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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. What size are you drawing those pictures Ritchie. I honestly can never be bothered to take the time to colour in that much.


    Anyways might have posted it before but heres a link to one of the random speed drawing challenges we ocassionally do on Twitter. Not great but it was less than 10 minutes work

    Most annoying part of doing them is the camera has to be where your head usually is and you cant rotate the sheet to draw, things that you usually dont even notice.
  2. The problem with the original Dredd film wasn't that Dredd took off his helmet, it's that it was a dreadful film with a shit script and a 3rd rate director. If he'd have taken off his helmet and revealed Clint Eastwood and the film had been Unforgiven set in a nuclear wasteland, I'd have loved it.


    I actually felt sorry for Danny Cannon. By all accounts he was a massive fan of 2000AD and was getting a lot of hype going into the film and was just railroaded by the studio into constant changes. Would have loved to have seen a decent behind the scenes doc (Like Alien3) on the making of a film like this. Obviously its turned out that he is in fact a shit director since then but still....

  3. Johnny 5 is coming back alive


    Short circuit remake set for summer 2013.


    now if they fuck this up then.... :angry:


    I hope he still looks like he was built in a shed


    Got free tickets to SFX weekender and its only 10 min from my mum and dads so im off to midnight screenings of The Thing and Society tonight and The Romero cut of Dawn of The Dead and Night Of The Creeps tomorrow. Cant wait

  4. Last night I watched my first Pride event which was the 2003 middleweight grand prix. I thought the shows were brilliant, Wanderlei vs Rampage was brutal! I'm just wondering what shows I should pick up next? Any suggestions would be most welcome.


    If you're not bothered about watching the fights in any order then I'd suggest getting some of the Pride : Bushido boxsets, some cracking fights on them. Bushido The tournament has a welterweight tournament and only has one dodgy fight in it Also check out the Critical Countdown 2004 which is part of the Heavyweight tournament.



    As for the Wandy / Chuck fight. Chuck made a career out of that overhand right as people were backing away, I always though Wandy at that time would have kept close, clinched him and destroyed him.

  5. I just can't believe they are remaking Spiderman again! It's not even been 10 years since the last franchise got started.

    Tell me about it. Plus, the Spiderman films were fucking massive, stupidly high-grossing and more merch than John Cena. I understand a bit when they do it when another recent version bombed, like they did with Incredible Hulk, but this seems silly to me.


    Its a combination of a lot of things. Fox have to produce a film or they lose the licence (same reason they are rebooting the Fantastic Four despite the first two not being massive hits), Tobey Maguire being too old to be playing a teenage Peter Parker and by all accounts being an utter twat to work with by the last film and not wanting to do anymore and Sam Raimi not wanting to do anymore. If you're in a position where you have to change your lead actor, get a new director and your target audience were all toddlers when the original came out I dont see any harm in restarting it. Plus there was a lot of talk that they want to keep him as a high school student like the original 60s stories for a few films, something the Raimi films kind of rushed through

  6. Cant see it being true to be honest, The licensing issues between Marvel/Disney/Fox have been going on for years, for them to get it sorted for a throwaway scene in The Avengers would just seem odd.

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    She probably just doesn't know the difference between Captain America and Spiderman


    [close spoiler]

  7. Aw I thought it was craptacular, I think its the only film I didnt enjoy this year. And you know obviously I wanted to love it, Scorsese and all! I just thought it was rubbish, i hated Hugo the character, the acting was woeful on his part, the girl was incredibly annoying, Ben Kingsley admittedly was good but after about 2 hours I didn't care. I just found it so, incredibly boring. Its the only film I've been so bored in I wanted to leave. I love film history, I love the films of Georges M
  8. Just watched Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey a great little documentary about Kevin Clash whos obsession with Jim Henson and puppets led to him finally getting to work with Henson and creating (well taking on and totally changing) Elmo. Really is a great doc helped by the sheer volume of footage that seems to have been shot by him since his teens. I'll admit to being a massive fan of anything to do with Jim Henson and it was really nice to see some of the stuff in this film. It kinda ignores the fact that Clash became insanely rich due to the Elmo licensing using his voice, apart from that well worth a watch

  9. Tom Hanks is easily one of the best comedic actors of the last 40 years.


    If you don't take the last 20 years into account.


    As himself, he's a funny guy. When you see Tom Hanks on a chatshow, you'd be hard pushed to find a more personable, likable actor, but he churns out a load of absolute dreck. What's the target audience for a Tom Hanks movie these days? A sixty-year-old woman?


    Well thats more the roles he takes than his ability. Sadly shite like that film he made with Julia Roberts or mediocre guff like Charlie Wilsons War are where he is happy to be. Still stand that you will be hard pressed to find anyone with better timing or a flare for physical comedy than him.

  10. Said it before but thanks for putting these posts together, they really are fantastic. It always used to annoy me how often he would fight without defending his title, I really felt at the time it devalued it somewhat but that really was just how Pride was operated

  11. SHIT. All this Robert Shaw talk has made me realise a film that would definitely have been in my list - The Taking Of Pelham 123. Absolute arsebuckets.


    Eh, no other bugger nominated it anyway, so it doesn't matter, I suppose.


    Shaw is great in that film but people always forget just how amazing Walter Matthau's performance is. Im gonna rewatch that tonight, not seen it in a fair few years

  12. There isnt enough Harumphing in the boardroom, a town full of Johnsons, Hedley/Hedy Lemar running joke, paying a toll in the middle of a desert and going completely past the 4th wall with the brawl, musical number and the ending, makes Blazing Saddles an absolute joy.


    Is it Mel Brooks's best film though? Silent Movie and The Producers seem to get a lot more kudos these days. Ive even heard people trying to say Spaceballs is better ??? Now I like Spaceballs alot, but better than Blazing Saddles? Hmmm.


    Edit: Odd fact, Mel Brooks was a producer of David Cronenberg's The Fly (ta Empire).


    You forgot Young Frankenstein which is as perfect as a spoof can get.


    Brooks also produced The Elephant Man, The guy knows a good script when he reads it.

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