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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Both son and mum came down to my school for the Brutus Magnus seminar. The seminar was 8 hours long and she was outside in reception talking to everyone about her fantastic son for 8 hours straight. She honestly believed that Nick was going to fly her son out to TNA right there and then.


    The best part though, and surely something we can all look forward too, they're opening their own promotion. :)


    Great!, where? :thumbsup:

  2. wrestlemania-20-victory.jpg

    Definitely mine- Benoit winning the title that is, not killing his family.


    After Mania 20, with Benoit & Guerrero embracing with their world title, I realised for me WWE could probably not get any better than that moment. So I stopped watching it after that point. I still watch it now & then, but not religiously like I did.


    Similar thing with me happened after watching Wrestlemania 17, I thought nothing could get better than that event so I stopped watching wrestling for about 6 months.


    That's stupid.

  3. What happened to the updated top 50 games list thing?. I remember sending off nominations but nothing has been mentioned since.


    I think Black2 decided it was a no go so I decided to get the top 50 favorite footballers done with Lawz instead.


    Black2 wasn't running this one.


    Ok then I will put it down to lack of interest.


    Oh it was you that was meant to do it?

  4. The Expendables. - Fairly good film that brings some of the biggest action film legends all into the one major action experience. Loved the chaotic action sequences and there was a lot of blood and guts to please anyone, but the scene I was disappointed with was the scene featuring Arnie, Bruce Willis and Sly. 3 of the biggest movie stars all on the one screen for the first time in history and it just didn't feel as big or important as I think it should have done. Although I enjoyed the line

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    "What's his problem?" "He wants to be President".


    [close spoiler]



    Maybe a second will deliver more, though I'll also say Mickey Rourke gave a truly splendid performance as always.


    That part should probably be spoiler tagged.

    Wouldn't say a spoiler of anything that happens in the movie, just a quote from a certain part of it.


    Yeah but that's not the point. People like the clever little lines like that, and don't want you spoiling it for them. Imagine if you'd not seen Commando and someone came up going "I love the bit where he goes "let off some steam Bennett". When you actually watched it, it wouldn't be as good because someone had told you.

  5. 'Funny People' is rubbish. Just rubbish.


    They abandon the central premise about halfway in, and then the film just wanders aimlessly. Shite.


    And, whilst we're on the shite train, I've recently turned the following films off midway through; 'Adventureland' and 'Observe and Report'.


    I liked Adventureland, though it was nowhere near as good as I thought it was going to be. I fell asleep about 15 minutes into Observe and Report because it was shite. I traded it back in a day later. I have Funny People knocking about on DVD because my girlfriend wanted to see it (she's a fan of Adam Sandler). We've still not got round to watching it though because it looks pants.

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