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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. This was my dog who always looked like a puppy till he died (Hes about 17 in this pic)




    Dogs are far better than cats because they play fight properly. My dog would randomly walk in the room and start fights with me or my Dad, took a good 30-40 min to stop him. My Brother always refused to fight him and because of this The Dog ranked himself higher in the family than him and bullied him, it was great to watch. Also pictured is his comfort blanket that he used to carry round the house with him, He'd fuck you up if you messed with it. Welsh Border Collie = better than any cat

  2. Last night I went for....Sneakers!


    Sneakers is one of those films that I don't think anyone really has a bad thing to say about, yet it's rarely going to be anyone's favourite film of all time. In that regard I would put it in the same category as something like War Games or Short Circuit.


    First time that I had watched it for about 15 years and it really has not aged nearly as much as you would expect a techno-thriller like this to have done considering the technical advances that have been made.


    The cast is obviously excellent (amazing to see how fat Dan Aykroyd had suddenly got, though) even though Ben Kingsley doesn't seem entirely comfortable in his role as the head bad guy. It balances the comedy and thrills really well, doesn't get too silly, and although it overdoes the twists a bit too much towards the end, it really is one of the better conspiracy / espionage type thrillers that you will find.


    In terms of Gladstone's Great C-List Character Actor Watch, the award goes to the excellent Stephen Tobolowsky.





    I watched The Sleepers (think it was also called Little Nikita) over Christmas which has Sidney Poitier and River Phoenix in it a few years before they made Sneakers. Film is a pretty generic 80s cold war thriller but Phoenix was already showing that he was going to be special. Great call on Stephen Tobolwsky, He'll always be Ned from Groundhog Day despite being a fantastic sleaze bag in quite a few films

  3. I watched Labyrinth last night, for the first time in about 15 years. It holds up, and now we must purchase a picture of goblin king Bowie for our wall.

    You want one of these badboysdidymus.jpgLabyrinth is one of my all time fav films, beautiful look, great script and screenplay, fantastic Jim Henson creatures and just mental enough. The making of admits that they originally wanted Michael Jackson in the Bowie role which really would have made it a fucked up film to watch now.I re-watched A Simple Plan the other day. Probably the straightest film Sam Raimi has ever made and its a cracker, nothing gimicky and Raimi does a great job. For anyone thats not seen it Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thornton play brother who find a crashed plane in the snow with $4 million dollars in it and decide to keep it, then things go to shit. Thornton was coming off all the praise for Slingblade and he puts in another great performance here but Paxton really shows just how great an actor he is, being in nearly every shot of the film. This along with Frailty really show that Bill Paxton is fucking awesome
  4. Real Steel - Hugh Jackman bonds with his son whilst fighting with big robots. Enjoyed this far more than I had any right to, in a summer full of sub-par blockbusters this stands out as one of the better offerings. It's completely predictable but it hits all the right notes, Jackman's great in it & the mixture of practical effects & CGI is flawless. If you've seen the 80's Stallone film 'Over The Top' then you've seen this (like Fast & the Furious was essentially Point Break) but if I'd have seen Real Steel when I was 12 it would've blown my mind.


    I watched it the other day, some of the clunkiest dialogue I've heard in ages and its unashamedly cheesy but great fun. Its basically the episode of The Simpsons where Homer becomes a boxer mixed with the Futurama where Bender becomes a wrestler

  5. At least a tie with Hidden Fortress (which, fun film fact, is ripped off almost in its entirety by George Lucas for Star Wars, even down to the sweep fades).


    I thought the Star Wars story was more a rip of the Lensman novels, (Aldebaran/ Alderon, super space fortresses that destroy planets etc etc etc) in terms of plot to be fair. but yes Jidai Geki films (afaik where 'Jedi' came from) and Hidden Fortress are certainly pilfered from extensively


    Lucas has admitted a few times that kurosawa and especially The Hidden Fortress were massive influences (pilfered) for Star Wars. So much so that the original LucasFilm offices were decorated with blown up stills from kurosawas films. Although to be fair both just stick to Propp's theory of Fairytale narrative so its not an original story by any means.


    Oh and Rashamon is a masterpiece of cinema


  6. Richard Herring just tweeted


    Series 2 released next year. TMWRNJ will hopefully follow. Only worry is it's done well enough for BBC to try it themselves #theydfuckitup
  7. Best of the Best 1 and 2


    Me and a friend of mine still say "You will eat, sleep, and shit competition!" to each other all the time. One of those films that everyone had on VHS along with Ice Pirates and No Retreat, No Surrender.

    I can testify to that, my Best of the Best VHS is still sitting nicely with my No Retreat, No Surrender, Double Impact and Bloodsport :thumbsup:


    No Retreat, No Surrender is also on the Hard Drive, none of its shitty sequels though. My VHS is sat next to bloodsport as well. Must be male instinct :thumbsup:

  8. Bradley Cooper rumored as the new Lex Luthor


    click for article


    Only a rumour but I'd like to see this happen, I don't really like Cooper but he's pretty charismatic and was voted sexiest man in the world which I think would make for an interesting new Luthor. I feel he's meant to be more like that than the funny grumpy old wanker he's been on screen before.


    I really hope he's bald though, it's only a small thing but with Superman's new suit & Clark Kent not wearing glasses (how the fuck will that work) Luthor with hair would be a step too different I think.


    Dont like that idea at all. He needs to be older and physically smaller than Superman. Totally agree with him needing to be bald though (although Gene Hackman is a great curly haired Lex)


    Whats all this about Clark not having glasses?


    I'm sick of old Lexes, he's supposed to be charismatic and virile, he just happens to be a bald powerful genius, I don't think he has to be old, Cooper is 10 years older than the guy playing Supes anyway.


    Yep, believe it or not Clark Kent won't be wearing glasses in the new film, interetsed to see what they do with that but on paper it seems silly.


    'You look different Clark, are you wearing coloured contact lenses' The perfect disguise!


    I wouldnt mind seeing Lex with the big ginger beard he had for a bit in the late 80s





  9. Bradley Cooper rumored as the new Lex Luthor


    click for article


    Only a rumour but I'd like to see this happen, I don't really like Cooper but he's pretty charismatic and was voted sexiest man in the world which I think would make for an interesting new Luthor. I feel he's meant to be more like that than the funny grumpy old wanker he's been on screen before.


    I really hope he's bald though, it's only a small thing but with Superman's new suit & Clark Kent not wearing glasses (how the fuck will that work) Luthor with hair would be a step too different I think.


    Dont like that idea at all. He needs to be older and physically smaller than Superman. Totally agree with him needing to be bald though (although Gene Hackman is a great curly haired Lex)


    Whats all this about Clark not having glasses?

  10. My Brother being the awesome person that he is got me a new media player for Christmas and managed to track down about 500 films to put on a hard drive for me so i'm working my way through them at the minute. The thought thats gone into some of his selections is amazing, Some James Stewart classics, Best of the Best 1 and 2, some great films ive been moaning about not having seen in a while (Angel Heart, Very Bad Things, Best Laid Plans, Escape from Alcatraz, Princess of Darkness, Monkey Shines, Martin. Hes even got me VHS rips of the original unaltered Star Wars trilogy on there. Ive been in film nerd heaven over christmas

  11. Here's a very short fun little action video my friends and I put together.



    Top stuff :thumbsup: Needs some colour correction on some of the elements (the glass in the car window and a few of the other Action Essentials bits) but some really good work

  12. Woodyatt's hatred against GOD'S COUNTRY rolls on. North Wales is like as if Jesus was alive and had spunk made of rainbows and super and shot it against the most westerly ends of Britain's mid section.


    I was actually referring to the 'crazy'. Also, it sounds like you're describing Rhyl, or Llllllllllandudno. Rhyl is epic.


    I'll let Butch take this one

  13. That's great, isn't it? I wonder how many more unwitting car-booters there are with missing episodes gathering dust in their cupboards. In retrospect, it's mind-blowing that BBC were so blas

  14. What's with the use of the word "breakdown", people used to say it about me. People who have breakdowns don't have one by posting on a wrestling forum. I don't know what Keeno as done, but it's the same old thing with this place....people just jump on the bandwagon all the time, and the next minute the person is voted Dolt of the year.

    Didn't you have a quite spectacular meltdown about your post count?
  15. We had some great old cinemas in North Wales. I still remember handing my ticket money over to Peter Moore. Officially the creepiest cinema owner of all time. The fact he went on to be a serial killer who blamed Jason from Friday The 13th for his bumming/murder spree was a shock to no one that went to that cinema

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