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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. Slyvia is the best example of a guy who got the title then did just enough to keep hold of it, never trying to actively win, just trying not to lose. He just looked like a fighter that wanted to do as little as possible to keep hold of the belt and everyone knew it. Hes one of the first fighters I can remember Dana openly slating in interviews (probably about the same time he was calling BJ lazy) Plus he can never be forgiven for his fight against Jeff Monson which was just shit

  2. The Newt/Ripley storyline makes a whole lot more sense with the special edition when you find out she has just lost her own daughter. Burke is like a slightly more insane version of Gordon Gekko in that film, a full year before the whole 'greed is good' Wallstreet mantra.


    Everything is Ripley's fault. Everywhere she goes people die and things go to shit. She's like an intergalactic Jessica Fletcher

  3. Ridley Scott is already casting for his next project which is an original script by Cormac McCarthy (which means it'll be fucking brilliant).


    Well seeing as Prometheus presumably takes place hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years after AVP I'm guessing he's a distance ancestor of Charles Weyland. Although Ridley and Lindelof are ignoring everything that came after Alien from the sounds of things so there will probably be no links to the other movies whatsoever.


    Prometheus is set in 2085, 30 years before Alien. AvP was set in 'present day' I think

  4. I can't wait for this film, one of the best trailers i've seen in a while (There were rumours on twitter last night that there is a US and a UK version of the trailer with slight variations. Anyone know if that's true?) When I was younger I always thought the gas mask type thing on the Space Jockey was actually a dead spacehugger still attached to him


    That's probably due to watching a pan and scanned 4:3 copy on a shitty tv; the way we all watched films when we were kids. I watched the film off the DVD restoration on a good tv last week, and it's much more clear that that's part of his skeleton, and there's a whacking great hole in his chest where a chestburster has come out.


    It looks far more like piece of the suit in the background stills. Cant wait to see what they look like size-wise because they looked fucking huge in the original Alien film


    Ridley used kids in small space suits to get the set to look twice as big (and it was fucking big anyway). I do worry that the inevitable CGI sets aren't going to look as good as the originals from the 70s.


    The hole in the chest was always the reason I thought it was a facehugger on him. The two pics I posted are the infamous forced perspective Kid shots but according to stuff i've been reading all day in work (slow day) They are making them look far smaller than in the original film.


    The good news is that according to imdb (yeah i know) "During production, Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof kept the use of computer-generated imagery as low as possible, using CGI mainly in space scenes; Scott recalled advice VFXpert Douglas Trumbull gave him on the set of Blade Runner: "If you can do it live, do it live", and also claimed that practical VFX was more cost-effective than digital VFX. "

  5. I can't wait for this film, one of the best trailers i've seen in a while (There were rumours on twitter last night that there is a US and a UK version of the trailer with slight variations. Anyone know if that's true?) When I was younger I always thought the gas mask type thing on the Space Jockey was actually a dead spacehugger still attached to him




    It looks far more like piece of the suit in the background stills. Cant wait to see what they look like size-wise because they looked fucking huge in the original Alien film



  6. So the consensus is that we should watch the Final Cut when we eventually get around to watching it, then..?


    Its like the argument for the Aliens / Aliens Special Edition. There's no right or wrong version. There are still people that prefer the original cut and the voiceover. But yeah The Final Cut Print looks amazing, has been cleaned up and is a great film to watch on its own merit


    Random fact about the 'Happy Ending' from the original studio edit. SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    Its an outtake from the opening of The Shining


  7. never seen Blade Runner (i know. i plan to rectify this as soon as i can)


    How come there has been so many different cuts of the film?


    The studio asked for some changes after Ridley Scott submitted his original film and it tested badly, most notoriously the voiceover and the ending. The original (workprint) cut started doing the rounds at film conventions in the early/mid 90s and got a lot of positive response and led to the film gaining the cult status it has now. The 'Directors Cut' was taken from this version (and slightly modified) and was based on notes from Scott but not directly done by him. The Final Cut was done by Scott himself. There's also various TV and international edits of the film floating around.


    The film itself is amazing. If anyone is in to film making check out the book Future Noir. Used to be very hard to get hold of but has had a few reprints in the last 10 years. A lot of the stuff has been covered in recent making ofs but its still one of the best books about film making you can get.

  8. Saw Norman Lovett on Saturday (was doing a joint show with Hattie Hayridge). He was fantastic


    Is he doing another joint tour with her? I know they did one together a couple of years ago. He needs to get some DVDs out there, really.


    He was on at SFX on the weekend before I went to the screening of Dawn of The Dead. From what he was saying hes only just finished a small tour with her again

  9. Of the ones I've seen I'd recommend Bill Bailey, Rich Hall, Rhod Gilbert, Tim Vine and Adam Bloom. Tim Vine is probably my favourite live act, just machine gun comedy. Also if you haven't seen it Harry Hill in Hooves is very good. Ignore how downhill TV Burp has gone, this show was funny as hell.


    Older comedians I say watch Tommy Cooper, Les Dawson, David Allen and Richard Pryor. Other than that try Bill Hicks (one of my fav comedians) Chris Rock, Adam Hills, Ed Byrne, Jo Brand and Lee Mack.


    Harry Hill was amazing live, surreal, childish and very dark sometimes. I remember him doing a sketch about not being able to afford to give his budgies the life they demanded so smothered them all in their sleep with tiny pillows). Everyone else is fantastic, apart from Jo Brand who is just shit, cant stand her



    The best live stand-up I've ever seen is Norman Lovett doing his Slide Show tour. Absolutely inspired and not at all spoiled by a fuckwit heckler. Catch him if you see him around.


    Saw Norman Lovett on Saturday (was doing a joint show with Hattie Hayridge). He was fantastic

  10. Not matter how many times or versions of Aliens I watch I ALWAYS remember it as the ITV edit 'no freaking way man' is still quoted by me and my brother. In fact I still have it on VHS. I cant explain how much I love this film. If I hadn't been a lazy twat and had done a list it easily would have been top 3. Its so full of stereotypical characters (80s corporate greed yuppie being the most dated) but it all works. Plus man in suit + awesome miniature work = better than CGI

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