe ,Mendosa are on this list stinks of jealousy. I know for a fact Dropkixx have pulled most their workers off most shows because of the poor quality of the opponents they are ask to work with , therefore bringing there own qaulity :confused: down.This thread is feeled :confused: with wrestlers that obvously :confused: are shit themselves hence the time they have to beon :confused: here slagging others. And before you all come on here denying that, log in on your real names and justify with honesty what you claim. the problem with the british wrestling scene and the worst 50 are you dickheads writing on here. No wonder we can not get started over here even our so called fans are arse wipes. If you really want worst fifty just go on a couple of british holiday camps. Ashes , and co even mentioned on here shows your ignorance. any way keep taking the pills nurse has givern :confused: you and you will be normal one day.
    And you don't think you're a Dolt for pointing out the glaringly obvious? That's like calling Triple H 'big nose' - it's so obvious & takes such little imagination, nobody even bothers.Think of something better, Dolt.
    I was pointing his errors out for his sake, not yours. I just don't see how an adult of his presumed age can not have a grasp on spelling yet. See, this is why I prefer the new UKFF, because there is a nice lack of absolute, self-loving tossers like you buzzing around on it.
  3. mendoza.jpg34 - Mike MendozaHere's a guy that runs to the ring much like The Ultimate Warrior, but at least the Warrior had a character and some rope shaking traits to fill in time once he got there. Mendoza spends most of his time in the ring standing around like a lemon. A very camp lemon. He's a charisma vacuum who can't sell or work. He botches all his moves, and he just does bad, pointless and random tech. Why does he feature on telly? Is it because Jon Ritchie uses the promotion to advertise his shit Dropkixx trainees? Is it because Sanjay Bagga fancies guys with a tan? Who knows?

    sorry last one was wrong quote, but still got there in the end. Mike Mendosa your free to make your own choice. As for Ritchie and Dropkixx shit trainee's your well off the mark. Mendosa was Hammerlock and nothing to do with ritchie and time he spent there.This was an ----->uneducated<---- bitter swipe from someone thats obviously a letdown in his own world.Just the fact that Brookside, Ashe ,Mendosa are on this list stinks of jealousy. I know for a fact Dropkixx have pulled most their workers off most shows because of the poor quality of the opponents they are ask to work with , therefore bringing there own qaulity :confused: down.This thread is feeled :confused: with wrestlers that obvously :confused: are shit themselves hence the time they have to beon :confused: here slagging others. And before you all come on here denying that, log in on your real names and justify with honesty what you claim. the problem with the british wrestling scene and the worst 50 are you dickheads writing on here. No wonder we can not get started over here even our so called fans are arse wipes. If you really want worst fifty just go on a couple of british holiday camps. Ashes , and co even mentioned on here shows your ignorance. any way keep taking the pills nurse has givern :confused: you and you will be normal one day.
  4. Here's another two words:Highly overrated.

    Personally, I agree with "Fucking Amazing" as I watched it totally unbiased and thought it was one of the best films i'd ever seen. I didn't like Heath Ledger just cos he is dead, I didn't compare it to old Batman films or the comics, as i've not watched them in years and havn't read a single comic. It was just an amazing movie that gripped me from start to finish.
  5. Yeah because like the rest of the population able to use the English language, having two l's instead of one will automatically make his name the hardest name in the world to spell, pronounce and say out loud. Honestly, its an extra l, don't be such a gimp.

  6. For some reason in Dream Warriors my favortie bit is the Edgar Allen Poe quote at the beginning.

    "Sleep. Those little slices of death. How I loathe them."That line creeped me out as a kid.Edit: I'm really in the mood to watch it now, despite seeing it not too long ago. A tad inconvenient that I've only got it on video and my VCR is recently naff. :angry:
    That quote freaks me out a bit like, i've never heard it before :angry:
  7. A Nightmare On Elm Street Part 3: Dream Warriors:After an amazing introduction to Freddy in the first film and losing the plot in the sequel, Part 3needed something special to keep the series from becoming a slowly-dying trilogy, thus resulting in an 80s equivalent of the other Wes Craven brainwave, Scream.Thankfully, it had it.A good aspect of Dream Warriors that's either lacking or absent in other horror films is that of a storyline to fill in-between people being killed. Granted, any kind of plot often comes second to the main focus of horror, which is to scare, gross-out and leave a disturbing impact on people. Too many deaths, mind, leave for very little expansion on the story, if any [see Friday The 13th Part V...actually don't]. Substituting any kind of plot for a high death count also leaves for little scope in the imaginative death department, as well as the inability to care when someone is decapitated.Dream Warriors gets everything right as far as a horror sequel goes; A villain that

  8. just watched This Is England for the first time - did they forget to write an ending for it? The most anti-climatic experience that wasn't a wank I've ever experienced..

    It was a bit like wasn't it. I loved the film, and it's not even something i'd usually watch, but the ending left much to be desired, SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
    even to say whether or not milky would be ok or not, anything really.
    you clearly wasn't paying much attention...Shaun's mam tells you how Milky is. i don't really see what you've missed from the ending? i loved it. What kinda ending was you expecting? Shaun to go after Combo with an uzi and getting some sweet ass revenge?
    Yeah but like she doesn't say enough in my opinion, you don't see him either, you just know he's alive. Considering the massive shit kicking he took, you'd expect a bit more than "he's alive" or whatever similar non-descriptive thing she says.
  9. just watched This Is England for the first time - did they forget to write an ending for it? The most anti-climatic experience that wasn't a wank I've ever experienced..

    It was a bit like wasn't it. I loved the film, and it's not even something i'd usually watch, but the ending left much to be desired, SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
    even to say whether or not milky would be ok or not, anything really.
  10. I can't swear by it, but I'd guess it's a piece of music written specifically for the game credits.

    I know it's a peice of production music, but it belongs to universal because it's been on a few other stuff too, and Kurt Angle's initial hype video. I'm not that bothered about what it's called but if anyone can get me an mp3 of it i'd be chuffed :thumbsup:
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