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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. Christ. BBC News have just confirmed that police are advising people to stay away from town. As I flicked over, I think I heard them say something was starting in Manchester?


    Yeah my friend is in Manchester and she said something is kicking off near Victoria station. Although like everything else it could just be gossip at the min

  2. In the original ending Ozymandias hires a special effects company to build a giant space squid to blame the destruction of New York on, stopping the potential war between Russia and the USA in a 'We must band together as people of earth to stop the giant space squid' type of way.


    There were plans years ago to film it as a miniseries but it was seen as too expensive. There is an Ultimate edition of the film out which runs even longer (215minutes)

  3. I finally got round to seeing Watchmen last night


    Thought this was pretty good although it seemed to jump all over at the start so I wasnt sure what was going on at times and the ending seemed daft to me


    Never read any of the comics though so I didnt know the story beforehand


    Looked lovely in HD though


    You think that ending is daft you should just be glad they didnt use the original ending. The film suffered from trying to get too much of the graphic novel into the film, even the Directors cut suffers from it. Its very well donr though and the Opening Credits montage is awesome.

  4. I tend to find people equate "scary" with "bloody" nowadays. As in "Hostel is scary" or "Saw is scary".


    That's not horror, that's gross-out. I thought Let The Right One In was one of the scariest films I'd seen in years, because of its theme and location as much as what you actually saw. Horses for course and all that, but obviously I think less of you all for not liking it :)


    Exactly some of the best horror films were more about the suspence and tone than the gore. Rosemarys baby and Dont look now are more about unsettling people than grossing them out. I thought Let The Right One In was a great film, the remake wasn't too shabby either (although the naff CGI ruined the tunnel scene and wasn't needed) Sadly the majority of modern horror is either excessive gore or flash cut edits and loud music cues to try and make people jump.


    Anyways as well as Super I watched Submarine last night. Missed it at the cinema and it was fantatsic. Its Richard Ayoades first feature film, has some great performances and Paddy Considine has some amazing hair in it

  5. <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    They could of done another movie set during WW2 but they needed him in our time for The Avengers so that was the only way plus we all knew how it would end.


    I guess they could do another movie set during WW2 they could say we didn't see all his missions and do a movie based on another one.


    [close spoiler]



    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Yeah I always knew that the film would end with him ready for The Avengers but it wouldn't have been too difficult to do a '1 year later' type of deal. I was even expecting a montage (which it had) but it just seemed so specific to the Hydra base attacks and quite a closed narrative but regardless was a good fun comic book movie that set up the character well and wasn't as Pro America as I was expecting


    [close spoiler]

  6. Saw Captain America: The First Avenger last night. It was actually pretty good fun. I think I enjoyed it more cause i thought it was going to be awful, but it was bloody good fun.


    Went to see it last night, got the balance between humour and action right and was another strong film for Marvel

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    think Bucky was wasted in it, the relationship was never really built on, also there should have been more Howling Commandos, maybe even a link to Nick Fury taking over after Cap went. Also would have been nice if they'd somehow left the opportunity to make a 2nd film set during the 2nd world war. Oh and a surprising amount of violence for a kids film, didnt expect the Hydra guy to hit a propeller and explode in a shower of blood


    [close spoiler]

  7. I thought at the time they would go with Austin vs Jericho and Triple H vs Benoit for KOTR '01. And build Austin vs HHH for SummerSlam. If it was gonna be Austin vs HHH at KOTR I wonder what they'd have had Jericho and Benoit doing on that PPV?


    Yep that was the plan. Jericho mentions it in his 2nd book.

  8. Not a trailer but a decription of the end credits after Captain America....do not read if you don t want it spoiling. Just to let you know I got a twinge upon reading this.

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    The breakdown of the after-credits scene from what I can remember:


    Steve Rogers is in an empty gym throwing haymakers at a punching bag before finally punching it so hard it breaks off it's chains and (I believe) through the wall. Nick Fury walks in and says something along the lines of "getting ready for the enemy?" and Steve goes "Well it's been awhile


    *I don't know word for word exactly what they said. I saw the scene around 8 and I'm writing this at 1:30a.m. So yea I'm a little tired.


    Then we see quick snippets of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, Loki being escorted in "handcuffs" by SHIELD. After that it's a long shot of Thor rocking a new outfit reminiscent of his Ultimate garb (sleeveless) in front of some roundtable of SHIELD.


    Then basically after that it's shots of action scenes with each character - Iron Man in what still looks to be his Mark 7 outfit getting ready to fire his repulsor beams, Cap in some sorta battlefield, Black Widow doing some flips and throwing darts, Hawkeye shooting an arrow, Thor summoning lightening, a shot of Bruce Banner taking off his glasses.


    Then the trailer closes off with really quick action shots. Couldn't tell what they were, no actual clue as to who the villain(s) is/as we only see Loki. You don't really see a shot of all of them together though I could be wrong about that and missed it. Can't wait to see it hit the web and get some screen grabs.


    [close spoiler]



    Just watched it online (after promising myself I wouldn't) I could not be more excited / aroused than I am right now

  9. ^ no problem :)


    Forgot to mention this but did anyone else notice James Thompson and Mustapha Al-Turk in Haye's posse in the walkouts?


    And Tyson's looking trim, he was a right lard arse not too long ago.


    Yeah I noticed Thompson, must be nice for him to walk to the ring knowing hes not going to get knocked out for a change. On a side note he was looking a bit boss-eyed, is that damage from one of his fight? That guy is going to have serious health issues if he carries on fighting

  10. Fight Night looks laughable


    Much like the original.


    Original Fright Night is a cracking film. Great Script, was one of the 80s films that poked at conventions (The same thing that Scream was lauded for) And Chris Sarandon is at his smarmy best in it.


    On a different note look at this for a cast



    If its anything like the original series / book it could be amazing

  11. philippe.jpg


    (I meant it as a good thing, btw)


    Ha sorry didnt mean that to come out arsey, I'd honestly never heard of that character before. :thumbsup:

    On a totally random sidenote did you ever get any photoshop / video editing done after I got you Adobe premiere?

  12. Ta very much. style is from an artist called Katie Cook. Nicked the Chewie pose from her. The Boba, Rebel Pilot and Max Rebo (Godson is called max) ones have all been designed from scratch, done some quick sketches but not put them on canvas yet

  13. IMG00837-20110207-2348.jpg




    Two unfinished paintings that will eventually be a set of 6 going in my Godsons nursery






    Two pieces i've done to keep myself (shamelessly stolen from an idea by an artist called Ollie Moss) all cut out with a scapel on black card. Im going to do an Andre vs Hogan one as well if i can find decent side profile pics of them both)




    Neither are great but its just a challenge to see how quick I can knock something together


    And I've posted these before but i'll pop them on again




    Pencil / pen drawing of Spiderman




    Same drawing coloured with a tablet and with a background added




    Another random acrylic on canvas




    And another

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