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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. i saw the prequel The Thing tonight and i thought it was excellent. It's very similar in tone to the original and the story-line, whilst being a prequel is actually pretty similar. Just a different group of people in the same situation...It ties in great with the original movie though and pretty much shows how the Norwegian camp looks how it does when the Americans show up, makes it fun looking out for certain things. The movie will have a ridiculous amount of haters, but fuck 'em...i liked it.


    I hated it, I wanted to like it and loved the little nods to the original like leaving the axe in the wall but theres no tension and some of the CGI is just shit. Also you can pick out the half a dozen 'In it just to die' characters straight away

  2. I've probably still got a dodgy VHS copy with barely any sound knocking about in one of the boxes in the attic. It's a film I always had a bit of a soft spot for, despite thinking it fell short of its potential.


    Couldn't agree with you more on that. I think Clive Barker is one of those cases of someone who has genuine talent and is obviously a good writer but just seems to be missing something. He never really seemed to capture the same atmosphere he had in Hellraiser in any of his other films/screenplays and his other Directing efforts have had some great ideas that get lost amongst the rubbish. Saying that Candyman is a cracking film (probably due to the fact he didn't direct it)

  3. nightbreedgame1.JPG


    Came on here to mention this game as well. Cant actually remember if it was any good though.............


    Getting back to Robocop - I loved this game when I was younger. I have a really clear memory of the first person shooting the rapist section, where, if you got there with full energy, you could just kill the hostage & then shoot the rapist and the game would still let you continue to the next level.......


    There where some terrible film conversions back then - Highlander has already been mention. Big Trouble In Little China was terrible. I seem to recall the Aliens game on the speccy being a total cracker though.


    When my dad took me to the shop to get a new computer I was given the choice of an Amiga or an Atari ST I didnt want the Amiga because it came bundled with Nightbreed and the picture scared the shit out of me. Luckily I was outvoted and we got the Amig. I ended up playing it and there was a level when you had to out run a guy in a graveyard. He'd catch me every time and bite fuck out of my neck :(


    I think the Aliens game on the Spectrum was mainly the motion tracker, if thats the one Im thinking of it was great. I cant remember the Big Trouble in Little China one

  4. They made some cracking games, every other movie tie in seemed to be from them at one point. I loved the Batman and Total Recall games.


    Hyperion: I wasn't intentionally looking for a VHS rip but the UK release of Navy Seals is on the MGM classics range which are notorious for having shit transfers and random edited versions on them :thumbsup:

  5. I tracked down a VHS rip of Navy Seals (1990) the other day. Its a generic 80s/90s action film starring Charlie Sheen, Michael Bien and Bill Paxton and has every cliche in it. It also randomly jumps into being a 10minute recruitment video for the American Military about halfway through with a training montage that has nothing to do with the film. I will always remember it more fondly for the Amiga game



  6. Tried to watch the prequel/remake of the Thing last night. I fell asleep during it and I never fall asleep during films. Shit CGI, bland characters and no suspense.


    I like JFK, its not real, its how Oliver Stone sees the world, has some cracking performances from an all time great cast and both versions of it are good films

  7. Don't get me wrong its more than watchable and I must have seen it more times than the original (everyone seemed to have a pirate copy when I was in school) but its just missing everything thats so great about the first film. Im a huge fan of stop motion and some of the effects in it are top notch but any scenes where Robocop is getting ragdolled by Cain look shit

  8. Besides for Dark Knight Returns, has Frank Miller done anything that isn't shite? I enjoy Sin City, the film, but that's far more to do with the cast and the sense of style above anything else. I saw a big poster for his new book, Holy Terror, in hmv but haven't heard a single good thing about it.


    His work on Daredevil was fantastic

  9. Robocop 2 Fails at everything the first film did so well, misjudged cartoony action scenes (Robocop on a motorbike), watered down satire (corporate greed, the OCP/Nazi flag) and a rubbish script. The original draft of Frank Millers script is available online / as a graphic novel and is far better than how the film turned out but is far from perfect and a lot of the crap in this can be directly linked back to him, including the shitty subplot with Murphy's ex wife

  10. Fist Of Fun is available to pre order here


    Fist Of Fun


    This is a preorder for the first series box set of Fist of Fun. It is due to arrive here on the 6th Dec 2011.


    It feels like it's all been building up to this - as you know, we've spent the last few years filming the best comedians that are currently working. But did you know that we've been squirrelling the money away, so that we can present this - a four disc set of Fist of Fun series 1.


    We've got the TV series of course, but we've also got you a lot more.


    There's commentaries on all the episodes from Rich and Stew. The pair of them were reunited in Rich's spare room one glorious Monday afternoon.


    We've also got commentaries on some of the other episodes from Kevin Eldon and Ben Moor.


    And - we've managed to find the disappointing 60 minute cash-in live show that Rich and Stew released on VHS video back in the day.


    Oh, and an unbroadcast pilot episode and a short film of Rich and Stew reminiscing with a box of memorabilia from Rich's attic.


    But that's not all. We've done something that no one else has done before. We've got the studio rushes from some of the episodes. That's everything that was recorded on the night. So there's fluffed lines, warm up men, deleted sketches and more. Most DVD makers would have edited this down - but we enjoyed watching them all the way though, so we thought you would too. There's a lengthy essay printed on the box which will guide you though them.


    We have also included a mammoth set of files. There's scanned in scripts - both filmed and unfilmed, an mp3 bootleg of a live show recorded in Treforest, press releases, fan club information, images of props - and there's some word documents that Rich found on his computer. It's quite extraordinary - if we do say so ourselves.


    And of course there are hidden extras sprinkled around the discs. As usual, the clues to their location are printed on the disc faces.


    This discs will come in packaging that looks like a little hard back book. I'll be putting a picture on when they arrive. But for now, just imagine the On The Hour box set. Because we've used the same packaging.


    Disc 1

    Episodes 1-4


    Disc 2

    Episodes 5 and 6

    Lee and Herring Live at the Cochrane (live show from 1995)

    Lee and Herring's 90s Nostalgia (35 min thing filmed in Rich's garden)


    Disc 3


    Studio rushes from episodes 2 and 4


    Disc 4

    Studio rushes from episodes 5 and 6

    DVD Rom content - scripts, press releases, fan club letters, live audio bootleg and more


    technical info

    main feature - 2hrs 56mins

    commentaries - 4hrs 24mins

    extras - 7hrs 8min


    Commentary on all episodes by Rich and Stew

    Commentary on episodes 3 and 5 by Kevin Eldon

    Commentary on episode 2 by Ben Moor

    Subtitles for all episodes


    4 x DVD9

    4:3 (mostly)

    Region 0 - PAL

    Stereo - In Colour


    Looks like they've really spent some time on the set, can't wait

  11. So, yeah, Tintin is fucking awesome. Go see it, and see it in 3-D.

    Loved the 3D in that film, thats how it should be used (UP being the other example) of adding depth to the shots rather than just have everyone having throwing stuff at the camera.



    Anyways rewatched Robocop last night for the first time in a few years. Watched the Directors Cut version and its still in my eyes one of the best films of the 80s. Great Action, genuinely funny script, American bashing satire, the best squib shots outside of a Peckinpah film (seriously I don't know what it is about them but they look brutal) AND Kurtwood Smith bringing the awesome

  12. The "We got 'da Hamma'" piss taking of Shamrock starts from the very first fight pick in season 4. I genuienly forgot just how great a season it was. You also have the start of the Serra / Hughes hatred and the legend that is

    vs a wall (Also I love Burnett's busy eyes, thoses things are always moving like hes watching a tennis match) Sad things ended up so bad for him
  13. Is Conan a war movie, or is it more like an adventure/quest type movie like the Arnie ones? The trailer made it look like a war movie and I don't like war movies... I'm still tossing up whether to bother watching this or not.


    Conan is the typical Adventure/Quest film, couple of bif fight scenes but its not a war film.


    I also watched Innerspace on TV as it happens. I can't see how you don't like Martin Short. I like both his films; this and Three Amigos.




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