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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Don't dare feel sorry for me you fucking cumstain. I'm not in any mode where I "can't enjoy stuff" . I love and hate with equal measure, and I never engage an art form like it's an exam, so no, retract your pity, and don't bother giving your opinion when it comes to me, because you're just a little boy who has no clue about anything, despite how much you bang on about your girlfriend or your band.

    JesuSlipknotThe Assasination of Jessie JamesThere. Three things off the top of my head I KNOW Seven likes...Actually not 100% sure about Jesu but pretty sure. Looking on here for about 40 seconds would probably show if he does/doesn't.It's wrong to say Seven doesn't like anything, he's just a person who's pretty picky about giving praise to things and there's nothing wrong with that, in fact if you've been on here for any length of time and that pisses you off then hey, I wonder if you should be here :D Seven could probably make a good critic. someday :D
    Maybe he's just a grumpy fucker because i've yet to read one upbeat or funny post from him yet, he's either being a critic or moaning at/about someone.
    He's just an opinionated person and one of the few who backs up his claims. I've seen him being enthusiastic and, of course, negative. There's a thread where he reviews going to see Vampire Weekend, Rage Against The Machine and others and that post is very positive and you can clearly see that he's very passionate about it. He'd just rather be honest than sugarcoat things.You clearly haven't been looking hard enough.
    Yeah in my post I said he's being a critic, that includes reviewing things right? Reviewing something positively is totally different to being a positive person.I admit maybe I don't look hard enough, but thats usually because as soon as I see one of his posts i'll be like ugh :hmmm: With almost everyone else I see they've posted and expect something different every time, with Seven I don't, I see he's posted and know what downbeat miserable crap or in depth review that i've got in store.
    I never said he was a positive person anyway, positive people are fake. Had I called him that I'd have expected a slap in the face for my words. I'm saying he can be positive and saying being positive in a review isn't the same is almost as ridiculous as Krazy's comment on watching The Butterfly Effect from earlier in the thread.
    How so? there is a huge difference between talking about how good a film or something is, and being positive/upbeat as a whole. Even someone coping with manic depression can go "yeah that film was good", but you won't see them throwing smiles everywhere will you.
  2. Don't dare feel sorry for me you fucking cumstain. I'm not in any mode where I "can't enjoy stuff" . I love and hate with equal measure, and I never engage an art form like it's an exam, so no, retract your pity, and don't bother giving your opinion when it comes to me, because you're just a little boy who has no clue about anything, despite how much you bang on about your girlfriend or your band.

    JesuSlipknotThe Assasination of Jessie JamesThere. Three things off the top of my head I KNOW Seven likes...Actually not 100% sure about Jesu but pretty sure. Looking on here for about 40 seconds would probably show if he does/doesn't.It's wrong to say Seven doesn't like anything, he's just a person who's pretty picky about giving praise to things and there's nothing wrong with that, in fact if you've been on here for any length of time and that pisses you off then hey, I wonder if you should be here :D Seven could probably make a good critic. someday :D
    Maybe he's just a grumpy fucker because i've yet to read one upbeat or funny post from him yet, he's either being a critic or moaning at/about someone.
    He's just an opinionated person and one of the few who backs up his claims. I've seen him being enthusiastic and, of course, negative. There's a thread where he reviews going to see Vampire Weekend, Rage Against The Machine and others and that post is very positive and you can clearly see that he's very passionate about it. He'd just rather be honest than sugarcoat things.You clearly haven't been looking hard enough.
    Yeah in my post I said he's being a critic, that includes reviewing things right? Reviewing something positively is totally different to being a positive person.I admit maybe I don't look hard enough, but thats usually because as soon as I see one of his posts i'll be like ugh :hmmm: With almost everyone else I see they've posted and expect something different every time, with Seven I don't, I see he's posted and know what downbeat miserable crap or in depth review that i've got in store.
  3. Don't dare feel sorry for me you fucking cumstain. I'm not in any mode where I "can't enjoy stuff" . I love and hate with equal measure, and I never engage an art form like it's an exam, so no, retract your pity, and don't bother giving your opinion when it comes to me, because you're just a little boy who has no clue about anything, despite how much you bang on about your girlfriend or your band.

    JesuSlipknotThe Assasination of Jessie JamesThere. Three things off the top of my head I KNOW Seven likes...Actually not 100% sure about Jesu but pretty sure. Looking on here for about 40 seconds would probably show if he does/doesn't.It's wrong to say Seven doesn't like anything, he's just a person who's pretty picky about giving praise to things and there's nothing wrong with that, in fact if you've been on here for any length of time and that pisses you off then hey, I wonder if you should be here :D Seven could probably make a good critic. someday :D
    Maybe he's just a grumpy fucker because i've yet to read one upbeat or funny post from him yet, he's either being a critic or moaning at/about someone.
  4. What a fag. You should pill him and pay a homeless guy to skullfuck his soul out.I can honestly see why this guy is BawBag Numero Uno, he's probably done more damage to his name threatening people over the list than actually being on it.Flawless?, Bawless more like.

  5. Just finished watching it. I thought it was pretty decent seeing as I can relate with it alot. Not the steroid part but the physique and bodybuilding aspects of it.

    You're a bodybuilder?
    I wouldnt really say I'm a bodybuilder per se. I'm not trying to get big Im just looking for defined muscles. Im basically working to more of a bruce lee physique rather than Hulk Hogan.
    Where do you get your protein? :rolleyes:
  6. Can somebody get me the Game Over music from Shadow Of The Beast 3 on the Amiga. Its not on youtube or anything so i'm a bit lost.

    Okay, firstly - http://ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=83255And secondly, after checking Wiki, I discovered you can download it from the composers website - http://www.icecubes.org.uk/mp3/Tim_Wright_MOD_files.zipThat's everything he ever wrote for the Amiga but it's all in .mod format.
    Shittt! sorry. Forgot all about the off topic questions. It's not pinned like this one. Thanks for the help though.
  7. It's stupid moaning about shitarses posting up other vids of other shitarses though isn't it. If we went by that logic then if Surf Digby, Dragon Aisu, Majik, Doug Williams and any other people on the list who had a good video wanted to post a video, you'd all moan.

  8. I have one and it hasn't done me any harm. It's only a bad thing if someone within a few hundred meters of you has the "skillz" to hack you. In your case though you could probably just re-assign a new WAP key.

  9. Clerks 2 is one of the worst films ever made.

    I'd be interested in your Top 5 Worst Films Ever Made. I bet you'd put No Country in there just to piss me off ;)
    I don't think he could narrow it down to five. He seems to just hate life and everything in general.
    Do you and that really unmemorable guy with the Johnny Depp avatar meet up and circle jerk whilst discussing which one of you is the most obsessed with me? Get a hobby kid.
    My hobby is circle jerking with him. It's not that i'm obsessed with you, you just seem to search the threads looking for things to hate.
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