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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. Big Nog is easily a better fighter in every aspect of his game than Frank Mir


    I'll go.


    If the ref had called the Carlos Newton / Matt Hughes fight right and given the win to Newton or called it a no contest Newton would have beaten Hughes in a rematch and had a good run as champion and would be much more highly regarded. Also Carlos Newton is fucking awesome.


    Bonner did win the TUF final


    Randy would only have beaten Fedor if they had fought in a cage.


    If Frank Shamrock had stayed in UFC Chuck Liddel would have been exposed as the one dimensional fighter he was a lot earlier

  2. I was going to watch Cabin In The Woods but it turned out to be a version that someone had recorded on a cam in a cinema. I struggled through the first 5 or 10 minutes and gave up, it was unwatchable. Mind you, it is a Joss Whedon film.


    I watched Cube instead. It's not all that great, is it?


    Cube is ok, for the budget it had it was very well done. I think stripped down and done as an episode of Outer Limits or Twilight zone it could have been great

  3. Butch and Gladstone. Did Timothy Dalton deserve a longer run in the Bond role?

    According to IMDB he was scheduled to star in Goldeneye but resigned as he wasn't interested anymore. He wasn't axed from the role as such.


    Interestingly, it also says on IMDB that Dalton was the first choice to be Bond in OHMSS, but he felt he was too young. He was also offered the role again before Roger Moore and during Moore's tenure but couldn't due to his existing stage and screen commitments. When he was finally able to take the role, Pierce Brosnan had been approached as the producers had pretty much given up on him.


    I'd take all that with a pinch of salt. A lot of random stuff is quoted as fact om IMDB. Dalton would have been in his 20s and still shagging his way around Colwyn Bay when OHMSS was made.

  4. Isn't the Green Lantern gay or something? I just put that out there as otherwise this news bores me.


    Yep the character they have at the min is now an intergalactic gay




    But they have made sure its not one of the Green Lanterns anyone gives a shit about (not the one thats portrayed in the film)

  5. Its already gone into production once. They got as far as sending some cast to Australia with no completed script and it was canned due to the writers strike. It was set to have a new, younger Batman and Superman and exist outside of the existing films and Christopher Nolan has said he wants to keep those characters in their own films.


    Wiki has some more details on cast that has been confirmed since it was cancelled:


    Concerning the eponymous Justice League, Adam Brody had been cast as Barry Allen / The Flash,[16] - with D.J. Cotrona as Superman,[12] rapper Common as John Stewart / Green Lantern,[17] Australian model Megan Gale as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman,[16] Armie Hammer was cast as Batman [12], Santiago Cabrera was cast as Aquaman, and Hugh Keays as The Martian Manhunter. The decision to cast lesser-known actors has received negative feedback from comic book fans on the internet


    George Miller was going to direct but hes long gone from the project


    Will be intresting to see if they try and link the new Superman to it because i can imagine it being totally opposite in tone to the Green Lantern film (hopefully)

  6. Just seen Prometheus. I'll spoiler the whole thing just in case.



    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    It looks stunning. I saw it in 3D and theres nothing gimmicky about it it just adds depth to a lot of shots. Storyline wise its all over the place, The script ranges from ok to terrible and the plot gets bogged down in theology in the middle third. Theres a good film in there somewhere but theres also a lot of shite. Theres an on screen graphic at the start (much like in Alien) saying the ship name and how many crew are on board. To give an idea of how bad the characters are I saw it about 40min ago and can remember less than half of them. Also the trailer shows a key point from the climax of the film which took all the suspense out of it for me. Its ok but about as dissapointing as you can get.


  7. Watched Avengers on Weds with the missus. Really enjoyed it, but almost despite the truly absurd plot.


    Now, I'm not a comic book geek, so I don't know about universes and alt realities and all that shit, but both Mrs Loki and I thought the whole "alienzzz" addition to the Marvel film universe sucked bigtime. I haven't seen Thor yet, but I didn't hugely mind his character, or Loki for that matter. I don't mind them being "practically" gods from another dimension, as that's very Eathbound still.


    But the alien invasion felt like someone had been watching Highlander 2 waaay to much. It was laughable in fact.


    So the only thing that really made the film was that (thank God) it didn't take itself too seriously. Tony Stark's quips and The Hulk's antics were definitely the best bits of the film, in fact The Hulk was the best character by far. The couple of scenes with Banner and Stark in particular were so well acted they only emphasised the clunkiness of some of the other bits.


    Overall 7/10. Like the main crew, like the concept, quite happy to see another but hold the aliens, please.


    Thor does a good job of bridging the gap between the 'real world' of Iron Man and the more out there / Aliens / Other Worlds reality.


    After re-reading Ultimates and some of the older Captain Americas I love how good some of the little throwaway lines for his character are. Im hoping they do include some of his deleted scenes in the alternative opening for the DVD because he does get lost in the shuffle slightly.

  8. The fact that The Third Man (1949) isn't on that great British films countdown (let alone the top ten) tells you everything you need to know about these ridiculous fucking lists that pop up everywhere. They mean absolutely nothing, and anyone who takes anything from them is equally as moronic as the half brained fuck-wits that spew this regurgitated, 15th hand opinion horseshit to the masses.


    Just had a quick scan through (so could have missed them) but no Brighton Rock, Oh What A Lovely War, Ice Cold In Alex or Lavender Hill Mob. Just another generic list with a few older films thrown in to make it look balanced

  9. Did you ever get round to seeing 'Kill List' Gladders?


    Not yet, but I just found it on Stagevu so I might watch it tonight.


    Slightly off topic but Stagevu and Veehd are fantastic sites. The amount of obscure stuff I've found on them both is great.


    You introduced me to the former, and I've found some awesome stuff on there, so thanks again. Will be bookmarking Veehd now as well!


    Ahhhh well if you use veehd create an account it gets rid of the stupid ad to install a codec.

  10. Do any of you rank the marvel films in any particular order for viewing?


    All the Marvel movies or just the Avengers universe ones?



    Avengers is right up there, but I think it adds something to it if you have seen the films leading into it, so its a diffcult one to answer. If you aren't too bothered then my top 5 recommendations of 'stand alone' films in no particular order would be:


    Dark Knight


    Iron Man 2

    X Men First Class

    X-Men 3 (last stand?)


    Dark Knight isnt Marvel. Iron man 2 and Xmen 3 suffer from the same 'lets have a load of set pieces and no story' problem. If you are just going to watch 1 xmen film surely it would be X2?

  11. Isn't Ed Norton supposed to be hell to work with?


    He has a habit of taking over projects. He re-edited American History X without the Directors consent but that was just as much down to Tony Kaye falling out with the studio.


    He also did re-writes on The Incredible Hulk. Its not known how much he actually rewrote although he didnt get a credit for it but some people have said that he changed about 70% of the original screenplay. There was a story doing the rounds that he was refused into the edit of the film during post production and he did refuse to do publicity for the film when it was released which I think backs up some bad blood although he still thought he was in line to play Hulk in the Avengers

  12. I watched the Ed Norton Hulk movie a few days ago.


    I generally hate CGI, but I gotta say this is the most I have ever enjoyed a total CGI-fest of a film, ever. Maybe it's because the whole thing kinda felt like a cartoon / video game, that I didn't care about the CGI. Whatever it was, it didn't seem to matter.

    I think that Ed Norton's Hulk is about my favourite but I may be a bit biased cos I really like Ed Norton - read an interview with him a few years ago and he came across as a good guy, bit of a philanthropist, intelligent and quite humble.

    I also love in that version that they play a tiny excerpt of music from the original tv series with Bill Bixby, a nice touch I thought :D


    I really liked the Ed Norton one. After the Ang Lee film (which is far better than i remembered it being) they obviously realised that people just want to see Hulk smash shit up and him using cars as boxing gloves, sonic slapping and throwing tanks is what people pay to see when they go to watch a Hulk movie. Plus the entire intro sequence is a nod to the Bill Bixby series (and the musical cue mentioned above)

  13. Did anyone here ever go the Knight's Cavern in Rhyl? I went as a kid and loved it, it's been closed for a few years so won't get to again, sadly, and my memories of it are somewhat hazy. But it was an attraction where you'd walk around several scenes of animatronics/dummies based on old myths and legends. I remember a changeling one (Astro's post above is what reminded me to ask) and a St George vs Dragon one where the twist was St George was some sort of demon with glowing red eyes. I'd love it if someone had more recent/cogent memories of it. It was absolutely cracking for a child with an interest in old monsters and legends.


    It was Sir John and the Denbigh Dragon I think. Growing up down the road from it I never really went apart from when it reopened

  14. Re-watched Silent Running yesterday. First time Ive watched it on Blu ray and have to say its the first time I've been blown away by a Blu Ray, the film looks like it was made yesterday. Still a beautiful film and Bruce Dern plays it perfectly managing to stay likeable despite the things he does in the first third. The only thing really dated about the film is the Joan Baez soundtrack but it fits in with the hippie vibe of the film.

  15. Live and Let Die IS James Bond. it has everythingThe best thing about Moore was the obvious fact that he couldn't give less of a shit during and of the stunt scenes, no one has ever looked more casual and less bothered while bombing it down a mountain on skisJaws should never have got that girlfriend in Moonraker, that was shit (and she was tiny and he would have destroyed her)

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