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Posts posted by FLips

  1. The Dixie Carter one was on before Raw on Monday. It's not really funny or anything, but it's really informative and she does a decent job of defending TNA's problems. One that stood out was when questioned why they give away big matches on Impact, she answered that why are the fans moaning, would they rather pay for it? Which is a way i've never thought about it before.


    So unequivocal proof that she hasn't got clue fucking one about the wrestling business then. Well done Dixie.


    Oh, it's obviously not the best thing they can do, but if we had to pay for the PPVs like America do i'd much rather have stuff like Kurt vs AJ on Impact, regardless of whether it was good for her buys or not.

  2. The Dixie Carter one was on before Raw on Monday. It's not really funny or anything, but it's really informative and she does a decent job of defending TNA's problems. One that stood out was when questioned why they give away big matches on Impact, she answered that why are the fans moaning, would they rather pay for it? Which is a way i've never thought about it before.

  3. The whole live discussion thing is very petty anyway. I've no idea what people's problem is. The last thread was the pre-show thread that turned into the live chat. Why not have that and then the post-show thread?. Nobody is going to read the pre-show anyway once the show is finished so if it tails off into live discussion then what's the problem?

  4. Went to see Toy Story 3 last night. I thought it was superb. Had a great blend of drama and comedy with Pixar's incredible animation and mind boggling attention to detail. The only criticisms I'd have is that it was a bit short, though for a kid, that's not a problem, and the ending was


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    sickly sweet.



    Don't miss the end credits, they are great.


    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    How heartbreaking is the incinerator scene?


  5. Watched the new Clash of the Titans. It was good, but lacked the level of enjoyability and charm of the original and I expected much better given the cast involved in it. The Kraken was epic but I think more use should have been made of it considering the entire film was building up to its release.



    Watched the new Clash of the Titans and apart from a few cool bits, thought it was total crap.



    Errrrr? :confused:

  6. My thoughts having gone through this thread are as follows:


    That is a seriously tragic hairline for a 26 year old. And I'm ginger FFS.

    Also, someone re-post a pic of the girl in question.


    I just checked back through the Pic thread and despite his claims there's nothing odd or creepy about it, he's deleted all evidence of it ever happening.

  7. It's not even the picture of the vest that started this all off, it's that he kept posting pictures of his mate and obviously expected a load of "phwoarrrr" comments so then he could brag about how close they are. What instead happened was it got brought up just how mental and creepy it came across and instead of him just backing down and admitting it, he went into full-on "We love each other" mode.

  8. Hey, this could explain the age thing...


    Mr Midas, is she close to her father? I'm guessing that she's using you as a surrogate father figure.


    Luckily, this could lead to that sweet, sweet piece of jailbait ass that we all know you're after. Just start throwing in phrases like 'who's the daddy?', and after a while, subtly change it to 'who's your daddy?'. Before long, I guarantee you'll end up in confused, tearful and reproachful sex with her.


    Good luck.


    Now I can't get Midas in his pink number thrusting and going "who's your daddy" out of my head. :(

  9. Fuck me, I went on FM2010 for not even an hour (Middlesbrough are shit, no matter who you sign) and this has proper escalated. It's hilarious but really harsh. I'd just like to say though if I ever have a daughter, if she reached 18, had 5 boyfriends of that type of caliber and was best mates with a 27 year old (whether he looked like a paedo and wore her clothes or not) i'd stop her leaving the house until she got sense.


    EDIT: Whoever said about Uni was bang on too.

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