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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Well to be fair my ex is now a qualified teacher and at the end one of the things they were warned about at the end was puting any images of them online to folk they don't know and/or the usual about making bebo, facebook and myspace private pages. So Mab could be a teacher............it could go somewhat to explain the punctuation and fascination with kids television ?

    Give that man a gold star
    To be honest though, how many other Teachers/Students from your school are members/visit the Ukff? (if you are infact a Teacher). I'm not meaning to have a go about it now you've given your reason, but I still don't see why your being so strict about it.
  2. TNA has its funny moments, the "tomko give me a beat" was good, cant remember when that was, everything roles together, but the point is from what ive seen of TNA

    That was actually in WWE :), think it was at the Royal Rumble a few years back.
    Someone had a massive sign in the front row of one of the last TNA ppv's with "Tomko...Gimme a Beat!" wrote on it. I laughed plenty!. :laugh:
  3. I voted Mab for all the "I work as a super-secret agent and if I posted a pic of myself, Gypsies would hex me" nonsense in the Post a pic of yourself thread, what's the point in going into a topic like that and then going off on one about how your not going to post a pic of yourself. Dolt.

  4. I was watching the Kawada-Foley match earlier from I think HUSTLE? and there's some bloke dressed like M.Bison at the beginning, who on earth was he and why did he look like M.Bison?

    That's President (Formerly General) Takada. It's basically wrestling legend and former head of PRIDE Nobuhiko Takada under an evil, M Bison type gimmick. In storyline terms, Nobuhiko Takada recruited his friend General Takada to destroy Pro Wrestling. So Takada's monster army, consisting of shoot fighters, brain washed wrestlers and various monsters, took on "Captain Hustle" Naoya Ogawa and his brave pro wrestlers. In a more recent angle, Takada bought HUSTLE (For 100 million monster dollars), which is why he is now President. Out of the ashes of the HUSTLE army, "Hustle Resistance" Wataru Sakata now leads the forces of good against their oppressive ruler. HUSTLE is great.Takada also takes on the role of The Esperanza, a dangerous robot 'based on' Nobuhiko Takada's fighting style. Except it's got a laser beam as well. That one got blown up, but an even more powerful robot debuted on the last show, called Takada Shogun (Again played by Takada).
    Thanks for that, he sounds like a mentalist to be honest.
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