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Posts posted by FLips

  1. I nearly had sex with Alexandra Fletcher. Alas I called her Jacqui one too many times and my chances were over.


    How did you "nearly" shag her? Either you did or you didn't. Nearly don't come into it. Even if you were getting on well with her, doesn't mean you were going to shag her.

    Wow, I'm surprised that didn't take your head off.




    Oh, Fuck off.





  2. We went to see The Chuckle Brothers for a laugh a few years ago, and before the interval they ran around the audience with custard pies (or shaving foam on paper plates). The taller/fatter/less shrivelled Chuckle came up to me and said "you're a bit old to be here, aren't you?" to which I replied "so are you", and he promptly smashed the plate of foam into my face as hard as he could. It was bad though, I went to the toilets to clean it off and there was a massive queue of kids all crying their eyes out because they'd been pied by their heroes. What cunts those Chuckle Brothers are.


    That is fantastic :laugh:

  3. I got GTA Chinatown Wars on DS and its fucking brilliant. It works really well and theres lots of really cool touchscreen stuff you can do that really adds to the experience.


    It is exceptional isn't it? I completed the other week. Favourite GTA up there with London and Vice City.

  4. Dead Man's Shoes is fantastic. Paddy Considine is awesome in it. I love the bit where he drives up and gets out his car, walks up to paddy and is about to try and grovel an answer out of him and he just quickly cuts him off with a cheerful "yeah I did it". (You'll get what I mean if you've seen it)

  5. Like Back To The Future?


    You'll love this.


    What is it? All I get is the "Not available in your country" thing. :/



    It was the music video for Crispin Glover's "Clowny Clown Clown"


    Youtube is shit now though so it's not on anymore.

  6. Watched Slumdog Millionaire today and I have to say it is probably the best film i've seen in years. I don't see what all the "feelgood film" stuff was about though, as apart from one part it really isn't feel good. I'm not really that good at going into lots of detail, but I do urge everyone who hasn't seen it to go see it. Brilliant film.

  7. Here


    This is one of those botchamania type deals, but I've added it because it has perhaps the greatest wrestling song ever.


    Not telling you what it is, just that I found myself nearly crying with laughter.


    The song starts around the 2:30 mark.




    Here's the whole song, enjoy!!



    Glen Goza has been my MSN display picture for about 2 days now :laugh: Legend!


    I left the last comment on there 5 days ago! :laugh:

  8. Mab has a point though, he's been banned for shit he did months ago and then stopped and behaved himself. A sig/avatar change would have sufficed, we might have gotten another meltdown at least. Mab has done so little in ages that is dolt of the year worthy that he's won this and not one person has cared about him being banned, not even a "aw thank god he's gone". Seems a waste really.

  9. Something to play around with on your PC:




    The video on that page shows a tablet being used, but the game's just as easy with a mouse. The demo's substantial enough that it's worth downloading even if you're not likely to buy the full thing.


    There's hundreds of online games identical to that. Having to pay for it would be a rip-off.

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