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Posts posted by FLips

  1. I got up to part foyr before switching off, anybody beat me?


    When the fuck did this chap turn into such a loony toon?


    So because he dares question the official government story on such topics as 9/11, he is automatically a loon?


    Brilliant. :rolleyes:


    I'd say so. I'm not an expert on 9/11 but I think it's fair to say the people who accuse the government of plotting it, or saying it was a "controlled explosion" are obvious mentalists.

  2. I've managed to coincide my weekend getaway to London with my girlfriend with Wrestlemania and since i've watched Wrestlemania live since I was 11 this is annoying me a bit. The hotel we're at (President, Russell Square) says it gets PPV Movies but doesn't mention sport events. It also says it gets cable and satellite so i'm not sure. Anybody here know if hotels generally get PPV events or if i'll have to avoid spoilers for 2 or 3 days and watch a repeat.

  3. If there is a UKFF trip and Hatguy-esque trip report for this show then this could provide the moment where the UKFF definitively peaks.

    I nominate TripleA for the honours, as a spin-off to his special videogame reviews.


    Probably more appealing than Ratatouille.

  4. Flicky is brilliant; good call.



    You realise now, that I am definitely going to have to try Golden Axe 3.



    I'm upset that no one seems to want to complete Altered Beast with me 2 player. It's so short! I think someone should be willing to put themselves through that so that I can enjoy it for nostalgic reasons..


    I love Altered Beast and so would if it was online. Sadly though I 1000 pointed it and traded it in after completing most the games (except the solid ones like Ecco and E-Swat).

  5. Do you Wes Anderson fans not get a little tired of "quirky" after a while? I don't think I'd watch more than one of his films in a row, put it that way.


    I sort of feel that way about Tim Burton. I don't even have to watch his films in a row for him to piss me off.


    Alright, you like Gothic fairytales with pseudo-Victorian toybox glockenspiel music. We get it.


    I know exactly what you mean. I'm not even slightly interested in the new Alice in Wonderland because it just looks like every other film he's churned out in the last decade or so. Johnny Depp and his wife in a gothic setting. He even made Charlie and the Chocolate Factory dark, ffs.

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