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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. IMG00837-20110207-2348.jpg




    Two unfinished paintings that will eventually be a set of 6 going in my Godsons nursery






    Two pieces i've done to keep myself (shamelessly stolen from an idea by an artist called Ollie Moss) all cut out with a scapel on black card. Im going to do an Andre vs Hogan one as well if i can find decent side profile pics of them both)




    Neither are great but its just a challenge to see how quick I can knock something together


    And I've posted these before but i'll pop them on again




    Pencil / pen drawing of Spiderman




    Same drawing coloured with a tablet and with a background added




    Another random acrylic on canvas




    And another

  2. I also watched Sucker Punch, which was just mind-numbingly bad. So blunt, shallow and messy that it was hard to care about or find any of it entertaining.


    Sucker Punch fails at almost everything apart from looking quite nice. It has a weird fantasy element which means there is never any tension or drama in any of the action pieces, There is zero character for anyone in it and Zack Snyder has overdone the time remapping fast/slow motion and its just boring now. I really wanted to like it when I went to the cinema but its just a very very bad film

  3. Dunno if its been mentioned anywhere else by Gene Colan died yesterday. Guy is a legend in comic art. was one of the first guys that Marvel let work in their own style while everyone was being told to draw in a Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko style and had some amazing runs with Daredevil, Captain America, Batman and Dracula. Amazing artist, will be sorely missed

  4. The whole episode is up on Youtube. Depending on what you believe its still the subject of an unofficial ban by the BBC (To my knowledge its not been repeated, although I could be wrong) after Max kicked up a stink about coming across as a bit of a twat
  5. I've always loved Richard Lester's Musketeer films, especially when they would touch on darker themes like Oliver Reed's Athos. I'd love a proper, more serious and darker reboot series of films.


    But I suddenly hear through the grapevine that not only has a remake been planned, but its nearly finished and


    What has Milady de Winter been missing all these years? WIREWORK, SILLY!


    Well there's that franchise buried for another decade or two. :(


    Its also directed by Paul 'Not made a good film since Event Horizon' W S Anderson who has got to the point where he can destroy a franchise with his eyes closed

  6. On the subject of vague film-related questions. A line of dialogue popped into my head the other day and I can't place it, despite even being able to here the intonation and delivery. Basically, someone has been revealed as a villain, has the hero at his mercy and responds to some sniping about his plan being lazy/not being hard work with;


    "I'm working my ass off here man."


    It's driving me nuts. I'm sure the film is in my DVD collection and I've seen it more than once, but yeah if this rings any bells, feel free to put me out of my misery.


    Die Hard 4.0?

  7. Final Harry Potter trailer

    I may be in the minority on here but I cannot wait for this to come out. It looks incredible.

    If it was released this morning, that might mean they're putting it on in cinemas in front of Green Lantern... it's almost enough to make me want to see Green Lantern, just in case they have this on first...


    That looks incredible, can't wait to see the final parts of the last book put on screen.


    In other news, here's the trailer for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo starring Daniel Craig. Loved the books, and from the trailer this adaption seems quite loyal to the original story.

    It's quite loyal to the other The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movie too.


    Whoever it is, they've ruined the Immigrant Song, horrible cover version.



    It's Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.


    My god thats terrible

  8. Its not a reboot its a prequel although by saying that they have left themselves open for a LOT of continuty errors.

    The original plan to have Xmen Origins:Magneto would have been an awesome film if they had just stuck with 2 hours of Fassbender being Jewish Bond.


    After talking about the film with my friend one point that really bugs me is that Charles and Magneto talk in the later films like they are life long friends who worked together for years. Within the context of this film they knew each other for a few weeks then split. They really shouldnt have ended it like they did. They could easily of had Magneto and Charles still working together and Magneto trying to push his views on the mutants in the school leading to a better xmen / brotherhood of mutants split. Lets face it as cool as Azazel was in the film Magneto has the shittest group of mutants of any Xmen film

  9. The original plan was to do Xmen Origins: Magneto I cant help think that having 2 hours of just Fassbender being Mutant Bond would have been awesome and have him meet Xavier at the end would have been a great film. It always seems to be the case with origin stories that there is too much to include and get bogged down with. Also Angel is a shit character

  10. Just seen Xmen: First Class. Really is a film of 2 halfs. First half, as mentioned, is like a Bond film and is fantastic. As soon as it starts falling into your typical 'get to the action' second half it loses its way a little. I think they made the best of the characters they could introduce while keeping within the timeline of the other films. Nicholas Hoult wasn't big enough to play Beast though. 60s feel of the film was very well done


    Yeah i said to my mate that it was X-Men 2 ggod in the first half and X-Men 3 average-poor in the second half. Beast looked shit compared to X3 as well. Also the

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    ''I can't feel my legs''


    [close spoiler]

    ");document.close(); line shouldn't have been that funny.


    At the end of the film the woman sitting behind me actually said 'Oh hes the one in the wheelchair' as if she'd just figured out the greatest twist ending of all time. I just pray she is too dim to reproduce

  11. Just seen Xmen: First Class. Really is a film of 2 halfs. First half, as mentioned, is like a Bond film and is fantastic. As soon as it starts falling into your typical 'get to the action' second half it loses its way a little. I think they made the best of the characters they could introduce while keeping within the timeline of the other films. Nicholas Hoult wasn't big enough to play Beast though. 60s feel of the film was very well done

  12. http://www.youtube.com/user/RAZORD#p/u/0/Zm2ZXLDqhrQ


    Jesus that EWE is SHIT. CHeck out their Titantrons. Terrible terrible terrible.


    There is so much shitty win in that video i don't know where to start. Robert Duval the general manager has possibly the greatest photo of all time, Sensational Kelly looks suspiciously like the murderous midget from the end of Don't look now. So many shitty fonts in one video, must be a new record surely.

  13. There's been at least 3 live action Asterix films, all shit


    I can't think of anyone better than Speilberg to make the film motion capture or not. The guy invented the summer blockbuster and knows how to make a family film.


    Edited for shitty spelling

  14. Have just watched Spanking The Monkey. Has anyone else ever seen this. real little indie gem. Very, very dark comedy.


    If its the one im thinking of I saw it years ago on BBC2 (I think When 3 Kings came out and they were touting Russell as the next big Indie director) remember it being quite a quirky little film

  15. Watched Jumanji for the first time in ages last night. Why does the house fill up with water from the monsoon when 20 minutes earlier, a giant stampede smashed a massive hole in the wall of the house?


    Hi, question for Ms. Bellamy. In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.




    Magic. The answer to everything in Jumanji is magic

  16. Just got done with the first season of Prison Break. Countless people have told me to check it out over the years, and I have to say it's a great little show. Favourite characters are probably Michael and T-Bag. Also gotta put a shout out for Bellick, who was just a fantastic bad guy. Spent nearly the whole show wishing someone would kick the shit out of him.


    Do yourself a favour and watch the 2nd series then stop. 3 and 4 do nothing but ruin what came before it.


    Actually I thought 3 was alright, 4 was awful though.


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    The problem with 3 is that it just ruins some characters and ignores massive parts and plot pieces (Season 4 is much worse for this) T-Bag, Bellick and Mahone all have their screen time reduced and characters changed. It was one of the shows most hurt by the writers strike, the last min removal of a major character obviously affected the show and the whole cliff hanger of season 2 (You thought the last prison was bad, this one is in another league) was never played out. Also the Andrew Tyge episode stands out as one of the most annoying episodes of any series ever, showing the only glimmer of good plotting in the series then destroying it all within a single episode. Sadly I was at the point where i kept watching hoping it would get better and it just got worse with every episode. Season 3 was a disappointment, Season 4 was a clusterfuck


    [close spoiler]

  17. Just got done with the first season of Prison Break. Countless people have told me to check it out over the years, and I have to say it's a great little show. Favourite characters are probably Michael and T-Bag. Also gotta put a shout out for Bellick, who was just a fantastic bad guy. Spent nearly the whole show wishing someone would kick the shit out of him.


    Do yourself a favour and watch the 2nd series then stop. 3 and 4 do nothing but ruin what came before it.

  18. I watched Vanishing on 7th street. It was weird. A good idea, but very badly executed.


    By the end I wanted everyone to die.


    I watched that a few weeks ago, would have worked a lot better as a 1 hour Twilight Zone/Outer Limit type episode. Plus the Day to Night conversion was shocking on it and really distracting

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