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Posts posted by FLips

  1. Oh...I stand corrected myself. Still, then why are you acting so upset? It comes across as though Carbomb corrected you and you're just throwing your toys out of the pram in response.


    I'm not upset, just being honest and saying that sometimes the whole "you shouldn't say "this" when "that" is the correct term" posts sometimes come across as a bit know-it-all. I'm not like sat fuming or anything, just saying.

  2. Someone used the word "trolling" incorrectly in On-Topic yesterday. He was corrected. Would you say the person who corrected him was being a bell-end or "Look at me, human dictionary"?


    Completely different context. Iconic is a word that people use regardless of aural, visual or whatever else. It might not be correct but it's generally used by people in other contexts. That trolling example was someone just using the wrong word in the wrong context.

  3. anyway went to see Captain America and while IMO not as good as x-men i enjoyed it

    Has anyone seen Captain America yet? Not seen as many reviews as I was expecting. I thought it was really good, not on the 'hero vs villain' front, but just kickstarting the Captain America story. The scene after the credits was, well, AWESOME.




  4. Horrible Bosses was much better than I expected it to be. The showing of it was packed, which was surprising considering it was at 9.10pm and every other screen had Harry Potter in it.


    Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx and Jason Bateman were all excellent, though it's hard to pick a bad performance from any of the main characters really. Laugh-out-loud all the way through, and like someone else said, made the best of a ridiculous story.

  5. Joanne Edwards (known as Jordan E) is on Come Dine With Me all this week. Apparently she's a wrestler. Anyone heard of her?


    Also, her episode just finished and the old school "WOOOAHH WOOOAH WRESTLEMAAANIA!" tune played over the credits!

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