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Posts posted by FLips

  1. just watched This Is England for the first time - did they forget to write an ending for it? The most anti-climatic experience that wasn't a wank I've ever experienced..

    It was a bit like wasn't it. I loved the film, and it's not even something i'd usually watch, but the ending left much to be desired, SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
    even to say whether or not milky would be ok or not, anything really.
    you clearly wasn't paying much attention...Shaun's mam tells you how Milky is. i don't really see what you've missed from the ending? i loved it. What kinda ending was you expecting? Shaun to go after Combo with an uzi and getting some sweet ass revenge?
    Yeah but like she doesn't say enough in my opinion, you don't see him either, you just know he's alive. Considering the massive shit kicking he took, you'd expect a bit more than "he's alive" or whatever similar non-descriptive thing she says.
  2. just watched This Is England for the first time - did they forget to write an ending for it? The most anti-climatic experience that wasn't a wank I've ever experienced..

    It was a bit like wasn't it. I loved the film, and it's not even something i'd usually watch, but the ending left much to be desired, SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
    even to say whether or not milky would be ok or not, anything really.
  3. I can't swear by it, but I'd guess it's a piece of music written specifically for the game credits.

    I know it's a peice of production music, but it belongs to universal because it's been on a few other stuff too, and Kurt Angle's initial hype video. I'm not that bothered about what it's called but if anyone can get me an mp3 of it i'd be chuffed :thumbsup:
  4. Get this I have been called Diane Farr over the airwaves of local radio when being wished happy birthday :p :)The surname Farr isn't a great one to be blessed with at school...

    You should've tried mine. "Cox"And no, Cox's apples isn't original or funny :p
    What about Cocks? :rolleyes:
  5. Yeah but quite a lot of names you have to do that, i'm Carl, but always asked if its a K or a C, and as above with Michael and Micheal, there can be Mark or Marc etc. I think people are just jumping on the MAT hate bandwagon and just saying her son's name is stupid when in all reality it really isn't.

    It's a different situation. I'm a John, but people often spell it Jon, which is a shortening of a different name. The examples you've given are different because of the origin of the names. They hadn't had letters randomly added.
    Perhaps Dylan is just Dyllan with a letter randomly negated.
    Except it's not due to the etymology of the word.
    I know fine well its not, I was just making a light hearted jest.
  6. Yeah but quite a lot of names you have to do that, i'm Carl, but always asked if its a K or a C, and as above with Michael and Micheal, there can be Mark or Marc etc. I think people are just jumping on the MAT hate bandwagon and just saying her son's name is stupid when in all reality it really isn't.

    It's a different situation. I'm a John, but people often spell it Jon, which is a shortening of a different name. The examples you've given are different because of the origin of the names. They hadn't had letters randomly added.
    Perhaps Dylan is just Dyllan with a letter randomly negated.
  7. not sure if you meant to imply this as a possibility, but I doubt when asked his name and he replies "Dyllan" it is going to be followed with "how do you spell that? 2 l's? you freak."

    No but everytime he gives his name for absolutely anything, he'll have to specify that his name's spelled with two L's. It's like Martin with a Y.Okay, so it's not quite as bad as my ridiculous excuse for a surname but it's still something that's a bit unnecessary.
    Yeah but quite a lot of names you have to do that, i'm Carl, but always asked if its a K or a C, and as above with Michael and Micheal, there can be Mark or Marc etc. I think people are just jumping on the MAT hate bandwagon and just saying her son's name is stupid when in all reality it really isn't.
  8. And (even better!), since the 'll' sound in welsh is (IIRC) a 'y' sound, it means that the spelling of his name can be pronounced as 'dy-yan', or 'Diane'. He'll have fun with that one, too.

    edit: Oh, and as someone who has to spell their name (and explain the pronunciation of) to everyone they ever speak to, give the kid something simple. Dylan's fine, it's a great name. I'll buy him a cuddly toy of the rabbit off of the Magic Rounderbout when he's born if you go with that spelling.
    not sure if you meant to imply this as a possibility, but I doubt when asked his name and he replies "Dyllan" it is going to be followed with "how do you spell that? 2 l's? you freak."I really don't see why Dyllan is so bad, it's not a bad name, the spelling isn't so odd that it's confusing, it's an extra L, nothing more, nothing less.
  9. just want to make the point, people do come on here for just doing cheap shots.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------brock321This guy seriously needs to get over himself, because he has never accomplished anything in the wrestling business other than looking like a total tool.What on Earth are you talking about??He's on dozens of Professional Wrestling Show posters and he owns a fricking wrestling company!!!He's a "Wrestling Star". Have you never been on his website???Peter Whatever-his-name-is is a Big F'N Deal yeah, and don't any of us forget it.I hear he can't walk through Luton without being mobbed by fans and admirers.yeah he gets mobbed all right i know pete staniforth very well & im not here to critizise anyone but what gives pete the right to accuse a other luton promotion in thinking that certain memebers of that promotion have come on here & started off this argurement of sorts plus pete slagging off alex shane about his seminars etc, & wishing ppl dead is very childishespecially on the forum of the other luton promotion & by the way pete sleeping with yr female wrestlers to get a cheap shag is lower than low & u know what i mean !!!!!!(Can I wrestle on one of your shows please Pete? I'm ... er.... really good. Yeah. My mate said so, and my Mum.)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------brock321I CAN ASSURE YOU UK FAN ,THAT I AM NOT BULL HARLEY I KNOW BULL ON A PROFESSIONAL LEVEL.I GATHERED HIS EMAIL ADDRESS FROM THE ACW WEBSITE,I ASKED BULL IF I COULD IN ANY WAY HELP TOWARDS THE CHARITY SHOW,HE EMAILED THE WRITEUP FOR THE SAT SHOW WHICH I PUT ONTO THE UKFF,WHICH I WAS ASKED TO DO.I HAVE NO PROBLEM IN HELPING OUT,I WISH MORE PEOPLE DID HELP OUT SMALLER PROMOTIONS,THERE ARE ALWAYS PEOPLE RANTING ON ABOUT BRITISH WRESTLING SHOULD BE BETTER,SUPPORT BRITISH WRESTLING ETC.I MEAN LOOK AT ALEX SHANE AT LEAST HE IS SHARING HIS WEALTH OF EXP. WITH OTHER PROMOTIONS AROUND THE UK,SO AT LEAST THE PROMOTIONS CAN GAIN MORE NORIETY & INFO & THEN MAYBE GIVE FANS A BETTER PRODUCT A BETTER VIEW OF A WRESTLING EVENT.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bullharleyNew Membermember is offlineJoined: Sept 2007Posts: 3Karma: 0[ Exalt | Smite ] Re: UKFF?

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