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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. I had Patterson-Gimlin, the surgeon's picture, Japanese plesiosaur carcass, and massive tadpole in shallow water. The first one I got was of a guy sitting on a bench against a wall, with what appeared to be hands coming through the wall and holding onto his waist. According to the back of the card, the negative was examined by Kodak and was therefore ABSOLUTELY GENUINE!Despite this, I don't remember ever seeing it anywhere else.

    Le%20Serrec%20monster%20tadpole.jpgThat one always used to be my fav. Also this one used to freak me out even though its just a monkey on a stick mono.jpg
  2. I dug out Glengarry Glen Ross again last night after it being mentioned on here. Its an acting masterclass and the dialogue is just beautiful. How Lemmon wasn't even nominated for an Oscar i'll never know (Pacino got a nomination for the film but lost out to Gene Hackman in Unforgiven)

    His and Michael Shannon's Oscar ignored performance in Take Shelter pretty much sum up for me how meaningless the Oscars are. Lemmon could easily have won 10 Oscars in his career. Glengarry Glen Ross, The China Syndrome, Missing, The Odd Couple, The Fortune Cookie, The Apartment, Days Of Wine And Roses, Some Like It Hot, Dad (terrible film, mind, but still a great performance) and The Front Page. Could and perhaps should have won for the lot. A truly, truly great actor.
    He is one of those very rare actors that has amazing comedic timing and delivery and can put in truly dramatic performances. Him and Matthau were genuinely amazing
  3. Watched David Lynch's Eraserhead last night. ..what the fuck!? Just...what the fuck!? It's the weirdest and creepiest film I've ever seen. I wasn't really clued up on Lynch beforehand so didn't know what to expect, I'd just heard it was a cult classic. After watching it, I don't really have any opinion on it because I don't know what Lynch was trying to achieve with it. Oddly though, I now want to see more of his stuff, out of curiosity more than anything else. Can anyone here recommend any other Lynch-directed films?

    If you want mental Lynch then check out Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive. Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart are less mental but far better films (Blue Velvet probably being his best) If you wanna see what he can do when hes working on a more refined studio pic check out the Elephant Man which is beautifully shot and probably his most accessible film
  4. I watched The Dead Zone the other day. It was good. It's almost like a made for TV low budget crappy Twilight Zone-esque movie you've seen a million times but it has Christopher Walken as the star which instantly raises it's quality by about 75% and it also has Martin Sheen hamming it up like crazy which raises it the other 25%.

    The scissor suicide scene fucked me right up the first time i saw it and I have no idea why
  5. hoggle-1.jpg


    Hoggle off of Labyrinth done in pencil, scanned and cleaned slightly




    Blanka and Chung Li done in pen and ink




    Had a go at redrawing the first full page zombie panel from the Walking Dead. Got a bit carried away and ended up doing the whole thing in pencil on A2. Pic isnt great sadly

  6. Not being a comic book fan, but which of the two Spiderman movies (Tobey Maguire and this new one) is more accurate to the original story? This new one looks to be a completely different story.


    The Sam Raimi origin film is pretty much spot on and is based on the original Spiderman comics. The new film is hinting at his parents being involved with Oscorps which seems to be a variation on the SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    shitty storyline that his parents were CIA agents which has turned up a couple of times in the comics/ turned out to be robot clones

    [ (I'll pop it in a spoiler tag on the very slim chance thats the storyline they go with)

  7. Turkey Shoot has been praised on here for years, ive gotta get around to seeing it. I've got Razorback somewhere.


    any other decent movie related documentaries?


    Overnight is a fantastic documentary if you haven't already seen it. About the guy who directed Boondock Saints.

  8. I saw The Avengers last night, as the resident drooling superhero movie obsessive of the forum/my group of friends it was obviously something I've waited a long time for. I was riveted from before it even began but holy shit is the last hour or so good, everyone gets a chance to shine, nothing feels crammed in or unnecessary and the action is straight up the best I've ever seen. I fucking loved it. Well worth the wait. The Hulk looked amazing too.


    I'd say if you really want to "get" it on every level you should watch Thor, both Iron mans and Captain America first because they really did link them all really well in it but I'm sure if you're not bothered it's still fun going in blind


    Mark Ruffalo is a fantastic Banner, easily the best performance of the 3 newer Hulk films and the Hulk just looks amazing in it. Action in it is perfect, with so much going on no one gets lost in the mix and Black Widow / Hawkeye are nicely established despite being the least famous of the characters.

    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read


    Plus any film I can watch in the cinema in 2012 that has Powers Booth AND Harry Dean Stanton in it obviously has my vote


  9. On the other end of the review spectrum did anyone see Danny Bakers rant about Cabin in The woods on twitter?


    Hey kids. Just been to advance show of Cabin In The Woods. The noisiest, dullest, shallowest piece of shit you could wish to waste money on.


    Me after seeing Cabin In The Woods. This time last year I had head and neck cancer. It was better than this


    Cabin In The Woods. A "deconstruction" so clumsy it may as well have Krusty on screen going "Eh?? Eh?? See what we're doing here?????"


    To reiterate. Cabin In The Woods is not ironic, clever, witty, post modern or a comment on horror films. It is an awful noisy boring mess.


    Kinda makes me want to see it now

  10. Its worth seeing and making your mind up yourself but Sofia Coppola and her stupid face ruin every scene shes in and it is nowhere near the other 2 films.


    Poor John Cazale :( Saying that he has probably the most perfect CV of any actor ever. You need to watch the Conversation as well, its a masterpiece

  11. I just ordered Red Dawn which I haven't seen since fuck knows when and all I can really remember is the a high school kid taking a bullet between the eyes early into the film and some stupid shit about drinking animal blood.


    I'm either gonna laugh my arse off or facepalm by the end of it.



    WOLVERINES! I love Red Dawn. Insane how stacked the cast is. I'm still waiting for them to release the remake they made 2 years ago (which will no doubt be shit, Koreans instead of Russians :angry: )


    I read that the studio presented the film to the BBFC & asked them to advise what cuts needed making to ensure a 12a certificate. Not that this is directly related to 'shaky cam' but there will definitely be some faster edits & cut aways where the shot would've originally been longer.


    Most of the cuts were actually made before the film was finished. A lot of the BBFC edits seem to be the digital removal of blood and darkening of some of the scenes with gore so I dont think that will have affected the actual editing style of the film. Saying that they did trim some close ups of wounds

  12. Double Post!


    Has anyone seen any films by John Sayles? I've just been reading about Lone Star, which sounds all sorts of awesome, and it looks like he's made a series of outstanding Indie movies, none of which I've seen. Gladders?


    Sayles was a go to guy for creature movies in the 70s and 80s. His most famous screenplay is probably The Howling but he did some cracking Tongue in cheek films ( The under rated Aligator) I wonder if it's the same guy?

  13. . I really don't know what to make of this. I like Colin Farrell, I love the original, I don't like either of the female leads in this new one... I just don't know right now.


    Ugh, Kate Beckinsale. I wish she'd sod off.


    Might be alright, this, but that trailer hasn't exactly excited me.


    Shes got the Paul W.S Anderson / Milla Jovovich deal going on where she has to be in everything her husband does. Looks very Blade Runner to me (which might be more of a nod to the original story)

  14. From the most reputable source I could find for you, Duane:




    Look, there's his office telephone number. Why don't you ring it and confirm this for yourself. Go on - do some actual investigation rather than relying on 4th hand information. I dare you.


    Fucking hell I just had a quick look at the Icke forum. Some seriously unhinged people on there. Makes me glad we only have Duane (and he wanders off for a few months between posts)


    Even the trolls truthseekers on that forum are starting to turn against this case, surely that tells you something

  15. I was never a massive Toxic Avenger fan, but I did like Sgt Kabukiman NYPD and Surf Nazi's Must Die.


    Whilst the film was disappointing, A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell is a great name.


    That was from when Troma used to buy up cheap movies that had already had a release and re-title them with names that would appeal to the video rental market. Back in about 2000 Troma had their own show on Channel 4 on Friday nights and I think they went through almost their entire back catalogue. Some proper shite in there

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