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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 are both essential. Neither are particularly welcoming to the novice FPS player but with a bit of practice and perseverance you'll get through them. They're not often unfairly difficult, but don't expect to breeze through either of them. Both are absolutely worth the effort.

    See I'd say the opposite is true. As a seasoned FPS player I found getting used to the controls in Metriod an absolute fucking nightmare, it may be from a first person perspective and be about shooting but it is nothing like an FPS.Oh, and get the first one as it is much better. The seond has too much fannying about with having to hop between the two worlds whereas the first one it quite simply awesome in every imaginable way.
    The Lion knows what he's talking about. Metroid Prime 2 was awesome until about halfway in, then you just get sick of backtracking through the two worlds.Stick with the first one.
  2. Honestly, if I got with a lass who was pregnant with another guy's kid (i'm only 18 though so I wouldn't actually get with a pregnant lass) then if she had no problem with it and we both agreed we didn't mind then i'd find no problem having sex with her. At the end of the day you're both adults and you're entitled to do whatever you want.

  3. Lord of War is poop. The film is spanned over a 20 year period, yet none of the characters age a day. Nic Cage's character should have been in his 60's & the brother should have been in his 40's by the end of the film and still looked 40 & 20 respectively. The parents should have been in their 80's but still looked in their 60's. Oh and the story was shit too. And I hate Nic Cage. Oooh, lets act all crazy and talk loud and stuff. Cunt!

  4. I adore this women. I preferred her with the extra weight but she is still super sexy. Anna Richardson is a real women. So sexy at fast approaching 40.annarichardson_producer_presenter_journalist_about.jpg

    Those apples are covering an epic sized cock aint they?Shes pure tranny in that pic euurrghhh!
    Is she the one that did some documentary on 4 the other night?I'd totally hit that.
  5. I think they look great. they make you look really intelligent too. Miracle Glasses!

    Yeah only certain people can use glasses to look more intelligent. My ex put glasses on before and asked if she turned them upside down would she see upside down... :bored:
  6. This is the most boring argument ever and this is like the 13th time it's happened. Stop it.

    I don't want people on here to rally around here and defend me for pages on end.
    Oh just embrace the love you miser :laugh: Na, I jest, get where youre coming from as well, just sometimes you have to keep smashing the obvious into the dumb that dont get it, mind you TB and AliveandAmplified seem about 16, so everything is koooool dude!
    I'm almost 19 thanks, though I don't see what age has got to do with my opinions.
  7. I never said he was a positive person anyway, positive people are fake. Had I called him that I'd have expected a slap in the face for my words. I'm saying he can be positive and saying being positive in a review isn't the same is almost as ridiculous as Krazy's comment on watching The Butterfly Effect from earlier in the thread.

    How did I get dragged into this?
    He's took the two of us and dropped us in the meat grinder.
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