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Posts posted by FLips

  1. I thought you'd already "done a Duane", TripleGay as you haven't answered any of the questions I directly posed to you in my previous posts.


    Yes I did. I told you I hadn't bothered reading into any independent research because I'm not a total mongoloid and I don't want to waste my time.

  2. Serious question. Approximately how much time have you spent examining the independent research dedicated to 9/11 before coming to the conclusion that said event wasn't an inside job?


    The independent research you talk about is conducted by absolute mongs, and spread like a shit seed across a field of prats by people like Dynamite Duane. Anyone with half a brain doesn't take any of that research seriously, let alone spend their precious time examining it as if any of it could be real.

    I don't know how many innocent people have to die, or how many buildings need to be blown up by terrorists before it can finally be agreed that "yeah maybe it was the terrorists that have been proven to do it", but the only thing people like you, and Duane and every other tinfoil wearing spaz does is annoy the victims, affected, and general public with your inane shite.


    The government might be one of the most powerful things in the world, and George Bush might have been a retard, but there is a 0% chance that he'd fly a pair of fucking planes into a landmark full of innocent people in his own country.

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