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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Ok, someone on here will be able to help me here.


    I once had The Sims 3 on disc, a legit copy and such. However, I traded it in when I needed some quick cash earlier this year. Lately i've been dying for a game of it, but it's still on my pc all installed and stuff, I just don't have a disc. I don't fancy paying the full price for a game i've already had, so if I was to download an iso of it, could I just mount that iso without having to go through the bollocks of a fresh install and such?. I'm not asking for actual links or anything like that though.

    Would it simply be a matter of download, mount, play old files?


    Sims 3 still utilises the Securom disk check. Unfortunately Alcohol, Daemon and the other virtual tools cannot bypass it [even though Daemon has an emulator, it's stupidly outdated]. you'll need to download a No-DVD crack from http://www.gamecopyworld.com I use the site all the time to skip CD/DVD changes, except where I utilise the online modes. Just make sure your game is patched to the latest version and a No-DVD crack should be available for that version. You shouldn't even need to download the iso if the install is already there.


    Cheers. Someone on here already linked me to the exact same place. I won't ask about the legality of it all (I assume since I actually bought the original though that it's perfectly fine) but it seems to be all working.

  2. Ok, someone on here will be able to help me here.


    I once had The Sims 3 on disc, a legit copy and such. However, I traded it in when I needed some quick cash earlier this year. Lately i've been dying for a game of it, but it's still on my pc all installed and stuff, I just don't have a disc. I don't fancy paying the full price for a game i've already had, so if I was to download an iso of it, could I just mount that iso without having to go through the bollocks of a fresh install and such?. I'm not asking for actual links or anything like that though.

    Would it simply be a matter of download, mount, play old files?

  3. For those of you with Ipod Touch/iPhones, EA are having a massive sale today (not sure how long it lasts) where all their games are 59p


    Highlights being -


    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

    Fifa 11

    The Sims 3 and expansions

    The Simpsons Arcade game (not a port, it's been updated with touch controls, new powerups and storyline and is quite fantastic)



    and then all stuff like Boggle, Cluedo, Scrabble, etc.

  4. I suggest Super Fantasy Zone for the Megadrive :) Cheers.




    Nice review and Welcome Back we missed yas!


    PS can you put what version you played unless I missed it. in which case ignore is


    I mentioned it was the Sega CD version. I'll make it more clear now though.

  5. Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck (Sega CD Version)




    I came into this game with a mix of expectations. Judging by Chuck Rock 1, I was expecting mind-blowing theme music from an ensemble of hard-rocking dinosaurs, and I was expecting really shite gameplay. Lucky for me (I guess) one of my wishes came true.


    The game opens with a Cartoon Network-esque video showing what happened between the previous game and this one. For those without the Sega CD version i'm not sure what you'll get, but you're missing out. As rubbish as the actual story is, this cutscene is quite funny. I won't go into massive detail, but the part where they throw a ransom note carved in stone through the window still attached to a brick is a highlight.

    The jist of it is that Chuck finished the last game by smashing up the "humourously" named bad guy Gary Gritter and then started up a car showroom. He invented the first ever car out of stone and started a family. A rival of his became jealous and after realising he couldn't match Chuck's quality, he kidnaps him to steal his secrets. Pathetic.


    For those who don't get that part, you'll most likely be greeted by the underwhelming title screen. No badass dinosaurs on bass, no eardrum popping rock music, just some thudding noise and generic screeching.



    Chuck Rock I theme



    Chuck Rock II theme






    I managed to reach up to around the 9th level (the darkness one) and as a platform game, all the required tools are here. The only problem it seems is that all the tools are broken, my wish came true. Shite gameplay ahoy!.

    It controls slowly and clunkily, each swing of your club taking around 20 minutes to reach it's desired target. You have buttons that don't even do anything, an example being that A makes you stand on top of your club - not once did I ever need to do this. You jump like you've got a gimp leg, and you can't even run despite quite a lot of spike pits or holes needing you to get at least a jog on.

    The game seems to look good from afar, but if you just stop for a second and take a look at your surroundings you'll see that Chuck Rock 1 actually looked better.

    The music is forgettable from the second you hear it, even the music from the lava level which at the time of playing I thought "well this isn't too bad" i've already forgotten.




    The levels for the most part are actually quite enjoyable, though there are a few omissions such as the previously mentioned giant bird part in which you have to just figure out that he doesn't damage you despite him appearing amongst the swarm of enemies, and the darkness level I finally met my maker on which were quite rubbish.

    A standout level would be the waterslide one which is set out like a stone-age water park full of literal log flumes and waterfalls. The rest are "meh".

    You can summon the help of animals you find laying around in a similar manner to the far superious DKC series. The similarities smack you in the face when you realise you're sprinting about on a ostrich. Of course, due to the button to climb on animals being the same as the button to stand aimlessly on top of your club, it wasn't until around the 5th level I managed to successfully mount anything.


    The boss fights are awkward and complete guess-work. The first 2 are variations of the same thing. A head on a long neck making the exact same "RAWR" noise and lunging at you. Easy enough to beat, except the horrid hit detection meant if I swang my club and actually hit him, sometimes i'd swing too far into him meaning he touched my arm and it hurt me. Terrible.

    The 3rd boss was a giant octopus that spits little men at you. I lost 4 lives before I realised you have to hit them back in the 0.05 seconds it gives you to do so. Luckily I got game over before I reached the 4th boss and slit my own throat.





    The game seems to lack any sort of uniqueness and feels bland from start to finish. I'd rate it higher but when the sequel - despite fixing the things the previous installment suffered from such as a rubbish attack and boring levels - isn't it as good as the last one before it, then it really is a sign that somewhere, something went balls up. Awkward boss fights don't help either.


    Platform games shouldn't feel like a chore. This does.


    Graphics - 6

    Sound - 3

    Controls - 7

    Gameplay - 7


    Overall - 5


    Also, his face in the corner is terrifying.

  6. You could maybe PM a few people who were interested in the thread initially if you want. Triple A might be a good bet, I've always thought his reviews were entertaining.


    Anyway, I'll post my review shortly!


    Already done last week, him, CVD and a few others who'd shown interest when setting up were PM'd nowt thus far :(


    Sorry man! :/


    I'll give this one a shot.

  7. Date Night


    Got this on DVD a while back and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Both the leads are good, Mark Wahlberg is quite good too. Some genuinly funny moments in it.


    Currently i've been making my way through the series 1-7 boxset of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Really enjoying it. Up to series 5 at the minute and it seems the show gets funnier with every season. In terms of how it all flows it's very hit and miss. Some episodes will build slowly up to one massive punchline, and some will be belly laughs throughout. The only criticisms i'd have of it are that every argument he gets in to is often a variation of the same thing. (black/disabled/gay/lesbian/blind/foreign/old person is overly militant for no reason). It becomes quite annoying to the point I groan every time Rhonda comes on the screen because it's always the same "LARRY HATES THE BLACK MAN" stuff. Probably the only poor writing it has.

    Krazee-Eyez Killa was genius though.

  8. I'll happily do it. I'll get a thread set up some point this week with all the gubbins in it and we can get things done nice and early. If it's alright with you Tommy, I'll give you access to the email too as I'm on holiday from the 19th December. Obviously by then, all the pairings and addresses will have been long sent out, but I wouldn't mind someone keeping an eye on it in case any emails come through as Christmas approaches, from people wondering where their pressie is. If that's okay, I'll then mention it in the thread.




    Can we have it so the offenders from the CD one who didn't get their CDs to people don't take part in this?.

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