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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. Watched 3 films this weekend:


    The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans

    One of those mental Nic Cage roles that works, totally seperate from the Abel Ferrara film of the same name (no idea why they used the title at all to be honest) Hes a drugged up corrupt cop with everything going to shit. Well worth seeing and Werner Herzog flicks from restrained Direction to Lizard point of view shots for reasons known only to him.


    Conan The Barbarian

    Exactly what you'd expect it to be, Bit disappointed to be honest. Tries to stick more to the original stories than the original film but suffers for it. If you like seeing people getting stabbed with swords then this is the film for you.



    Still an absolutley cracking film. The miniture effects in it still stand up today and show just how lazy CGI has made some films. Saying that I still hate Martin Short

  2. Just watched The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane which sounds wrong but it's a horribly underrated film, i had never even heard of it till yesterday when talking about Taxi Driver. Martin Sheen is one hell of a creepy bastard in it too.


    Gladders needs to do a 'My Best Film: Martin Sheen thread' hes been in some cracking films

  3. That better not be slagging off of Jason Takes Manhattan I see in there, chokeout :angry:


    I could never hate a film where someone gets their head punched clean off


    When I first saw this, many years ago it was cut to buggery. Thankfully now we can see the effects as was originally intended.


    It annoys me that they still release the edited versions of the films in this country, must be at least 3 different versions of them available at the min (New Line releases, Boxset relase, R1 Boxset release and the new boxset that is coming out, all with various edits)


    Does this new boxset include Part 9 and Jason X? I had to buy 9 on Region 1 import as it's just not available here and Jason X is so shockinglly shit, it's great.


    I love Jason X! It is beyond terrible though to be fair, i just love the bit with the lady cyborg "Kills" jason, before he gets re-built into Cyber-Jason.


    Speaking of that movie, it was on Film 4 recently, and didnt have loads of generic late 90's early 2000's heavy metal music in it, and had a very bad B-movie style sound track all the way through. Didnt it used to have various crazey metal songs in there? Such as "Let the bodies hit the floor" etc?


    Yeah and its a really shitty transfer that makes it look like a made for TV movie. I remember seeing it in the cinema and loving how shit it was

  4. Not sure if it's had a mention but watched 'The Crazies' by George Romero the other week and despite being put off by the title, it was well worth a watch. Bit of a cross between Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days later, quite a lot of suspense.


    Wasn't always called the Crazies, IIRC - think it's been Codename: Trixie in the past, too.


    I never knew that, was it ever publically called that on advertising? (Its a stupid name)


    I'm actually a big fan of Romero, this suffered from being too close to his 'Dead' films I think but Knightriders and The Darkhalf are good films, Monkey Shines has some great moments and Martin is fantatsic. I do wish he would stop making 'Dead' films though

  5. I second Session 9. Great little film.


    Brad Anderson is already some director. The Machinist and Transsiberian are brilliant films plus he's directed episodes of The Wire, Treme, Boardwalk Empire and Fringe.


    He's really great, which makes his last one, Vanishing on 7th Street, all the more puzzling. It's awful.


    And Session 9 is one of my favourites. I watched it yesterday, like I do every Halloween.


    I didnt know he directed that, That film is shockingly shit

  6. That better not be slagging off of Jason Takes Manhattan I see in there, chokeout :angry:


    I could never hate a film where someone gets their head punched clean off


    When I first saw this, many years ago it was cut to buggery. Thankfully now we can see the effects as was originally intended.


    It annoys me that they still release the edited versions of the films in this country, must be at least 3 different versions of them available at the min (New Line releases, Boxset relase, R1 Boxset release and the new boxset that is coming out, all with various edits)

  7. I have a soft spot for the Friday 13th films. The first one ripped so much off from Halloween but has some cracking steady cam stuff in it. Saying that they just ran out of ideas, jumped the shark more times than any other franchise (Copycat killer, Jason is a devil Parasite, having Mahatten in the title of a film and setting the majority of it on a boat in Canada, letting Crispin Glover dance)


    Im pretty sure its common knowledge that the last shot from Friday 13th (Jason out the water) was actually filmed by Wes Craven (and the chase scene in Nightmare on Elm Street was filmed by Sean S Cunnigham) and stuck on the end of the film.


    Good call on Dawn Of The Dead, massive fan of the original and the remake is a cracker

  8. Just been to see Tintin, thought it was fantastic, the set pieces are amazing and the race down the mountain is one of the most insane shots I've seen in ages, the planning that goes into something like that must be immense and is something that could only be done in a film made this way. Thought the 3d was perfect, instead of being pointless and over used they just added some depth to the scenes and little touches like lens flare. Had a trailer for Hugo at the start which looks like it could be very special.


    I don't know where to start on the Nightmare on Elm Street stuff but after 3 they just started ramping up the Freddy as a campy anti-hero they went to shit. I think i wrote about them on here when i went through them all in a week. Watching them back to back shows just how shitty they got.

  9. Whatever happened to the motion capture remake of Yellow Submarine they were going on about about 18months ago. Didn't they even press release Peter Serefinowitz as Paul. I know that Robert Zemeckis' studio has pretty much gone under now. Is it totally dead?

  10. I really want to get excited for The Avengers but the casting for Captain America has really soured me on it. They could easily have got someone else to play Captain America, instead of the guy who was The Human Torch.

    Have you watched Captain America yet? He's great in the role. What difference does it make if he was previously The Human Torch?


    What is it with trailer producers using old industrial tracks? Off the top of my head we've had NIN "In This Together" for this trailer, A Perfect Circle's "The Outsider" for the last Resident Evil film and, whilst not strictly an industrial band, it was a pretty industrial track, Smashing Pumpkins "The End Is the Beginning Is the End" for Watchmen. I'm sure there's been others too but in each case it seems odd using such old tracks.


    Trailers always seem to go through cycles of using similar music. There was a period about 5 years ago when every trailer used classical score and every other one seemed to use the Gladiator score.


    Also Chris Evans is good in Captain America and well worth seeing. The characters couldn't exist in the same film so I don't see a problem with him playing both

  11. I've not seen the Capt America film yet, so trying to avoid the spoiler everyone kept going on about thats at the end of the film.


    Will this trailer spoil that ending, or am I OK to watch it?


    Oh no spoilers please natch, thanks!


    Theres no spoilers for the Cap America Film in the trailer (As long as you are aware of the basic story of how he ends up in the Avengers in the comics)

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